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Vulvar Pathology
Hoang, Selim
190,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.


  • About this book

  • Written by experts in the field
  • Includes the recent CAP/ASCCP lower anogenital squamous terminology for HPV-associated lesions and the 2009 AJCC staging system for melanoma
  • Richly illustrated with full color figures​

This book details the histologic clues in diagnosing the inflammatory dermatoses and neoplastic process of the vulva. The inflammatory dermatoses are divided into histologic patterns to aid recognition. Expert authors provide updates on ancillary techniques such as special stains, immunohistochemistry and chromogenic in situ hybridization when applicable. New advances in classifying squamous lesions as well as staging melanocytic lesions are outlined. They include the recent CAP/ASCCP (College of American Pathologists and the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology) lower anogenital squamous terminology for HPV-associated lesions and the 2009 AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) staging system for melanoma. New advances in molecular findings and potential targeted therapy are discussed for the squamous, melanocytic, adnexal and soft tissue tumors whenever it is pertinent. Vulvar Pathology will be a useful diagnostic guide for general pathologists, pathology trainees, dermatopathologists, dermatologists, and gynecologic pathologists in rendering diagnoses in vulvar inflammatory dermatoses as well as melanocytic, squamous, adnexal, and soft tissue neoplasms of the vulva.​


Table of Contents

Part I The Normal Vulva
1 Normal Vulva: Embryology, Anatomy, and Histology .............. 3
J. Matthew Velkey, Allison H. S. Hall,
and Stanley J. Robboy
Part II Infl ammatory Dermatoses of the Vulva
2 Histological Clues in Interpreting Vulvar
Inflammatory and Autoimmune Dermatoses ............................. 21
Mai P. Hoang, Maria Angelica Selim, and Bruce Smoller
3 Inflammatory Disorders Affecting the Epidermis
of the Vulva .................................................................................... 31
Russell A. Ball, Libby Edwards, Jason C. Reutter,
Kelly L. West, and Maria Angelica Selim
4 Blistering Disorders and Acantholytic Processes
Affecting the Epidermis of the Vulva .......................................... 71
Mai P. Hoang, María Teresa Fernández-Figueras,
and Martin C. Mihm Jr.
5 Inflammatory Dermatoses Affecting the Dermis
or Both the Epidermis and Dermis of the Vulva ........................ 95
Maria Teresa Fernández-Figueras
6 Infectious Diseases and Infestations of the Vulva....................... 139
Maria Angelica Selim, Viviana Parra, Omar P. Sangueza,
Luis Requena and Martin A. Sangueza
Part III Melanocytic and Squamous Proliferations
of the Vulva
7 Pigmentary Alterations and Benign Melanocytic
Lesions of the Vulva ...................................................................... 197
Konstantinos Linos, Tien Anh Nguyen Tran,
Martin A. Sangueza, and J. Andrew Carlson

8 Malignant Melanoma of the Vulva .............................................. 243
Doina Ivan and Victor G. Prieto
Part IV Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia
and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
9 Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the Vulva .......................... 267
Demaretta S. Rush and Edward J. Wilkinson
10 Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Vulva ..................................... 297
Sarah M. Bean and Rex C. Bentley
Part V Cysts, Glandular Lesions, and Anogenital
Mammary-Like Lesions of the Vulva
11 Lesions of Anogenital Mammary- Like Glands,
Adnexal Neoplasms, and Metastases ........................................... 327
Mai P. Hoang and Dmitry V. Kazakov
12 Cysts, Glandular Lesions, and Others ........................................ 357
Mai P. Hoang, Dmitry V. Kazakov, and Maria Angelica Selim
Part VI Mesenchymal Proliferations of the Vulva
13 Fibrous/Myofibroblastic Proliferations of the Vulva ................. 389
Cesar A. Llanos and Andrew E. Rosenberg
14 Vascular Lesions of the Vulva ...................................................... 411
Mai P. Hoang and Omar P. Sangueza
15 Tumors of Smooth Muscle, of Skeletal Muscle,
and of Unknown Origin and Tumor-Like Conditions
of the Vulva .................................................................................... 439
Kristen M. Paral and Christopher R. Shea
Index ....................................................................................................... 491


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