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I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This practical guide provides an algorithm for diagnosis and treatment, from ‘having some problem with vision’, via diagnosis of cause and background, to treatment and eventually to rehabilitation.

Following on from introductory sections devoted to the role of neuro-ophthalmology, recent developments in the field, and an overview of neuro-ophthalmological examinations, there are sections devoted to the different parts of the visual system, and finally a section on rehabilitation.

Neuro-ophthalmology is aimed at ophthalmologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, traumatologists, neuroradiologists, experts in cardiology and stroke, and trainees in these areas. It will also be of interest to neuro-rehabilitation specialists, neuropsychologists, and those working in typhlopedagogy and health informatics.

  • The Importance and Role of Neuro-ophthalmology in Ophthalmological Clinical Practice

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 3-4

  • The Importance of Neuro-ophthalmology in Neurology

    Kovács, Tibor

    Pages 5-6

  • Mechanisms of Parallel Information Processing in the Visual System

    Benedek, György

    Pages 9-14

  • A New Direction: Neuro-endocrino-immunology

    Balázs, Csaba

    Pages 15-17

  • Visual and Oculomotor Disorders in Internal Diseases

    Pfliegler, György

    Pages 19-25

  • Genetic Aspects of Neuro-ophtalmological Diseases

    Molnár, Mária Judit

    Pages 27-32

  • Recent Knowledge in the Neurosurgical Practice Regarding the Visual System

    Vajda, János

    Pages 33-35

  • The Role of Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Neuro-ophthalmological Diseases

    Szeifert, Gyôrgy T. (et al.)

    Pages 37-45

  • Neurointerventional Treatment of Diseases Causing Neuro-ophthalmological Symptoms

    Szikora, Istvan

    Pages 47-57

  • Recent Results in Neuropathology: Demyelinating and Conformational Diseases

    Kovács, Tibor

    Pages 59-63

  • Algorithm of the Neuro-ophthalmological Examination Used in the International Practice

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 67-78

  • Objective and Subjective Examination Methods of Visual Acuity

    Janáky, Márta

    Pages 79-82

  • Examination of Contrast Sensitivity

    Janáky, Márta

    Pages 83-87

  • Examination of Color Vision

    Aczél, Klára

    Pages 89-95

  • Electroretinography (ERG): Electrophysiological Examination of the Retina

    Farkas, Ägnes

    Pages 97-110

  • Functional Examinations of the Visual Pathway System with Electrophysiological Methods

    Janáky, Márta

    Pages 111-118

  • Clinical Importance of Conventional and Modern Visual Field Tests in the Topographical Diagnostics of Visual Pathway Disorders

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 119-132

  • The Differential Diagnosis of Visual Field Deficits at the Bedside

    Gács, Gyula (et al.)

    Pages 133-144

  • The Role of Fluorescein Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography in the Examination of Circulatory Disorders of the Optic Disc

    Récsán, Zsuzsa (et al.)

    Pages 145-156

  • Optical Coherence Tomography of the Optic Disc and the Macula in Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Somfai, Gábor Márk (et al.)

    Pages 157-170

  • Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Ocular Motor Disorders

    Soproni, Anna (et al.)

    Pages 171-196

  • Polatest Procedure

    Pálfia, Judit (et al.)

    Pages 197-205

  • Physiology and Examination Methods of the Pupillomotor Pathway

    Salomváry, Bernadett

    Pages 207-215

  • Neuro-ophthalmological Methods for the Clinical Analysis of Double Vision

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 217-221

  • Duplex Ultrasound Examination of the Carotid and Vertebral Arteries

    Barsi, Péter

    Pages 223-230

  • Transcranial Doppler Examination

    Pánczél, Gyula

    Pages 231-245

  • Color Doppler Ultrasound Examination in Orbital Diseases

    Németh, János (et al.)

    Pages 247-252

  • The Role of the Ophthalmologic Ultrasound in Neuro-ophthalmology

    Csákány, Béla (et al.)

    Pages 253-256

  • The Role of the EMG-ENG in Diagnosing Neuro-ophthalmologic Diseases

    Molnár, Mária Judit

    Pages 257-262

  • Computed Tomography Examinations

    Kenéz, József

    Pages 263-270

  • Neuroradiology, Functional MRI

    Várallyay, György (et al.)

