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Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Geriatrics, 3/e
Walter, Chang
87,00 €


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The highly rated geriatrics guide has been updated and streamlined, getting you up to speed on everything you need to know—quickly and efficiently

One of the top-selling geriatrics guides in medicine, Current Diagnosis & Treatment:Geriatrics now covers the unique challenges clinicians are facing today,such as policies concerning special populations, care in collaboration with teams, and working within healthcare systems.

Presented by a top-ranked group of internationally renowned experts, this concise and authoritative guide delivers everything you need to know about assessment, care, conditions, diseases, and symptoms of geriatric patients; provides a new focus on policy, society, and the global environment;and includes new chapters on assisted-living settings, HIV and aging, and aid in dying.

Table of Contents

Section1. Principles of Geriatric Assessment and Care

  1. Introduction to the Care of Older Persons: Knowledge, Skills & System Change
    1. Guiding Principles
  2. Overview of Geriatric Assessment (6)
    1. Geriatric Assessment in Primary Care
    2. Teams
    3. Patient Goals
    4. Prognosis
    5. Functional Assessment
    6. Falls & Gait Impairment
    7. Vision Impairment
    8. Hearing Impairment
    9. Dementia
    10. Incontinence
    11. Depression
    12. Nutrition
    13. Medication Use
    14. Caregiver Support
    15. Financial, Environmental and Social Resources
    16. Abuse
    17. Preventive Services
  3. The Interprofessional Team (5)
    1. Key Definitions & Context
    2. Innovations in Geriatric Interprofessional Teams
    3. Evidence for Interprofessional Teams
    4. Barriers to Teamwork
    5. Resources and Tools for Teamwork
  4. Goals of Care and Consideration of Prognosis (3)
    1. Guide to Goals of Care Discussions
    2. Importance of Surrogate Decision Makers
    3. Prognostication
    4. Prognosis Related to Specific Diseases
    5. Communicating Prognosis to Patient or Surrogate
  5. Functional Assessment & Functional Decline (2)
    1. Epidemiology of Functional Limitations
    2. Assessment of Functional Status
    3. Risk Factors for Functional Decline
    4. Prevention of Functional Decline
    5. Treatment of Functional Decline
  6. Falls & Mobility Impairment (25)
    1. Epidemiology of Falls
    2. Assessment of Fall Risk and Mobility
    3. Risk Factors for Falls
    4. Prevention of Falls
    5. Treatment of Mobility Impairment
  7. Managing Vision Impairment (61)
    1. Normal Changes in the Aging Eye
    2. Cataracts
    3. Age-Related Macular Degeneration
    4. Diabetic Retinopathy
    5. Glaucoma
    6. Systemic Effects of Eye Medications
    7. Visual Symptoms Indicating Need for Urgent Referral to an Eye-Care Specialist
  8. Managing Hearing Impairment (62)
    1. Age-related Hearing Changes
    2. How and when to test for Hearing Impairment
    3. Sensory Hearing Impairment
    4. Neural Hearing Impairment
    5. Conductive Hearing Impairment
    6. Treatment for Hearing Impairment
  9. Cognitive Impairment & Dementia (22)
    1. Age-related Cognitive Changes
    2. Screening for Cognitive Impairment
    3. Mild Cognitive Impairment
    4. Common types of Dementia
    5. Dementia-related Behaviors
    6. When to refer to subspecialty care
  10. Urinary Incontinence (39)
    1. Age-related Urogenital Changes
    2. Screening for Urinary Incontinence
    3. Common Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Male-Sex Urinary Incontinence
    4. Common Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Female-Sex Urinary Incontinence
  11. Sexual Health & Dysfunction (46)
    1. Age-related physiologic changes affecting sexual function
    2. Taking a Sexual History
    3. Sexually-transmitted Infections
    4. Common Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Male-Sex Sexual Dysfunction
    5. Common Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Female-Sex Sexual Dysfunction
  12. Depression & Other Mental Health Issues (45)
    1. Depression
    2. Suicide
    3. Bipolar Disorder
    4. Anxiety & Stress Disorders




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