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Video Capsule Endoscopy
A Reference Guide and Atlas
Keuchel,Hagenmüller, Tajiri
120,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is simultaneously a superb atlas and a detailed guide to all aspects of video capsule endoscopy. History, technique, performance, reading, indications, contraindications, outcomes, complications and alternative methods are described systematically by a large panel of experts. In addition, the full range of small bowel diseases, from the common to the rare, are described and illustrated using a unique and exhaustive collection of capsule endoscopy images that are accompanied by corresponding images of enteroscopy, surgery, radiology and histology whenever possible. The newest technology of colon capsule endoscopy is included and exciting potential future developments are also considered. This book will be indispensable for all who use the technique or are considering establishing a video capsule endoscopy service.


  • A Short History of the Gastrointestinal Capsule

    Iddan, Gavriel J.

    Pages 1-3

  • Fields of Application

    McAlindon, Mark E. (et al.)

    Pages 5-13

  • Technology

    Kurniawan, Niehls (et al.)

    Pages 15-20

  • Procedure for Small Bowel Video Capsule Endoscopy

    Davison, Carolyn (et al.)

    Pages 21-30

  • Evaluation of Capsule Endoscopic Images

    Lewis, Blair S. (et al.)

    Pages 31-47

  • Education and Training in Video Capsule Endoscopy

    Davison, Carolyn (et al.)

    Pages 49-55

  • Swallowing and Motility Disorders, Pacemakers and Obesity

    Bandorski, Dirk (et al.)

    Pages 57-66

  • Video Capsule Endoscopy in the Emergency Department

    Marshall, Christopher (et al.)

    Pages 67-72

  • Patency Capsule

    Costamagna, Guido (et al.)

    Pages 73-79

  • Terminology

    Delvaux, Michel (et al.)

    Pages 81-95

  • Duodenoscopy and Ileocolonoscopy

    Tajiri, Hisao (et al.)

    Pages 97-104

  • Push Enteroscopy

    Tachecí, Ilja (et al.)

    Pages 105-111

  • Double-Balloon Endoscopy

    Yamamoto, Hironori (et al.)

    Pages 113-118

  • Single-Balloon Enteroscopy

    Kobayashi, Kiyonori (et al.)

    Pages 119-126

  • Spiral Enteroscopy and Balloon-Guided Enteroscopy

    Draganov, Peter (et al.)

    Pages 127-134

  • Intraoperative Enteroscopy

    Hartmann, Dirk (et al.)

    Pages 135-140

  • Nonendoscopic Imaging Studies

    Hampton, James N. S. (et al.)

    Pages 141-156

  • Sonography

    Lock, Guntram (et al.)

    Pages 157-165

  • Normal Small Intestine

    Steinbrück, Ingo (et al.)

    Pages 167-181

  • Diverticula

    Gossum, André (et al.)

    Pages 183-192

  • Arteriovenous Diseases

    Pennazio, Marco (et al.)

    Pages 193-204

  • Intestinal Lymphangiectasia

    Tóth, Ervin (et al.)

    Pages 205-213

  • Portal Hypertension

    Figueiredo, Pedro Narra (et al.)

    Pages 215-219

  • Video Capsule Endoscopy in Suspected Crohn’s Disease

    Leighton, Jonathan A. (et al.)

    Pages 221-230

  • Established Crohn’s Disease

    Voderholzer, Winfried A. (et al.)

    Pages 231-242

  • Villous Atrophy

    Schuppan, Detlef (et al.)

    Pages 243-249

  • Eosinophilic Enteritis

    Seidman, Ernest G. (et al.)

    Pages 251-257

  • Infectious Diseases of the Small Intestine

    Baltes, Peter (et al.)

    Pages 259-276

  • Involvement of the Small Intestine in Systemic Diseases

    Safatle-Ribeiro, Adriana (et al.)

    Pages 277-294

  • Physical–Chemical Small Intestinal Injury

    Bjarnason, Ingvar (et al.)

    Pages 295-302

  • Acute Gastrointestinal Graft-Versus-Host Disease After Bone Marrow Transplantation

    Adler, Samuel N. (et al.)

    Pages 303-309

  • Chronic Nonspecific Multiple Ulcer of the Small Intestine

    Watanabe, Kenji

    Pages 311-315

  • Benign Tumors

    Wiedbrauck, Felix (et al.)

    Pages 317-336

  • Malignant Tumors

    Lewis, Blair S. (et al.)

    Pages 337-358

  • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

    Burke, Carol (et al.)

    Pages 359-365

  • Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

    Fraser, Christopher (et al.)

    Pages 367-372

  • HNPCC and Rare Syndromes

    Saurin, Jean-Christophe (et al.)

    Pages 373-379

  • Video Capsule Endoscopy in Children

    Seidman, Ernest G. (et al.)

    Pages 381-394

  • Postoperative and Postinterventional Changes

    Rundt, Lisa (et al.)

    Pages 395-411

  • Complications: Prevention and Management

    Rondonotti, Emanuele (et al.)

    Pages 413-422

  • Influence of Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy on Clinical Outcome

    Fry, Lucia C. (et al.)

    Pages 423-436

  • Esophageal Capsule Endoscopy

    Eliakim, Rami (et al.)

    Pages 437-445

  • Incidental Findings in the Mouth, Pharynx, and Esophagus

    Dajani, Dani (et al.)

    Pages 447-461

  • Stomach and Duodenum

    Nakamura, Tetsuya (et al.)

    Pages 463-476

  • Colon Capsule Endoscopy: Procedure and Evaluation

    Adler, Samuel N. (et al.)

    Pages 477-482

  • Findings in the Colon

    Appleyard, Mark N. (et al.)

    Pages 483-493

  • Colon Capsule Endoscopy in Screening and Surveillance for Polyps and Cancers

    Aihara, Hiroyuki (et al.)

    Pages 495-505

  • Colon Capsule Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disorders

    Sung, Joseph J. Y. (et al.)

    Pages 507-511

  • Colon Capsule Endoscopy in Special Situations

    Triantafyllou, Konstantinos (et al.)

    Pages 513-522

  • Practical Approach to Video Capsule Endoscopy: Frequently Asked Questions

    Baltes, Peter (et al.)

    Pages 523-541

  • Future Developments of Video Capsule Endoscopy: Hardware

    Menciassi, Arianna (et al.)

    Pages 543-556

  • Future Developments of Video Capsule Endoscopy: Software

    Figueiredo, Pedro Narra

    Pages 557-560



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