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Latest Frontiers of Hemodynamics, Imaging and Treatment of Obstructive Venous Disease
Giaquinta, Lee, Setacci, Veroux, Zamboni
Minerva Medica
79,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book covers a wide variety of subjects and the accompanying references offer the opportunity for further review and study. The accompanying graphic illustrations add additional information and clarification to the written material. The chapter titles allow rapid access to specific areas of interest in the venous system. The contributors are established physicians and surgeons with extensive experience in managing problems in the venous system including clinical research. This is a most timely contribution with increasing world-wide appreciation of the importance of the venous system in maintaining good health. This book will contribute immensely to educate the next generation of physicians and surgeons in the evaluation and treatment of venous disorders.

From anatomy to function of large vein
Hemodynamics and volume changes of the venous system
Compliance properties of the vein: a forgotten concept
Obstructive truncular venous malformations: general overview
Secondary occlusive disease of the great veins
Primary venous aneurysms
ECD of large veins
New devices for the treatment of large veins
Indications and potential benefits of endovascular treatment of occlusive venous disease
Venous thoracic outlet syndrome
Clinical presentation and treatment of secondary venous occlusive disease of the thorax
Open surgery techniques for reconstruction of vena cava
Treatment of large veins of the thorax in hemodialysis patients with arm swelling
Endovascular treatment of obstructive diseases of inferior vena cava
Inferior vena cava syndrome and malignancy
Renal vein compression syndromes: embryology, physiology, diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment
Endovascular management of mesenteric vein occlusion
Primary Budd-Chiari syndrome: suprahepatic inferior vena cava occlusive disease
May-Thurner syndrome and chronic iliofemoral vein occlusions
Thromboaspiration device in the treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
Deep vein valves incompetence and treatment implications
Treatment of iliac reflux in duplicated femoral venous segments
MR imaging of intracranial and extracranial
Imaging of extracranial obstructive venous disease
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency
Catheter venous angiography for the evaluation of cerebral venous outflow
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency and Meniere disease
Novel compliant scaffold with specific design for venous system


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