Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Anatomia Patologica

Urological Pathology
Amin, Eble, Grignon
263,00 €
100,00 €
Atlas of Liver Pathology
Chan, Quaglia, Haugk, Burt
100,00 €
Knowles Neoplastic Hematopathology
Orazi, Foucar, Knowles, Weiss
288,00 €
Patologia Medico-legale e Tanatologia
De Donno, Marrone, Tarantino, Vinci
55,00 €
Scrotal Pathology
Bertolotto, Trombetta
239,00 €
170,00 €
Diagnostic Cytopathology Essentials
Kocjan, Gray, Levine, Kardum-Skelin, Vielh
142,00 €
Morfologia molecolare
Eugenio Leonardo
40,00 €
Breast Cytohistology
Cangiarella, Simsir, Tabbara
132,00 €
Cytohistology of Focal Liver Lesions
Wee, Sampatanukul, Jhala
132,00 €
178,00 €
170,00 €
135,00 €
AFIP NonTumor 5 Gastrointestinal Diseases
Noffsinger, Fenoglio-Preiser, Maru, Gilinsky
175,00 €
170,00 €
150,00 € 75,00 €
110,00 €
AFIP 4 Fasc. 13 Tumors of the Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva
Kurman, Ronnett, Sherman, Wilkinson
155,00 €
AFIP 4 Fasc. 11 Tumors of the Mediastinum
Shimosato, Mukai, Matsuno
140,00 €
190,00 € 90,00 €
AFIP 4 Fasc. 6 Tumors of the Pancreas
Hruban, Pitman, Klimstra
155,00 €
70,00 €
AFIP 4 Fasc. 2 Tumors of the Bones and Joints
Unni, Inwards, Bridge, Kindblom, Wold
120,00 €
155,00 €
Dental Pathology
100,00 €
150,00 €
Cancer Grading Manual
Damjanov, Fan
100,00 €
Bone Marrow Lymphoid Infiltrates
Anagnostou, Matutes
140,00 €