Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
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Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
Bertossi, Nocini, Pirayesh
180,00 €


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Plastic surgeons specializing in rhinoplasty will here find an essential resource bringing together the expertise they will need to offer non-invasive techniques in their practice. *Brings together all a surgeon needs to know for safe and effective non-invasive rhinoplasty *Offers a one-stop resource for surgeons wishing to add injection techniques to their practice *Presents a master-class from world experts

List of Contributors

1.1. Introduction: The New Era of Nasal Aesthetic Treatments

Dario Bertossi, Riccardo Nocini, and Ali Pirayesh

1.2. Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Dario Bertossi, Riccardo Nocini, and Ali Pirayesh

1.3. Botulinum Toxin

Dario Bertossi, Riccardo Nocini, and Ali Pirayesh

1.4. Combined Devices

Dario Bertossi and Salvatore Chirumbolo

1.5. The HA Filler Market

Dario Bertossi, Riccardo Nocini, and Ali Pirayesh

1.6. The Botulinum Toxin Market

Dario Bertossi, Riccardo Nocini, and Ali Pirayesh

1.7. The Impact of Social Networks

Dario Bertossi, Riccardo Nocini, and Ali Pirayesh

2. Anatomy

2.1. Surface Anatomy

Dario Bertossi and Ali Pirayesh

2.2. Deep Anatomy

Dario Bertossi, Ali Pirayesh, Riccardo Nocini, and Andrea Sbarbati

3. Clinical Aspects

3.1. Clinical Defects and the Technical Approach

Woodrow Wilson and Dario Bertossi

3.2. Patient Consultation

Dario Bertossi and Ali Pirayesh

4. Preoperative Diagnostics

4.1. Preoperative Diagnosis

Fernando Urdiales

4.2. Skin Conditions Affecting the Nose and Perinasal Area

Izolda Heydenrych

4.3. Conditions Affecting the Nose and Perinasal Skin and Their Assessment and Diagnosis

Ilaria Proietti

5. Surgical Rhinoplasty

Dario Bertossi, Enrico Robotti, and Carlos Neves

6. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Dario Bertossi, Ali Pirayesh, and Alwyn D’Souza

7. Surrounding Areas

Ash Mohsaebi, Riccardo Nocini, and Ekaterina Gutop

8. Non-Surgical Profileplasty

Thierry Besins, Ali Pirayesh, and Dario Bertossi

9. Complications from Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Koenraad De Boulle

10. Clinical Cases from the Experts

Introductory Video Section

Dario Bertossi

10.1. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Long-Term Correction after Five Years

Ada Trindade de Almeida

10.2. Asian Cases

Chris Qiong Li

10.3. Clinical Case: Profileplasty

Dario Bertossi

10.4. Clinical Case: The Slavic Face

Ekaterina Gutop

10.5. Clinical Case: Rhino 4-Point Technique with Fillers of Different Densities

Fernando Silikovich

10.6. Clinical Case: Nasofrontal Angle with Ultrasound Correlation

Fernando Urdiales

10.7. My Tinkerbell Tip Lift Technique

K. Kay Durairaj

10.8. Clinical Case: Long Duration of HA Fillers in the Nose

Per Heden

10.9. Clinical Case: Nasal Hump (Multiple Approach)

Philippe Magistretti

10.10. Clinical Case: Nasal Hump (Dorsum Approach)

Rami Abadi

10.11. Clinical Case: Rhino-Modeling in South America

Raúl Banegas



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