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Cytopathology 2nd Edition
Fundamentals of Biomedical Science
Oxford University Press
43,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • A blend of science theory and biomedical science practice make this series ideal for those seeking both the knowledge and skills to become proficient Biomedical Scientists.
  • Content carefully developed to support the reader in demonstrating the competencies required during the study of biomedical science at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
  • Case studies and other examples enrich the text, firmly rooting the information presented in the context of clinical and biomedical practice.
  • The striking full-colour presentation engages the reader, and presents the many illustrations and photographic images to best effect.
  • The accompanying online resources include a fully interactive Digital Microscope with a range of cell and tissue images for examination.

New to this Edition:

  • A new chapter on cytology of the head and neck explores cytological sampling of the oral cavity, salivary glands, thyroid gland, and lymph nodes of the neck.
  • A new chapter on cytology of the biliary tract and pressure provides a brief introduction to the major disease process in these organs as well as the essential information needed for judging sample adequacy.
  • A new chapter on data analysis in cytology discusses different types of cytological data, and how these data can be summarised and displayed in meaningful ways.
  • A new chapter on developing expertise in cytology provides a unique insight into the cognitive skills required for competent practice.
  • The chapter on Serous effusions has been significantly extended to include coverage of peritoneal washings.
  • 27 more case studies throughout the book leading students from patient presentation, through test results, and interpretation of results for diagnosis

1: Introduction: a glance at the past, a glimpse of the future, Behdad Shambayati
2: Preparation techniques, Andrew Evered & Behdad Shambayati
3: The cervical screening process, John Crossley & Beverley Crossley
4: Normal cervical cytology, Andrew Evered
5: Abnormal cervical cytology, Andrew Evered
6: Quality issues in cervical screening and cytology, John Crossley & Paul Cross
7: Diagnostic cytopathology, Andrew Evered
8: Cytology of urine, Behdad Shambayati
9: Serous effusions and peritoneal washings, Behdad Shambayati
10: Lower respiratory tract cytology, Behdad Shambayati
11: Fine needle aspiration cytology, Behdad Shambayati
12: Cytology of head and neck, Paul Cross & Behdad Shambayati
13: Basic semen analysis, Stephen Blackman & Behdad Shambayati
14: Cytology of the biliary tract and pancreas, Behdad Shambayati
15: Advances in cytopathology, Bruno Ping
16: Data analysis in cytopathology, Andrew Evered
17: Expertise in cytopathology, Andrew Evered


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