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Introduction: An Approach to Placental Pathology
Pages 3-8
This book provides a comprehensive resource on the pathology of the human singleton placenta. Agreed nomenclature, nosology, definitions and, where possible, thresholds for meaningful clinical corrections for lesions ideal for practical application in clinical practice are presented. Evidence is also featured on relevant potential clinical correlations to aid the reader in deciding upon the most appropriate management strategy. Areas of current uncertainty are also covered for potential future research.
Pathology of the Placenta systematically describes placental pathology, and represents a valuable resource for practising and trainee pathologists, obstetricians, neonatologists and epidemiologi
Introduction: An Approach to Placental Pathology
Pages 3-8
Placental Development with Expected Normal Gross and Microscopic Findings
Pages 9-29
Indications for Examining the Placenta
Pages 31-37
Gross Examination
Pages 41-46
Placental Weight, Shape and Gross Vascular Morphology
Pages 47-54
Pages 57-65
Intervillous Thrombosis
Pages 67-76
Massive Perivillous Fibrinoid Deposition and Maternal Floor Infarct
Pages 77-82
Retroplacental Haemorrhage and Marginal Haemorrhage
Pages 83-90
Fetal Vascular Thrombosis
Pages 91-95
Extravillous Trophoblast Cyst
Pages 97-99
Acute Chorioamnionitis
Pages 103-107
Chorionic Plate Chronic Inflammatory Lesions Including Eosinophilic/T-Cell Chorionic Vasculitis
Pages 109-113
Maturity Anomalies
Pages 115-121
Distal Villous Hypoplasia
Pages 123-126
Placental Mesenchymal Dysplasia
Pages 127-130
Increased Syncytial Knot Formation
Pages 131-137
Persistence of Cytotrophoblast
Pages 139-141
Mineralization of Trophoblast Basement Membrane
Pages 143-146
Trophoblast and Stroma: Vacuolation—Inherited Disorder of Metabolism
Pages 147-151
Villous Oedema
Pages 153-155
Extramedullary Haemopoiesis
Pages 157-159
Intravillous Haemorrhage
Pages 161-162
Pages 163-172
Fetal Vascular Malperfusion
Pages 173-182
Presence of Nucleated Red Blood Cells
Pages 183-186
Fetal Vessels: Malignancy
Pages 187-190
Acute Villitis
Pages 191-193
Chronic Villitis
Pages 195-206
Chronic Histiocytic Intervillositis
Pages 207-211
Intervillous Space: Infiltrates
Pages 213-219
Pregnancy-Induced Uterine Vascular Remodelling and the Pathophysiology of Decidual Vasculopathy
Pages 221-231
Chronic Deciduitis
Pages 233-236
Basal Plate Myometrial Fibres
Pages 237-241
Basal Plate Laminar Necrosis
Pages 243-245
Retroplacental Haematoma/Haemorrhage
Pages 247-251
Miscellaneous Lesions of the Villous Parenchyma
Pages 253-258
Amniochorial Membrane Nodules
Pages 261-268
Placental Changes in Amniotic Band Sequence, Extra-Amniotic and Extramembranous Pregnancy
Pages 269-274
Amnion Transport: Histologic Features
Pages 277-280
Choriodecidual Haemosiderin Staining
Pages 281-284
Laminar Necrosis, Membrane Chorionic Microcysts and Chorion Nodosum
Pages 285-293
Decidual Vasculopathy
Pages 295-299
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