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Orell and Sterrett's Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
Orell, Sterrett
276,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
A major revision of the leading textbook of FNA cytology Both text and illustrations provide a systematic and logical approach to the acquisition, interpretation and diagnosis of Fine Needle Aspirate biopsy specimens. Orell’s FNA Cytology will assist in establishing diagnostic criteria and results in the examination of benign and malignant condition in all body systems where the technique is currently applied. The information is always presented in a clinical context: it details the role of FNA and other ancillary techniques in the investigative sequence (the cytological findings are always set in the context of the patient's clinical history, physical exam and other laboratory tests). It gives practical, technical advice on how to obtain good smears and alerts the reader as to possible diagnostic pitfalls and complications. The contents are organized in a framework of anatomical regions (rather than histopathological classifications) in order to reflect the way problems present in clinical practice. Each chapter is divided into two parts: the first deals with indications, accuracy, techniques and complications; the second illustrates the cytological patterns and their implication. Both common and rare conditions are covered.
New to this edition

Brand new chapter on cytological findings in infectious diseases.

Inclusion of immuno-profiles and other relevant ancillary tests.

New illustrations.

New contributing authors.

Available online via Expert Consult.


Author Info
Edited by Svante R Orell, Consultant Pathologist and Gregory F. Sterrett, MB, BS, FRCPA, FIAC, Pathologist, Division of Tissue Pathology, The Western Australia Centre for Pathology and Medical Research, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia


Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The techniques of FNA cytology
Chapter 3 Imaging methods for guidance of aspiration cytology
Chapter 4 Head and neck; salivary glands
Chapter 5 Lymph nodes
Chapter 6 The thyroid gland
Chapter 7 Breast
Chapter 8  Lung, chest wall and pleura
Chapter 9 Mediastinum
Chapter 10 Liver and spleen
Chapter 11 Pancreas, biliary tract and intra-abdominal organs
Chapter 12 Kidney, adrenal and retroperitoneum
Chapter 13 Male and female genital organs
Chapter 14 Skin and subcutis
Chapter 15 Soft tissues
Chapter 16 Bone and cartilage
Chapter 17 Paediatric tumors

Chaoter 18 Infectious Diseases


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