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Libreria medica internazionale
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Brain Tumor Imaging
Hattingen, Pilatus
120,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book describes the basics, the challenges and the limitations of state of the art brain tumor imaging and examines in detail its impact on diagnosis and treatment monitoring. It opens with an introduction to the clinically relevant physical principles of brain imaging. Since MR methodology plays a crucial role in brain imaging, the fundamental aspects of MR spectroscopy, MR perfusion and diffusion-weighted MR methods are described, focusing on the specific demands of brain tumor imaging. The potential and the limits of new imaging methodology are carefully addressed and compared to conventional MR imaging. In the main part of the book, the most important imaging criteria for the differential diagnosis of solid and necrotic brain tumors are delineated and illustrated in examples. A closing section is devoted to the use of MR methods for the monitoring of brain tumor therapy. The book is intended for radiologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, oncologists and other scientists in the biomedical field with an interest in neuro-oncology.

  • Brain Tumor Imaging

    Bähr, Oliver (et al.)

    Pages 1-9

  • MR Imaging of Brain Tumors

    Hattingen, Elke (et al.)

    Pages 11-53

  • MR Spectroscopic Imaging

    Hattingen, Elke (et al.)

    Pages 55-73

  • MR Perfusion Imaging

    Preibisch, Christine (et al.)

    Pages 75-98

  • Diffusion-Weighted Methods

    Raab, Peter (et al.)

    Pages 99-110

  • Advanced MR Methods in Differential Diagnosis of Brain Tumors

    Hattingen, Elke (et al.)

    Pages 111-120

  • PET Imaging of Brain Tumors

    Langen, Karl-Josef (et al.)

    Pages 121-134

  • Advanced Imaging Modalities and Treatment of Gliomas: Radiation Therapy

    Goetz, Irina (et al.)

    Pages 135-142

  • Advanced Imaging Modalities and Treatment of Gliomas: Neurosurgery

    Wölfer, Johannes (et al.)

    Pages 143-154

  • Future Methods in Tumor Imaging

    Pilatus, Ulrich (et al.)

    Pages 155-161



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