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Disorders of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Parkinson's Disease
80,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is the first to take into account the rapidly growing body of knowledge on the relation between sleep and PD. Gathering contributions from internationally recognized experts, it provides a unique source of in-depth information on sleep and circadian dysregulation in Parkinson’s disease. The book is divided into two parts: the first comprises chapters on normal sleep-wake homeostasis, followed by changes that occur in PD and discussions of available tools for the assessment of sleep-wake cycles in PD. In the second part, sleep and circadian disorders associated with PD are described in individual chapters, including sections on epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, and treatment. Controversies in the field, such as the relations between cognition and sleep, fatigue and sleepiness, and the potential impact of surgical therapies on sleep-wake cycles are discussed separately. The book closes with a chapter on future directions and unmet needs in the field of sleep, circadian biology and PD. This comprehensive text offers a readily accessible resource for clinicians and researchers alike, addressing the needs of neurologists, sleep and movement disorders specialists, and all trainees and allied health professionals involved in the care of patients affected by Parkinson’s disease.

  • Regulation of Sleep and Wake Homeostasis

    Goldstein, Cathy A. (et al.)

    Pages 3-18

  • Neurochemistry of the Sleep-Wake Cycle in Parkinson’s Disease

    Freeman, Amanda A. H.

    Pages 19-33

  • Impaired Sleep and Alertness in Parkinson’s Disease: “What Did We Learn from Animal Models?”

    Luppi, Pierre-Hervé (et al.)

    Pages 35-49

  • Objective Measures of the Sleep–Wake Cycle in Parkinson’s Disease

    Cochen De Cock, Valérie

    Pages 51-60

  • Subjective Assessment of Sleep and Sleepiness in Parkinson’s Disease

    Santamaria, Joan

    Pages 61-76

  • Insomnia in Parkinson’s Disease

    Park, Margaret (et al.)

    Pages 79-91

  • Sleep Disordered Breathing in Parkinson’s Disease

    Scullin, Michael K. (et al.)

    Pages 93-106

  • Excessive Daytime Somnolence Associated with Parkinson’s Disease

    Battista, James (et al.)

    Pages 107-116

  • Dysregulation of Circadian System in Parkinson’s Disease

    Videnovic, Aleksandar

    Pages 117-129

  • REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

    Howell, Michael J. (et al.)

    Pages 131-144

  • Quality Control for Diagnosis of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: Criteria, Questionnaires, Video, and Polysomnography

    Frauscher, Birgit (et al.)

    Pages 145-157

  • Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movements in Parkinson’s Disease

    Ondo, William G.

    Pages 159-171

  • Fatigue and Sleepiness in Parkinson’s Disease Patients

    Svensson, Elisabeth

    Pages 173-181

  • Cognition and the Sleep–Wake Cycle in Parkinson’s Disease

    Gagnon, Jean-Francois (et al.)

    Pages 183-194

  • Impact of Surgical Therapies on Sleep and Alertness in Parkinson’s Disease

    Amara, Amy W. (et al.)

    Pages 195-207

  • Sleep Disorders in Atypical Parkinsonisms

    Iranzo, Alex

    Pages 209-221



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