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Histiocytic Disorders
Abla, Janka
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This volume provides a comprehensive and world-class review of the field of histiocytic neoplasms and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). It reviews all the advances in the field of histiocytoses during the last ten years, particularly with regards to the genomic findings in LCH and other histiocytic neoplasms and the new suggested classification of the histiocytic disorders. Additionally, it features a state-of-the art update on the most recent treatment strategies for LCH, including the results of the last LCH-III international trial, salvage therapies such as reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) stem cell transplant (SCT), and targeted therapies with BRAF and MEK inhibitors, as well as the challenging cases of CNS-neurodegenerative LCH and its therapeutic perspectives. For primary and secondary HLH the book updates the most recent genetic and pathophysiological findings, including macrophage-activation syndrome (MAS), and includes a special chapter on HLH in adults. Treatment chapters encompass therapy for newly diagnosed HLH and refractory disease as well as stem-cell transplantation and novel therapies. The text also highlights the most recent advances in the treatment of the uncommon histiocytic disorders, such as Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD), Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) and JXG-like conditions, Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD), and the very rare malignant histiocytoses.
Written by international experts in the field, Histiocytic Disorders is a valuable resource for clinicians, researchers, fellows and residents who are interested in or manage histiocytic disorders in children and adults.

  • Pathology of Histiocytic Disorders and Neoplasms and Related Disorders

    Picarsic, Jennifer, MD (et al.)

    Pages 3-50

  • Biology and Genomics of LCH and Related Disorders

    Rollins, Barrett J., MD, PhD

    Pages 53-71

  • Epidemiology and Clinical Manifestations of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in Children

    Adam, Etai, MD (et al.)

    Pages 73-85

  • Central Nervous System Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

    Minkov, Milen, MD, PhD (et al.)

    Pages 87-101

  • First-Line Treatment of Pediatric Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

    Rodriguez-Galindo, Carlos, MD (et al.)

    Pages 103-118

  • Treatment of Relapsed and Refractory Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in Children

    Abla, Oussama, MD (et al.)

    Pages 119-137

  • Adult Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

    Girschikofsky, Michael, MD (et al.)

    Pages 139-153

  • Late Effects of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis and the Association of LCH with Malignancy

    Nanduri, Vasanta, MD, MRCP, FRCPCH (et al.)

    Pages 155-170

  • Classification, Clinical Manifestations, and Diagnostics of HLH

    Schmid, J. Pachlopnik, MD, PhD (et al.)

    Pages 173-187

  • CNS Involvement in HLH (CNS-HLH)

    Horne, AnnaCarin, MD, PhD (et al.)

    Pages 189-196

  • Genetics and Pathogenesis of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis

    Saint Basile, Geneviève, MD, PhD (et al.)

    Pages 197-214

  • Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Associated with Malignancies and with Epstein-Barr Virus

    Lehmberg, Kai, MD (et al.)

    Pages 215-231

  • Macrophage Activation Syndrome in Rheumatic Diseases (MAS-HLH)

    Grom, Alexei A., MD (et al.)

    Pages 233-246

  • Treatment of Newly Diagnosed HLH and Refractory Disease

    Henter, Jan-Inge, MD, PhD (et al.)

    Pages 247-263

  • Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Novel Therapies in Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis

    Scott Baker, K., MD, MS (et al.)

    Pages 265-274

  • HLH in Adults

    Rosée, Paul, MD (et al.)

    Pages 275-290

  • Juvenile Xanthogranuloma and Related Non-LCH Disorders

    Ceppi, Francesco, MD (et al.)

    Pages 293-311

  • Erdheim-Chester Disease

    Diamond, Eli L., MD (et al.)

    Pages 313-338

  • Rosai–Dorfman Disease

    Abla, Oussama, MD (et al.)

    Pages 339-360

  • Malignant Histiocytoses

    Jacobsen, Eric, MD (et al.)

    Pages 361-381

  • Erratum to: Histiocytic Disorders

    Abla, Oussama (et al.)

    Pages E1-E1



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