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Applied Microbiology in Intensive Care Medicine
Shaikh, Hussain Chanda
140,00 €


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This book covers microbiological features of the diseases that require intensive care support, including iatrogenic and hospital-acquired infections. The knowledge will assist in the early diagnosis and treatment of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections requiring critical care admission to improve patient outcomes. All microbiological and therapeutic concerns and management of infectious disorders of all human body systems, from the brain to the musculoskeletal system, are addressed. It also describes practical and descriptive ways to prevent, diagnose, and manage various known and forthcoming healthcare-associated illnesses, ranging from MRSA to VRE and others. 

Applied Microbiology in Intensive Care Medicine will benefit not only intensive and critical care practitioners but also infectious disease practitioners and physicians, surgeons, intensivists, clinical pharmacists, nurses, and technicians in intensive care units.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-vi

    Download chapter PDF

  2. Necrotizing Fasciitis: Pillars for Improved Patients’ Outcome

    • Nissar Shaikh, Umm E Amara, Umme Nashrah, Firdos Ummunnisa, Mohannad Al-Tarakji, Abdelhakem Tabeb

    Pages 1-8

  3. Hospital-Acquired Infections: Key for Prevention and Clinical Bundles

    • Abdelrahman Ali Balal, Umm E Amara, Umme Nashrah, Asad Malik, Arshad Hussain Chanda, Nissar Shaikh

    Pages 9-18

  4. Antimicrobial Stewardship in ICU: A Success Story

    • Arshad Hussain Chanda, Mariyam Fatima, Asad Malik, Hussam Al Soub, Nissar Shaikh

    Pages 19-39

  5. Perioperative Sepsis and Septic Shock: An Update

    • Umm E Amara, Umme Nashrah, Abdelrahman Balal, Firdos Ummunnisa, Arshad Hussain Chanda, Nissar Shaikh

    Pages 41-50

  6. Urosepsis and Septic Shock: A Simple Infection Progressing to Complex One

    • Umm E Amara, Umme Nashrah, Abdulrahman Balal, Nissar Shaikh, Arshad Hussain Chanda, Khalid Mohammed Ahmed Al-Jalham

    Pages 51-59

  7. Community-Acquired Pneumonia: Recent Advances

    • Jaweria Akram, Sayed Tarique Kazi, Nissar Shaikh

    Pages 61-79

  8. Septic Abdomen: An Update on Its Microbiology and Management

    • Abdelrahman Balal, Umm E Amara, Umme Nashrah, Syed Muhammad Ali, Maliha Thapur, Nissar Shaikh

    Pages 81-107

  9. Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis: A Life-Threatening Infection

    • Nissar Shaikh, Umme Nashrah, Umm E Amara, Shoaib Nawaz, Muhmmad Muslim

    Pages 109-115

  10. Acute Adult Supraglottitis: An Update

    • Majid S. Al-Abdulla, Ahmad Obeidat, Mamoun Ahmed, Bhagyasree Sankar, Arshad Hussain Chanda, Nissar Shaikh

    Pages 117-131

  11. Meningitis and Neurosurgical Treatment an Update

    • Muhammad Mohsin Khan, Muhammad Mohsin Arshad, Kazim Mohammed, Javeed Iqbal, Abdulnasser Thabet

    Pages 133-142

  12. MRSA to VRE: Management and Prevention

    • Sarah Salameh, Muna Al Maslamani

    Pages 143-151

  13. Future of Applied Microbiology in Critical Care

    • Ahmad A. Al Bishawi, Ans Alamami, Ali S. Omrani, Nadir Kharma

    Pages 153-177

  14. Importance of Infectious Disease Specialist and/or Clinical Microbiologist During Multidisciplinary Rounds in Intensive Care Unit

    • Umm E Amara, Umme Nashrah, Siddhartha Banerjee, Wael Khalaf, Arshad Hussain Chanda, Nissar Shaikh

    Pages 179-185

  15. Obstetric Sepsis and Management

    • Suruchi Mohan, Arabo Ibrahim Bayo, Gbemisola Okunoye

    Pages 187-206

  16. Infection and Sepsis Management in Trauma

    • Gustav Frans Strandvik, Abdulgafoor M. Thayaril, Mohammad Elayan Tawfiq Alabdallat, Ahmed Obiedat

    Pages 207-224

  17. Intensivist’s Role in Epidemic and Pandemic

    • Umm E Amara, Abdelrahman Balal, Umme Nashrah, Shajahan Idayathulla, Shafee Shaikh, Nissar Shaikh

    Pages 225-232


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