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Mohs and Frozen Section Overview
Pages 3-8
Of all the techniques used to treat non melanoma skin cancer, the highest cure rates belong to the Mohs surgical procedure. Critical to this technique is optimal preparation and interpretation of frozen sections. The second edition of this highly successful atlas details both common and uncommon cutaneous neoplasms that can serve as a source of reference for established practitioners and a review for those in training. It includes new frozen section specimens, the most current diagnostic guidelines, and discussion of the advancements in tissue staining. There is also an additional chapter with self-study tools, where readers can test their knowledge using various images with a multiple choice answer format, followed by a discussion of the correct answer.
With high resolution figures, the Atlas of Mohs and Frozen Section Cutaneous Pathology, Second Edition is the premier text on the topic, serving as a highly practical guide to microscopic analysis, diagnosis, and discrimination of common and problematic cutaneous neoplasms. Highlights of the Atlas include diagnosis of basic and routine dermatologic entities, diagnosis and distinction of rare and/or deadly neoplasms such as dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and merkel cell carcinoma, a troubleshooting guide dealing with quality control of the frozen section technique, and discussion of techniques including immunohistochemistry.
Comprehensive and presented in full color, the Atlas of Mohs and Frozen Section Cutaneous Pathology, Second Edition is an indispensable reference for anyone involved with the Mohs procedure, including dermatologic surgeons, Mohs cutaneous surgeons, as well as pathologists and dermatopathologists who perform frozen section analysis of cutaneous specimens.
Mohs and Frozen Section Overview
Pages 3-8
Quality Assurance
Pages 9-14
Histology with Regional and Ethnic Variation
Pages 17-41
Benign Epidermal Tumors
Pages 43-49
Pages 51-57
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Variants and Challenges
Pages 59-77
Basal Cell Carcinoma: Variants and Challenges
Pages 79-104
Adnexal Neoplasms
Pages 105-116
Malignant Adnexal Neoplasms
Pages 117-126
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Pages 127-131
Sebaceous Tumors
Pages 133-140
Paget’s Disease
Pages 141-143
Melanocyte Pathology
Pages 145-150
Benign Mesenchymal Tumors
Pages 153-161
The Sarcomas
Pages 163-169
Lymphoid Pathology
Pages 171-181
Perineural Pathology
Pages 185-191
Cytopathology of Cutaneous Tumors
Pages 193-202
Immunohistochemistry Applications
Pages 203-211
Histotechnique and Staining Troubleshooting
Pages 213-230
A Painful Perineural Infiltrate
Pages 233-234
A Painful Subcutaneous Nodule
Pages 235-236
Basaloid Lesion
Pages 237-238
Rapidly Growing Hemorrhagic Papule
Pages 239-240
Aggressive Spindle Cell Neoplasm
Pages 241-242
Eyelid Tumor
Pages 243-245
Non-melanoma Skin Cancer with Anemia
Pages 247-248
Follicular Neoplasm
Pages 249-250
Hemorrhagic Papule in a Patient with Lip Carcinoma
Pages 251-252
Blue Ball in the Dermis
Pages 253-254
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