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Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Kozarek, Chiorean, Wallace
100,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • About this book

  • Collects current endoscopic advances in a concise verbal and visual tool
  • Includes an online video atlas making the text an indispensable component of every practicing endoscopist
  • Written by experts in endoscopy and IBD

This book conjoins the latest advances on the use of endoscopy to diagnose, monitor, and treat patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Chapters include the historical use of rigid sigmoidoscopy, non-interventional imaging procedures, and the correlation of pathology and endoscopic visualization. This is the first book to include individual chapters in gastroenterology, colorectal surgery, and the preeminent role of endoscopy in the management of chronic ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.  It also includes chapters on capsule endoscopy and device-assisted enteroscopy to in Crohn's Disease and the use of image-enhanced endoscopy for colorectal neoplasia surveillance. The book also includes access to online videos, making it the ultimate verbal and visual tool for all medical professionals interested in the advances in the field over the last several decades.


Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a concise text that is of great value to practicing endoscopists, gastroenterologists, general or colorectal surgeons, physicians in training, and all medical professionals caring for patients with inflammatory bowel disease.​


Table of Contents

Part I Background
1 The Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment
of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases over the Past 100 Years:
A Brief Review ............................................................................... 3
Frank I. Scott and Gary R. Lichtenstein
Part II Current Noninvasive Imaging Studies
2 Ultrasound ..................................................................................... 31
Nadia Pallotta and Enrico S. Corazziari
3 Fluoroscopic Techniques for the Interrogation
of IBD Patients .............................................................................. 55
Stephen W. Trenkner and Joel G. Fletcher
4 CT Enterography in Crohn’s Disease ......................................... 69
David H. Bruining
5 Magnetic Resonance Enterography ............................................ 73
Ragna Vanslembrouck, Dirk Vanbeckevoort,
Tanya P. Chawla, and Gert Van Assche
Part III Endoscopic Diagnosis/DDX CUC/CD
6 Role of Endoscopy in Diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease
and Chronic Ulcerative Colitis ..................................................... 93
Stephen M. Vindigni, Anand Singla, and Scott D. Lee
7 Capsule Endoscopy in the Evaluation of Inflammatory
Bowel Disease ................................................................................ 105
Erika S. Boroff and Jonathan A. Leighton
8 Balloon-Assisted Enteroscopy: Techniques, Diagnostic
and Therapeutic Yield and Application
in Small Bowel Crohn’s Disease ................................................... 121
Gary R. Mayù

9 Spiral Enteroscopy: Technique, Diagnostic
and Therapeutic Yield and Application
in Small Bowel Crohn’s Disease ................................................... 129
Michael Chiorean
Part IV Pathologic Diagnosis/Differential Diagnosis IBD
10 Diseases That Can Mimic IBD ..................................................... 137
Peter Rubin
11 Histopathologic Diagnosis of Inflammatory
Bowel Disease ................................................................................ 149
Hejin P. Hahn
Part V Use of Endoscopy to Follow Clinical Course in IBD
12 Role of Mucosal Healing ............................................................... 173
Arthur M. Barrie III and Miguel Regueiro
13 Role of Endoscopy to Define Postoperative
Recurrence in IBD ........................................................................ 187
James D. Lord and Elisa Boden
14 The Use of Endoscopy to Follow the Clinical Course
of Crohn’s Disease ......................................................................... 205
Mark A. Samaan and Geert D’Haens
15 Endoscopy in Crohn’s Disease of the Pouch ............................... 227
Bo Shen
Part VI Surveillance for Neoplasia
16 Endoscopic Surveillance for Neoplasia in IBD:
Random Biopsy ............................................................................. 237
Steven Polyak
17 The Near Future of Endoscopic Screening in IBD ..................... 251
Ralf Kiesslich, Johannes Wilhelm Rey, and Arthur Hoffman
18 Surveillance for Neoplasia in the Patient
with an Ileal Pouch ........................................................................ 259
Revital Kariv and Bret Lashner
Part VII Endoscopic Approach to DALMs
19 Pathology of Polypoid Dysplastic Lesions in IBD ...................... 269
Kyle Viani and Robert D. Odze
20 Endoscopic Approach to Resection of Polypoid
and Non-Polypoid Dysplasia in IBD ............................................ 279
James E. East, Francis A. Farraye, and Roy Soetikno

Part VIII Treatment of Complications
21 Endoscopic Treatment of Complications
of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases .................................................. 293
Siddharth Singh and Todd H. Baron Sr.
Part IX ERCP in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
22 Diagnosis and Treatment: ERCP in PSC .................................... 309
Nandakumar Srinivasan and Richard Kozarek
Part X Future
23 Future of Endoscopy and IBD ..................................................... 325
Michael Wallace
Index ....................................................................................................... 329


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