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Congenital Anomalies of Coronary Arteries
Butera, Frigiola
140,00 €


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The coronaries are the first branches of the ascending aorta. They arise from their respective sinuses of Valsalva, and gradually branch distally to the myocardium. 
Abnormalities of the coronary arteries, either congenital or acquired, can be characterized as a lack of origin, abnormal origin, anomalous course, lack of patency, abnormal connections, and/or abnormal drainage of the coronary vessels. Interruptions to or lack of flow can cause significant morbidity and mortality due to ischemia, infarction and fistulous connections, which can lead to cardiac failure, endocarditis and ischemia. 
Coronary artery anomalies are rare in general populations. Although they can be benign and asymptomatic, they can also be malignant due to their origin and course and can cause sudden cardiac death. As such, an understanding of how to analyze, diagnose and treat them is vital. 
This book presents the latest advances in congenital anomalies of coronary arteries. It offers a comprehensive overview of the field, including illustrative angiograms and diagrams that demonstrate all possible anomalies and clarify what is abnormal, and also provides practical insights to guide practitioners in their everyday practice.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-viii


  2. From Embryology to Diseases

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. The Development of the Coronary Arteries

      • Robert H. Anderson, Timothy J. Mohun, Deborah Henderson

      Pages 3-17

    3. Congenital Anomalies of Coronary Arteries: Anatomy, Embryology and Risk of Sudden Death

      • Stefania Rizzo, Cristina Basso, Michela Muriago, Gaetano Thiene

      Pages 19-36

    4. Normal Coronary Flow Physiology

      • Carlo Trani, Cristina Aurigemma, Filippo Crea

      Pages 37-44

    5. Myocardial Bridge(s)

      • Alberto Barioli, Flavia Belloni, Giuseppe Tarantini

      Pages 45-56

    6. Isolated Coronary Artery Fistulas

      • M. Rebonato, G. Butera, S. Qureshi, M. Carminati

      Pages 57-66

    7. Coronary Artery Abnormalities Associated to Congenital or Non-congenital Heart Disease

      • Roberto Formigari, Micol Rebonato

      Pages 67-74

    8. Anomalous Origin of the Coronary Arteries from the Pulmonary Artery: ALCAPA and ARCAPA

      • Alessandro Giamberti, Massimo Chessa, Martina Evangelista, Federica Caldaroni

      Pages 75-83

    9. Coronary Artery Anomalies: An Updated Discussion on Nomenclature, Pathophysiology, and Screening

      • Paolo Angelini, Carlo Uribe

      Pages 85-94

  3. Diagnosis and Risk Stratification

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 95-95


    2. Role of Patient History and Non-invasive Tests in the Workflow of Patients

      • Julie A. Brothers

      Pages 97-112

    3. Advanced Imaging in Congenital Abnormalities of Coronary Arteries in Children

      • Jan Marek, Kristian Mortensen, Claudio Capelli

      Pages 113-130

    4. Role of Invasive and Provocative Tests

      • Francesco Bedogni

      Pages 131-151

    5. Pediatric Patients: Role of Invasive and Provocative Tests

      • Silvana Molossi, Tam T. Doan

      Pages 153-169

    6. AAOCA in Young Athlete: How to Detect, What to Do, When to Allow Coming Back to Competitive Sport?

      • Massimiliano Bianco, Vincenzo Palmieri, Paolo Zeppilli

      Pages 171-185

    7. Sudden Death: Differential Diagnosis and AOCA

      • Barbara Barra, Gherardo Finocchiaro

      Pages 187-193

    8. Congenital Coronary Artery Anomalies: Differential Diagnosis of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Young Athletes

      • Carlo Pappone, Gabriele Negro, Giuseppe Ciconte

      Pages 195-202

  4. Modelling and Treatment(s)

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 203-203


    2. How Computational Model May Help in Mechanism Understanding?

      • G. M. Formato, V. Ceserani, R. M. Romarowski, M. Lo Rito, M. Conti

      Pages 205-215

    3. Computational Modeling for Decision Making

      • Gianluca Rigatelli, Marco Zuin

      Pages 217-227

    4. Anomalous Aortic Origin of Coronary Arteries Data from the Registries

      • Massimo A. Padalino, Matteo Ponzoni

      Pages 229-240

    5. Surgical Techniques for AAOCA

      • M. Lo Rito, O. Raisky, A. Frigiola

      Pages 241-250

    6. Impact and Management of Anomalous Aortic Origin of Coronary Arteries in Adult Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery for Acquired Heart Disease

      • Massimo Massetti, Maria Grandinetti, Federico Cammertoni, Piero Farina, Piergiorgio Bruno

      Pages 251-264

    7. Pre- and Postoperative Care

      • Giuseppe Isgrò

      Pages 265-274

    8. Postoperative Complications and Outcomes After AAOCA Repair

      • Anusha Jegatheeswaran

      Pages 275-280


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