Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €


Laser Therapy in Healthcare
Malviya , Meenakshi , Goyal
187,00 €
Infections in Surgery
Bartoli, Cortese, Sartelli, Sganga
50,00 €
Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology 7th Edition
Goering, Dockrell, Zuckerman, Chiodini
74,00 €
131,00 €
De Carneri Parassitologia generale e umana
Bruschi, Pozio, De Carneri
80,30 €
Ryan & Sherris Medical Microbiology, Eighth Edition
Ryan, Ahmad, Alspaugh, Drew, Lagunoff, Pottinger, Reller, Reller, Sterling, Weissman
85,00 €
150,00 €
Coronavirus Disease
Qureshi et al
132,00 €
52,60 €
64,00 €
78,00 €
9,00 €
Microbiologia medica Nona edizione
Murray P.R. , Pfaller M.A. , Rosenthal K.S.
89,00 €
Medical Microbiology, 9th Edition
Murray, Rosenthal, Pfaller
76,00 €
Color Atlas of Medical Bacteriology, 3rd Edition
de la Maza, Pezzlo, Bittencourt
171,00 €
260,00 €
161,00 €
39,00 €
Oxford Textbook of Medical Mycology
Kibbler, Barton, Gow, Howell, MacCallum, Manuel
144,00 €
45,00 €