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Surgical Treatment of Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis
Chowdhury, Sankhyan
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book provides comprehensive information and clarity on all aspects of diagnosing and managing constrictive pericarditis. The operative procedures for constrictive pericarditis are presented in detail with technical tips supplemented by surgical videos. Further, it explores and guides on issues with mixed opinions like the role of corticosteroids, timing of the operation, choice of the operative procedure, terminologies to describe the extent of decortication, and the requirement of cardiopulmonary bypass.

Despite experience spanning over 100 years, there is no fool-proof formula in the published literature that can be used in selecting an optimal surgical approach for a given patient. The terms "radical", "total", "extensive", "complete", "subtotal", "adequate", "near-total" and "partial" pericardiectomy also have been variably used in the literature, often without a precise definition of the limits of pericardial resection.

Providing an update on the latest advancements and long-term results of pericardiectomy appeals to all clinicians managing constrictive pericarditis. For the trainees, it offers insights into surgical techniques' relevant anatomy and foundation. The book will be beneficial to MBBS, MD, MS, M.Ch (CTVS), DM (Cardiology), Diplomate of National Board (Cardiology and CTVS), FRCS, FRACS, MD (USA, Canada, and in all developing and developed countries).

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxix


  2. Anatomy, Histology, Applied Anatomy, and Physiology of the Human Pericardium

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 1-22

  3. History

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 23-27

  4. Definition

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 29-34

  5. Aetiological Search

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 35-43

  6. Clinical Challenges and Diagnostic Dilemma of Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 45-68

  7. Pathophysiology of Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 69-80

  8. Clinical Presentation, Lab Investigations, and Endomyocardial Biopsy

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 81-88

  9. Imaging Studies and Haemodynamics in Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 89-141

  10. Diseases Mimicking Constrictive Pericarditis: Salient Features and Novel Strategies of Management

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 143-185

  11. Definitions of The Extent of Pericardiectomy, Echocardiographic Variables, Outcome Variables, Haemodynamic Studies, and Normal Acceptable Values

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 187-197

  12. Management of Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 199-215

  13. Decision-Making on the Timings of Pericardiectomy, Selection of the Optimal Surgical Approach, Adequacy of Pericardiectomy and Requirement of Cardiopulmonary Bypass

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 217-229

  14. Radical Pericardiectomy via Modified Left Anterolateral Thoracotomy Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass (UKC’s Modification): Criteria for Decision-Making and Selection of the Optimal Surgical Approach

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 231-245

  15. The Operation: Total Pericardiectomy via Median Sternotomy Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Holman and Willett’s Approach)

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 247-254

  16. The Operation: Radical Pericardiectomy via Modified Left Anterolateral Thoracotomy Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass (UKC’s Modification)

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 255-264

  17. Calcific Constrictive Pericarditis

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 265-279

  18. The Operation: Total Pericardiectomy for Calcific Constrictive Pericarditis via Median Sternotomy Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 281-299

  19. Incidence and Management of Postoperative Low Cardiac Output Syndrome After Pericardiectomy

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 301-320

  20. Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Mechanical Circulatory Assistance in the Management of Pericardiectomy

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 321-327

  21. Specific Disease Entities

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 329-354

  22. Short- and Long-Term Results

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 355-379

  23. Total Pericardiectomy via Median Sternotomy Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Holman and Willett): A Video Presentation

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 381-383

  24. Total Pericardiectomy via Modified Left Anterolateral Thoracotomy Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass (UKC’s Modification): A Video Presentation

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 385-388

  25. Modified Left Anterolateral Thoracotomy Approach Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass (UKC’s Modification): A Video Presentation on Total Pericardiectomy for Chronic Calcific Constrictive Pericarditis

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 389-392

  26. Total Pericardiectomy for Calcific Constrictive Pericarditis via Median Sternotomy Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Video Presentation

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 393-396

  27. Unresolved Problems in Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis

    • Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan

    Pages 397-400

  28. Back Matter

    Pages 401-406


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