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Libreria medica internazionale
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Beyond Evidence-Based Medicine
Clinical Pearls from Experienced Physicians
Junckerstorff, Brady, Aung
150,00 €


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This textbook assembles the wealth of clinical experiences across multiple medical specialties and offers clinical pearls that will result in better patient care and are highly relevant to daily practice. This book has been compiled by many renowned clinicians, medical educators, and researchers who are experts in their respective disciplines across Australia, New Zealand and the United States. The chapters provide multiple cases in vignette format, illustrating the clinical pearls, and finish with a discussion and practical tips. This format will allow the reader to easily understand how the clinical pearls can be applied in clinical practice.

 Evidence-based medicine and clinical guidelines help us choose the best management and treatment options for our patients. However, many questions in medicine have not been researched or are not readily amenable to research. In fact, there is more to the art and mastery of practicing clinical medicine than the evidence-based approach. Information gained over years of reflective clinical practice and cumulative wisdom adds value to evidence-based clinical medicine. With experience and clinical gestalt playing an equal, if not a more prominent role than what evidence can offer in a physician’s approach to solving clinical problems, this book offers unique perspectives on the practice of medicine.

Beyond Evidence-Based Medicine: Clinical Pearls from Experienced Physicians will be valuable for later-year medical students, medical educators, doctors in training, and consultant physicians alike. Aiming to improve the day-to-day medical practices of professionals, the Editors have invited experienced physicians to share their expertise culminating in a unique book with broad applicability and appeal.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xviii


  2. Internal Medicine

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Consider Adverse Drug Reactions in Undifferentiated Presentations

