Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Chirurgia cardiaca

42,00 €
Manuale delle cardiopatie congenite
Agati, Angeli, Filippelli, Galletti, Giamberti, Luciani
30,00 €
Pocketbook of congenital heart disease
Vida, Cattapan, Guariento, Jacobs, Bleiweis
15,00 €
100,00 € 70,00 €
353,00 €
Modern Surgical Management of Chronic Lymphedema
Harder, Hirche, Seidenstücker, Hamdi
200,00 €
85,00 €
350,00 €
200,00 €
155,00 €
Heart Transplantation
Hashim, Ahmed, Faggian, Manyalich, Onorati
140,00 €
140,00 €
140,00 €
140,00 €
Pathology of Cardiac Valve Disease
Thiene, Basso, Rizzo, Della Barbera, Valente, Bortolotti
230,00 € 180,00 €
Cardiopulmonary Bypass, 3rd Edition
Falter, Perrino, Jr, Baker,
60,00 €
160,00 € 130,00 €
170,00 €
215,00 €
230,00 € 180,00 €
120,00 € 100,00 €
232,00 €
80,00 € 65,00 €
283,00 €
Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery
Mukherjee, Lange, Bailey, Baliga, Blaha, Bozkurt, Cigarroa, Garcia, Jessen, Shivkumar, Stout
183,00 € 150,00 €
Cardiac Catheterization for Congenital Heart Disease
Butera, Chessa, Eicken, Thomson,
170,00 €
147,00 €
Handbook of Cardiac Electrophysiology
Natale, Wazni, Shivkumar, Marchlinski
114,00 €
Surgical Management of Aortic Pathology
Stanger, Pepper, Svensson
200,00 €