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Diagnostic Cytopathology Essentials
Kocjan, Gray, Levine, Kardum-Skelin, Vielh
142,00 €
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Diagnostic Cytopathology Essentials is a succinct yet comprehensive guide to diagnosis in both non-gynecological and gynecological cytology. It provides quick answers to diagnostic problems in the cytological interpretation and recognition of a wide range of disease entities. With content derived from Diagnostic Cytopathology, 3rd Edition, the authoritative reference work by Winifred Gray and Gabrijela Kocjan, Diagnostic Cytopathology Essentials delivers the dependable guidance you need - in a user-friendly format that makes essential facts about any given condition easy to find and apply.

Key Features


  • Efficiently review the key cytological features of a broad spectrum of disease entities with more than 1,300 images, consistently presented on opposing pages from the corresponding text summaries for ease of reference.
  • Find the answers you need quickly and easily using an at-a-glance bullet-point format and structure, with every section organized consistently to include Definition, Cytological Findings, and Differential Diagnosis.
  • Streamline decision making and avoid diagnostic pitfalls with the aid of Differential Diagnosis boxes.
  • Improve your diagnostic cytology skills by referencing representative Case Studies throughout.
  • Access the complete contents online and download all of the cytology images at Expert Consult.

Diagnostic Cytopathology Essentials, 1st Edition

Respiratory tract: normal, reactive and inflammatory changes

Serous Effusions: Reactive and malignant

Breast: Normal, inflammatory and reactive conditions

Salivary glands

Oral cavity

Oesophagus and gastrointestinal tract


Gall bladder and biliary system


The kidney and retroperitoneal tissuess

Urinary tract

Lymph nodes

Other lymphoreticular organs

Organ Transplantation


Thyroid Gland

Other endocrine organs

Prostate: benign and malignant

Testis and scrotum. Male infertility

Vulva, vagina and cervix: normal cytology, hormonal and
inflammatory conditions

Cervical Screening Programmes

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma
of the cervix

 Glandular neoplasia of cervix

 Other tumors and tumour-like conditions of cervix, vulva and vagina

Cytology of the body of the uterus

Ovaries, fallopian tubes and associated lesions Retroperitoneum


Soft tissue and musculoskeletal system

The cytology of synovial fluid

Cerebrospinal fluid and brain smears

The Eyelids, Orbit and Eye

Childhood tumours

New techniques


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