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Handbook of Forensic Analytical Toxicology
Jaiswal, Millo
JP Medical
52,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is a comprehensive guide to forensic analytical toxicology for trainees in forensic medicine and forensic scientists.

The second edition has been fully revised to provide clinicians with the latest developments and research in the field. New chapters covering the latest analytical instruments have been added to this edition.

Beginning with guidance on setting up a modern toxicology laboratory, the next sections, with the help of flow charts, explain the procedures for collection, preservation, extraction, and clean up; and screening and colour tests for various poisons.

The following chapters describe numerous major and minor analytical instruments and techniques, and their application in forensic toxicology.

The text is further enhanced by clinical images, figures and tables.

1. Modern Toxicology Laboratory
2. Procedure for Collection, Preservation and Extraction/Isolation and Clean-up Methods
3. Screening/Spot/Color Tests for Different Poisons
4. Thin Layer Chromatography and its Applications
5. Gas Chromatography and its Applications
6. High-performance Liquid Chromatography and its Applications
7. Ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy and its Applications
8. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and its Applications
9. Voltammetry/Polarography Trace Metal Analyzer and its Applications
10. Microwave Digestion System and its Applications
11. Breath Alcohol Analyzer and its Applications
12. Laboratory Accreditation: A Tool for Quality
13. Forensic Toxicology Reporting and Interpretation
14. Do’s and Don’ts for Different Personnel Involved in Safety Measures in the Laboratory
15. The Indian Laws Relating to Drugs and Poisons


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