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The Hospital Neurology Book
Salardini, Biller
143,00 €
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A practical, protocol-oriented guide to the practice of neurology in the hospital setting

Designed to meet the need for a practical and pedagogical resource on hospital neurology, The Hospital Neurology Book is a concise and useful work that guides general neurologists, neurohospitalists, and internists in the proper care of patients in the hospital who have neurological diseases and disorders and associated internal medicine conditions.

The Hospital Neurology Book features a highly readable format, providing information physicians can act upon, including recipes and protocols for patient care and question-based chapter headings that lead physicians to the exact issue they are dealing with in the moment. Realistic case studies appear throughout chapters alongside practical tables, algorithms, full-color illustrations, radiological images, detailed references, and high yield key points useful for consolidating learning.

·        A unique practical and pedagogical tool that takes a symptoms-based approach to neurology practice in the hospital setting

·        Organized around common presentations that a hospital neurologist or a hospitalist with neurology patients would likely encounter

·        Utilizes a case-based approach for optimum assimilation of information

·        Concentrates on presenting hospital neurology in a digestible way, focusing on practical information and approach, while providing references to more detailed sources of information

·        Each chapter is self-contained and can be read in any particular order, based on interest or need

If you are looking for text that bridges the gap between the way neurology is taught and is actually practiced in a hospital setting, your search ends here.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Hospital NeurologyChapter 2. Potential Harms to Physician and the PatientChapter 3. General Care of the Hospitalized PatientChapter 4. Women’s Issues in Hospital NeurologyChapter 5. Principals of Care for the Hospitalized Geriatric PatientChapter 6. Chronic Pain in Neurological PatientsChapter 7. Infections of the Central Nervous SystemChapter 8. The Neurological ExaminationChapter 9. NeurophysiologyChapter 10. ImagingChapter 11. Interpretation of Common Laboratory TestsChapter 12. Common Laboratory Diagnosed ConditionsChapter 13.  Stroke NeurologyChapter 14. Status Epilepticus and First Seizure EpisodeChapter 15. Neurotrauma and MyelopathiesChapter 16. Neuromuscular EmergenciesChapter 17. Movement Disorders EmergenciesChapter 18. Some Common Neurological EmergenciesChapter 19. Cardiovascular Emergencies on the Neurology WardsChapter 20. Airway and Respiratory Emergencies on the Neurology WardChapter 21. Principles of Neurocritical CareChapter 22. Altered Mental StatusChapter 23. AphasiaChapter 24. Spells, Not Epileptic or VascularChapter 25. Approach to Acute Visual Changes, Abnormal Eye Movements and Double VisionChapter 26. Dizziness and VertigoChapter 27. Headache and Facial PainChapter 28. Patterns of WeaknessChapter 29. Gait DisordersChapter 30. The AtaxiasChapter 31. EpilepsyChapter 32. Rapidly Progressive DementiasChapter 33. Slowly Progressive DementiasChapter 34. Movement DisordersChapter 35. Perioperative NeurologyChapter 36. Coma and Other States of Altered Consciousness Chapter 37. Genetic Neurological Diseases in the AdultChapter 38. Spinal Cord NeurologyChapter 39. Back, Neck and Limb PainChapter 40. Approach to Sensory ChangesChapter 41. Neuropathies and Motor Neuron DiseaseChapter 42. Myopathies and NMJ DiseaseChapter 43. Demyelinating DiseasesChapter 44. Common Tumors of the Nervous SystemChapter 45. Common Gastrointestinal and Hepatic DisordersChapter 46. Common Metabolic Problems on the Neurology WardChapter 47. Common Cardiorespiratory Problems on the Neurology WardChapter 48.  Fever, Hypotension and Reduced Urine OutputChapter 49. Common Psychiatric ConditionsChapter 50. Adverse Neurologic Effects of Commonly Used MedicationsChapter 51. Internal Medicine and NeurologyChapter 52. Medication and Dosing


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