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Neurological Rehabilitation: Spasticity and Contractures in Clinical Practice and Research
Pandyan, Hermens, Conway
CRC Press
138,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.






    • Provides information that is clinically relevant and strongly researched
    • Includes clinical studies covering both spasticity and contractures, which is unique
    • Presents editors and contributors that are world-class experts
    • Takes a cookbook approach to measurements in clinical studies and research
    • Contains extensive references that are included at the end of each chapter


This book is the first attempt at bringing together a volume of work from a range of professionals with an interest in spasticity. The framework for the definition was developed in part by the authors contributing chapters that make up this volume. The book represents the current "state-of-the-art" regarding definition, measurement, pathophysiology (all state-of-the-art summaries) and simultaneously gives clinicians guidance on clinical management. This work combines coverage of both spasticity and contractures as these two phenomena are often closely interrelated. Current researchers do not differentiate between these individual impairments and, as such, there is significant confusion in the literature. This book discusses both conditions and then separates them into their respective components. If these two conditions co-exist (which is generally the case), then the management of a patient will need to be customized to individual clinical presentation. The clinical sections of the book are all written by currently practicing, and research active, clinicians, and the earlier chapters are written by researchers currently working on spasticity.

Introduction; Pathophysiology of Spasticity; Functional Problems in Spastic Patients; The Clinical Management of Spasticity and Contractures in Cerebral Palsy; Clinical Management of Spasticity and Contractures in Stroke; Clinical Management of Spasticity and Contractures in Spinal Cord Injury; Clinical Management of Spasticity and Contractures in Multiple Sclerosis; Clinical Assessment and Management of Spasticity and Contractures in Traumatic Brain Injury; Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis and other Hereditary Myelopathies


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