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Retinal Detachment Surgery and Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy
From Scleral Buckling to Small Gauge Vitrectomy
Spandau, Tomic, Ruiz-Casas
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This clinically oriented book provides a complete  overview of Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) Retinal  Detachment, a difficult surgical challenge faced by  ophthalmologists. Small gauge  vitrectomy offers new  possibilities to tackle this  difficult pathology however this surgical approach may  differ from one  retinal surgeon to the next. To reflect the various approaches to treating PVR, the book is divided up in  three parts. In the first part the authors describe the complete variety of surgical  techniques applied to PVR detachment. In the second section, well-known international  surgeons from Europe to Asia describe  their personal surgical approach for PVR detachment  and  demonstrate their surgery in videos. In the third part, a  large variety of retinal surgeons show case reports of PVR  retinal detachment to give a complete overview of dealing with this complex retinal disorder.

  • Surgery of Vitreoretinal Disorders: Past, Present, and Future

    Živojnović, Relja

    Pages 3-9

  • Pathogenesis, Histopathology, and Classification

    Pastor-Idoate, Salvador (et al.)

    Pages 11-23

  • Adjunctive Pharmacological Therapies in the Management of Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy

    Anvari, Pasha (et al.)

    Pages 25-33

  • Facts and Figures About Retinal Detachment Based on a Retinal Detachment Register from North Sweden

    Olofsson, Eva

    Pages 35-41

  • Assessment of a Retinal Detachment

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 45-61

  • Biometry Binocular Occlusion and Anesthesia

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 63-66

  • Devices and Instruments

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 67-75

  • Surgical Techniques

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 79-87

  • Pneumatic Retinopexy with BIOM

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 89-91

  • Combined Phaco/Vitrectomy for Easy Retinal Detachment

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 93-104

  • Episcleral Buckling for Detachment Surgery with BIOM

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 105-120

  • Combined Buckle/Vitrectomy

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 121-129

  • Vitrectomy for PVR Detachment Grade C

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 131-145

  • 180° Retinotomy

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 147-152

  • Silicone Oil Removal

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 153-155

  • Total and Chronic Retinal Detachment

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 159-162

  • Recurrent Retinal Detachment

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 163-165

  • Inferior and Inferior Recurrent Detachments

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 167-179

  • Anterior PVR

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 181-183

  • PVR Stage D

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 185-189

  • Traumatic Retinal Detachment in Children

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 191-195

  • Traumatic Retinal Detachment Secondary to Open Globe

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 197-202

  • Perforations with IOFB

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 203-211

  • After Surgery and Complications

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 215-218

  • Surgicals Pearls

    Spandau, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 219-237

  • Vitreoretinal Surgeons Assess Surgical Cases: A Questionnaire

    Ruiz-Casas, D. (et al.)

    Pages 241-255

  • My Approach to Retinal Detachment: An Iranian Surgeon’s Perspective

    Falavarjani, Khalil Ghasemi

    Pages 257-260

  • My Approach to Retinal Detachment: A Russian Perspective

    Kazaykin, Victor

    Pages 261-268

  • PVR Detachment: My Surgical Approach

    Kusaka, Shunji

    Pages 269-273

  • Surgical Management of Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy: An Indian Perspective

    Natarajan, Sundaram

    Pages 275-282

  • My Approach to PVR Detachment: An American Perspective

    Mango, Charles W.

    Pages 283-287

  • Surgical Treatment of PVR Cases

    Mura, Marco (et al.)

    Pages 289-296

  • Vitreous Anatomy, Anterior PVR, and Hypotony

    Ruiz-Casas, D.

    Pages 297-305

  • Postoperative Complications After Vitreoretinal Surgery

    Ignjatović, Zora

    Pages 307-321

  • PVR Detachment Questionnaire: Part 1

    Ruiz-Casas, D. (et al.)

    Pages 325-332

  • PVR Detachment Questionnaire: Part 2

    Ruiz-Casas, D. (et al.)

    Pages 333-357

  • PVR Detachment Questionnaire: Part 3

    Ruiz-Casas, D. (et al.)

    Pages 359-383

  • Video Cases

    Ruiz-Casas, D. (et al.)

    Pages 385-418



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