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Libreria medica internazionale
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Clinical Cases in Neurology
75,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This new second edition presents a completely new selection of 25 scenarios based on cases from the personal archive of Ondrej Dolezal, collected over 20 years of clinical practice. With a simple and uniquely innovative approach, this book offers a natural workflow through the chapter structure, helping junior doctors to gain confidence in reaching their clinical diagnosis. A range of different clinical scenarios and neurological conditions are examined, from cerebal palsy and other degenerative disorders, to epilepsy and headache. 

This book can serve as a teaching aid in a classroom setting, where the teacher introduces the case (“telling the story”, neurological examination) and the students then propose differential diagnoses and further tests. The teacher can show a representative test result to students and expect them to interpret the scan/test, as well as proposing further referrals and discussing the prognosis. Each chapter, contains visual aids in the form of Neuroexam, helping the reader gain a quick understanding of the case.

Scenarios presented in this book can be used at the bedside in teaching medical students and junior doctors, and it is aimed at trainee neurologists and any non-neurologists who might encounter neurological cases in the clinic.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxv

    Download chapter PDF

  2. Paraesthesia in Hands and Clumsiness

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 1-7

  3. Anaemia, Pain and Ankle Weakness

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 9-14

  4. Twitching in the Face and Tingling

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 15-22

  5. Unstable Gait, Headache and Increased Reflexes in a Young Man

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 23-30

  6. Post-seizure Confusion and Head Injury

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 31-35

  7. Extrapyramidal, Cerebellar and Cognitive Symptoms in an Older Man

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 37-42

  8. Unsteadiness and Stiff Neck in a Young Female

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 43-49

  9. Tingling in the Face

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 51-56

  10. Generally Unwell Man

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 57-62

  11. Numbness of Face and Tongue

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 63-70

  12. Not Seeing the Whole Picture

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 71-77

  13. Falls in Cerebral Palsy

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 79-87

  14. Leg Pain in Young Man with Diabetes

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 89-92

  15. Waxing and Waning Hand Weakness

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 93-98

  16. Not Feeling the Heat

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 99-103

  17. Burning Legs

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 105-110

  18. Progressive Weakness

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 111-115

  19. Confusion, Hemiparesis in a Woman with Squint

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 117-122

  20. Two Seizures and Strong Family History of Epilepsy

    • Ondrej Dolezal

    Pages 123-127


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