Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Medicina Generale

80,00 €
Curriculum di base. Gestione delle stomie
Carmel, Colwell, Goldberg
35,00 €
Ecografia - Point of Care
Soni, Arntfield, Kory
70,00 €
Kumar & Clark’s Medicina Interna
Adam Feather, David Randall, Mona Waterhouse
98,00 €
Practical Notes IV edizione
McCaffrey, Reinoso
25,00 €
24,50 €
Hodson and Geddes' Cystic Fibrosis 5th edition
Bush, Amaral, Davies, Simmonds, Taylor-Cousar, Ranganathan
204,00 €
Pocket Manual Terapia 2024
Bartoccioni, Margiacchi
60,00 €
Conn's Current Therapy 2024
Kellerman, Rakel, Heidelbaugh
95,00 €
Beyond Evidence-Based Medicine
Junckerstorff, Brady, Aung
150,00 €
Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine 3rd edition
Winn, Fenstemacher, Stefanacci, DeLong
100,00 €
High Altitude Medicine
Hidalgo, Da Re, Gandra D'Almeida
140,00 €
Benign Prostate Syndrome
Netsch, Gross
100,00 €
122,00 €
Microbioma Umano
Fasano, Flaherty
29,90 €
CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2024 - 63rd Edition
Papadakis, McPhee, Rabow, McQuaid, Gandhi
90,00 €
Dermatologia e Malattie Sessualmente Trasmesse
Saurat , Lipsker , Thomas , Borradori , Lachapelle
69,00 €
Sleep Medicine
Sharafkhaneh, Gozal
150,00 €
Optimizing Pharmacotherapy in Older Patients
Cherubini, Mangoni, O’Mahony, Petrovic
150,00 €
CDC Yellow Book 2024
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Nemhauser
50,00 €
31,00 €
Chronic Illness Care
Daaleman, Helton
200,00 € 160,00 €