    Pages 271-281

  • Novel Information Regarding the Visual and Eye Movement Systems in Otoneurology

    Szirmai, Ágnes

    Pages 283-286

  • Electro-Oculography (EOG) Examination of Eye Movements

    Gulyás, Szilvia

    Pages 287-293

  • The Importance of Familiar Thrombophilias in the Clinical Practice. Novel Ways in Anticoagulant Therapy

    Nemes, László

    Pages 295-303

  • Novel Consideration Regarding the Role of Evoked Potential in Confirming the Diagnosis of Eye Movement Disorders of Brainstem Origin

    Tóth, Szabolcs

    Pages 305-305

  • Hereditary Diseases of the Retina

    Farkas, Ágnes

    Pages 309-323

  • The Roles of Electroretinography (ERG) and Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) Examinations in the Diseases of the Retina and/or the Optic Nerve

    Janáky, Márta

    Pages 325-331

  • Congenital Diseases of the Optic Nerve

    Janáky, Márta

    Pages 333-337

  • Phacomatoses

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 339-344

  • Retrobulbar Optic Neuropathy: From the

    Lovas, Gábor

    Pages 345-350

  • Neuromyelitis Optica (Devic’s Disease): A New Concept for an Old Disease

    Illes, Zsolt

    Pages 351-359

  • Acquired Inflammatory Diseases of the Optic Nerve: From the Neuro-Ophthalmologist’s Approach

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 361-367

  • Vascular Diseases of the Optic Nerve: Internal Medicine Aspects

    Pfliegler, György

    Pages 369-375

  • The Cardiovascular Background of ‘Intracerebral Small Vessel Disease’

    Nieszner, Éva

    Pages 377-381

  • Vascular Diseases of the Optic Nerve: The Neuro-Ophthalmologist’s Approach

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 383-400

  • Diseases Causing Compression of the Optic Nerve: The Neurosurgeon’s Perspective

    Vajda, János

    Pages 401-406

  • Neuro-Ophthalmological Aspects of Tumors Causing Compression of the Visual Pathway System

    Salomváry, Bernadett

    Pages 407-420

  • The Significance of Neuro-ophthalmology in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Cranial Trauma

    Szeifert, György T. (et al.)

    Pages 421-432

  • Toxic and Deficiency Optic Neuropathy

    Klein, Vera

    Pages 433-435

  • Ocular Symptoms and Signs of Intracranial Hypertension

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 437-451

  • Big Blind Spot Syndrome (Papillophlebitis)

    Gács, Gyula (et al.)

    Pages 453-459

  • The Most Important Disorders of the Pupillomotor Pathway in the Clinical Practice

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 463-470

  • Congenital Eye Movement Disorders

    Deák, Andrea

    Pages 471-481

  • The Most Important Clinical Syndromes of Acquired Nuclear and Infranuclear Eye Movement Disorders, and Their Diagnostic and Therapeutic Options

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 483-492

  • Eye Movement Disorders Related to Brainstem Dysfunctions -Types, Clinical Significance of Vertical Localization, Modern Therapeutic Principles

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 493-505

  • The Clinical Significance of Otoneurology in the Diagnosis of Brainstem Disorders

    Szirmai, Ágnes

    Pages 507-511

  • Examination of the Eye Movements of the Patient in Coma

    Geréby, György

    Pages 513-522

  • Supranuclear Regulation of the Eye Movements and the Significance of Their Disturbances

    Gulyás, Szilvia

    Pages 523-533

  • Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction and Their Diagnostics

    Fornádi, László Sándor

    Pages 535-543

  • The Ocular Characteristics and Differential Diagnostics of Mixed Types Eye Movement Disorders (Disorders of Ocular Neuromuscular Junction (OMG), Non Isolated Ocular Muscle Paresis and Myogenic Paresis)

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 545-559

  • Endocrine Myopathy and Orbitopathy

    Balázs, Csaba

    Pages 561-569

  • Diagnostics and Therapy of Diseases of the Orbit

    Korányi, Katalin

    Pages 573-591

  • Traumatic Injuries of the Orbit

    Pulay, György

    Pages 593-633

  • Tumor Lesions of the Facial Nerve

    Gádor, Ildikó

    Pages 637-643

  • Neuro-Opthalmological Aspects of Headaches from the Neurologist’s Aspect

    Ertsey, Csaba

    Pages 647-660

  • Viewing Down from the Top: Visual Impairments Developing as a Consequence of Cortical Injury

    Verseghi, Anna (et al.)

    Pages 663-676

  • Ignored World Without Missing It Neglect

    Verseghi, Anna (et al.)

    Pages 677-687

  • Introducing Tools and Services Helping Life of People with Impaired Vision

    Szuhaj, Mihaly (et al.)

    Pages 689-703

  • Elementary and Occupational Rehabilitation of People with Impaired Vision

    Csattos, Marta Tolnayne (et al.)

    Pages 705-713

  • The Importance of Rehabilitation and the Options of a Neuro-ophthalmologist

    Somlai, Judit

    Pages 715-717



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