      • Chris Cameron

      Pages 3-6

    3. Polypharmacy and Deprescribing

      • Ian Scott

      Pages 7-10

    4. Overdiagnosis

      • Ian Scott

      Pages 11-14

    5. Chronic Pain Management

      • Lannie Ho, Benny Katz

      Pages 15-17

    6. Neuropathic Pain Is a Symptom Not a Diagnosis

      • Lannie Ho, Benny Katz

      Pages 19-22

    7. Collaborations in Complexity

      • Catherine Gibb

      Pages 23-25

    8. The Skeleton in the Closet: Preventing Hospital-Associated Malnutrition

      • Alison M. Mudge, Nicole I. Chan, Joseph Tan

      Pages 27-29

    9. An Approach to Hyponatraemia

      • Krita Sridharan, Laila Rotstein

      Pages 31-35

  3. Geriatric Medicine

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 37-37


    2. Acopia Is Not a Diagnosis

      • Emma Hack, Benny Katz

      Pages 39-41

    3. Observation of Gait in the Older Adult

      • Nicholas J. Radcliffe, Benny Katz

      Pages 43-45

    4. Decision-Making Capacity

      • Nicholas Voon, Benny Katz

      Pages 47-49

    5. Do Not Use the Term “Mechanical” Fall

      • Nicholas J. Radcliffe, Benny Katz

      Pages 51-53

    6. Keep an Open Mind: Assessing Unsteadiness in Older People

      • Nicole I. Chan, Joseph Tan, Alison M. Mudge

      Pages 55-57

    7. Right Time and Place: Cognitive Testing in Hospital

      • Nicole I. Chan, Joseph Tan, Alison M. Mudge

      Pages 59-61

    8. First Do No Harm: Beware the Prescribing Cascade

      • Nicole I. Chan, Joseph Tan, Alison M. Mudge

      Pages 63-65

    9. A Delicate Balance: Weighing Risks and Benefits in Frail Patients

      • Joseph Tan, Nicole I. Chan, Alison M. Mudge

      Pages 67-69

    10. A Critical Signal: New Atrial Fibrillation in an Inpatient

      • Nicole I. Chan, Joseph Tan, Alison M. Mudge

      Pages 71-73

      1. Taboo Clues: Learning from Bodily Functions

        • Nicole I. Chan, Joseph Tan, Alison M. Mudge

        Pages 75-77

    11. Delirium

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 79-79


      2. Prolonged Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

        • Edward T. H. Fysh

        Pages 81-83

      3. Looking for Causes of Delirium

        • Ian Scott

        Pages 85-88

      4. Agitating for Better Care: Minimise Sedatives in Delirium

        • Alison M. Mudge, Nicole I. Chan, Joseph Tan

        Pages 89-91

      5. Antipsychotics and Acute Behavioural Disturbance

        • Emma Hack, Benny Katz

        Pages 93-96

      6. Urinary Tract Infection May Not Be the Cause of Delirium

        • Jillian Chau, Benny Katz

        Pages 97-99

      7. Is Delirium Better Managed in Hospital or At Home?

        • Anna Sigley, Benny Katz

        Pages 101-103

    12. Palliative Care

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 105-105


      2. Advance Care Planning

        • Ian Scott

        Pages 107-109

      3. Just Because a Treatment Is Available, Does Not Mean That It Must Be Given

        • Jia Hao Hui, Benny Katz

        Pages 111-114

      4. Shared Decision Making in the End-of-Life Setting

        • Catherine Gibb

        Pages 115-117

      5. Approaching Goals of Care Discussions at the End of Life

        • Cathy Corbett

        Pages 119-121

      6. A Multimodal Approach to Managing Chronic Breathlessness

        • Cathy Corbett

        Pages 123-126

      7. Approach to Respiratory Secretions at the End of Life

        • Jamie Parker-Smith, Cathy Corbett

        Pages 127-129

      8. Medication Management in Parkinson’s Disease

        • Jamie Parker-Smith, Cathy Corbett

        Pages 131-133

      9. Liver Disease and Opioid Prescribing

        • Cathy Corbett

        Pages 135-137

      10. A Good Death: Respecting Goals of Care

        • Joseph Tan, Nicole I. Chan, Alison M. Mudge

        Pages 139-141

    13. Cardiovascular Medicine

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 143-143


      2. Patient Adjusted Brain Natriuretic Peptide Assessment Improves Diagnostic Performance

        • Harry Gibbs, David Buxton

        Pages 145-147

        1. Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Look for

          • David Buxton, Harry Gibbs

          Pages 149-152

        2. Sometimes, the Old Ways Are Best: Cost Effective Bedside Diagnostics for Peripheral Arterial Disease

          • David Buxton, Harry Gibbs

          Pages 153-155

        3. Syncope: Keeping the Workup Simple

          • Chris Cameron

          Pages 157-160

        4. Investigation of Syncope

          • Ian Scott

          Pages 161-163

        5. Atypical Chest Pain: Fact or Fiction?

          • Jessica Roberts, Luke Phillips

          Pages 165-168

        6. Digoxin: Too Much of a Good Thing

          • Eanna Mac Suibhne, Luke Phillips

          Pages 169-171

      3. Renal Medicine

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 173-173


        2. Acute Kidney Injury Workup

          • Krita Sridharan, Laila Rotstein

          Pages 175-179

        3. Beyond the JVP: Overcoming Pitfalls in Fluid Assessment

          • Kristeen Barker

          Pages 181-184

        4. Magnesium: The Most Forgotten Electrolyte

          • Kristeen Barker, Peter G. Kerr

          Pages 185-187

        5. Recognising Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)

          • Kristeen Barker

          Pages 189-193

        6. Acute Kidney Injury and Cancer

          • Benjamin Lazarus, Peter G. Kerr

          Pages 195-197

        7. It’s Not Always Essential Hypertension

          • Benjamin Lazarus, Peter G. Kerr

          Pages 199-201

        8. Swollen Legs

          • Benjamin Lazarus, Peter G. Kerr

          Pages 203-205

        9. Haematuria and Acute Kidney Injury

          • Benjamin Lazarus, Peter G. Kerr

          Pages 207-209

      4. Emergency and Critical Care Medicine

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 211-211


        2. Beware Intravenous Fluids in the Management of Pulmonary Embolism

          • Luke Phillips

          Pages 213-217

        3. Fall Injuries in the Elderly

          • Laura Scott, Luke Phillips

          Pages 219-222

        4. Injecting Drug Use and Sepsis

          • Tom Bourne, Luke Phillips

          Pages 223-226

        5. Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation

          • Krita Sridharan, Laila Rotstein

          Pages 227-229


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