Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Anatomia Patologica

43,00 €
Pathology of Melanocytic Tumors
Busam, Gerami, Scolyer
220,00 €
Gaspar, Vasishta, Radotra
110,00 €
170,00 €
200,00 €
Placental and Gestational Pathology
Redline, Boyd, Roberts
195,00 €
Tura, Zinzani, Cavo
60,00 €
220,00 €
WHO Classification of Skin Tumours. Fourth Edition
Elder, Massi, Scolyer, Willemze
140,00 €
Practical Atlas of Breast Pathology
Stolnicu, Alvarado-Cabrero
300,00 €
140,00 €
Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition
Elston, Ferringer, Ko, Peckham, High & DiCaudo
148,00 €
108,00 €
The Mediastinal Mass
Franco, Zito Marino, Giordano
120,00 €
130,00 €
90,00 €
Diagnostic Cutaneous Pathology
Kerl, Cerroni, Kokol, Requena
630,00 €
Diagnostic Pathology: Cytopathology, 2nd Edition
Mody, Thrall & Krishnamurthy
277,00 €
120,00 €
Colitis - Second Edition
Jouret-Mourin, Faa, Geboes
100,00 €
Anatomia Patologica - La Sistematica
d’Amati, Della Rocca, Gallo
109,00 €
Atlas of Mohs and Frozen Section Cutaneous Pathology
Morgan, Spencer, Hamill, Jr., Thornhill
170,00 €
Serous Effusions
Davidson, Fİrat, Michael
150,00 €
130,00 €
Silva's Diagnostic Renal Pathology, 2nd Edition
Zhou, Laszik, Nadasdy, D'Agati
185,00 €
51,00 €
Histiocytic Disorders
Abla, Janka
130,00 €
280,00 €
210,00 €
Urinary System
Lin, Chen, Nayar
83,00 €
Practical Pathology of Serous Membranes
Marchevsky, Husain, Galateau-Sallé
145,00 €
178,00 €
Clinical Cytopathology, Third Edition
Ramzy, Mody, Laucirica
255,00 €
Pulmonary Pathology
Cagle, Kerr
280,00 €
Precision Molecular Pathology of Prostate Cancer
Robinson,Mosquera, Ro, Divatia
170,00 €
277,00 €
Atlas of Diagnostically Challenging Melanocytic Neoplasms
Longo, Argenziano, Lallas, Moscarella, Piana
170,00 €
Diagnostic Pathology: Blood and Bone Marrow, 2nd Edition
Foucar, Chabot-Richards, Czuchlewski
258,00 €
130,00 €
Cutaneous Adnexal Neoplasms
Requena, Sangueza
219,00 €