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A History of Medicine
CRC Press
260,00 €


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Originally published in 1941, A History of Medicine provides a detailed and comprehensive guide to the advancement of medicine, from Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Babylonia, all the way up to the 20th century. The book looks at the close relationship between the progress of medicine and its advancement of civilization, it covers the development of medicine from, old magical rites, religious creeds, classical Hippocratism and revolutionary discoveries, while looking at the associated economic, intellectual, and political conditions of life in different nations, during different times. The book provides an essential and detailed look at the rich history of medicine and how it has impacted society. 

Table of Contents

1. Medical Thought in its Historical Evolution

2. The Origin of Medicine in Prehistory and in Primitive Peoples. Empiric, Demonistic, Animistic, Magic Medicine

3. Mesopotamian Medicine. Magic and Priestly Medicine

4. Old Egyptian Medicine. Priestly Medicine, Origins of the Philosophic Concept

5. The Medicine of the People of Israel. Theurgic Medicine. Canonical Codifications of Sanitary Laws

6. The Medicine of Ancient Persia and India. Systematic Theories

7. Far Eastern Medicine. Systems of Scholastic Medicine

8. The Medicine of Ancient Greece. The Temples and Cult of Aesculapius – The Greco-Italian Schools – The Dawn of Scientific Medicine

9. The Golden Age of Greek Medicine. Hippocratic Medicine – A Biologic and Synthetic Concept

10. Post-Hippocratic Medicine. The Alexandrian School. Beginnings of Anatomical and Physiological Studies

11. Roman Medicine. The Latin Concept of Medicine and Sanitary Legislation

12. The Decadence of Medical Science. Christian Dogmatic Medicine. The Byzantine School

13. Arabian Medicine. Lay Medicine. Renaissance of Classical Doctrines

14. Medicine in the Christian West During the First Centuries of the Middle Ages. From Monastic Medicine to the Lay Medicine of Salerno

15. Medicine in the Later Middle Ages. The Universities and Humanism. The Precursors of the Renaissance

16. Renaissance. The Revival of Anatomy and Physiology. Biological and Clinical Trends

17. The Seventeenth Century. Dawn of Scientific Liberty. Biological and Experimental Trends in Medicine

18. The Eighteenth Century. From Speculative Systems to Pathological and Clinical Concepts

19. First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Experimental and Biological Concepts. The Cell Doctrine

20. The Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. Clinical Medicine Based on the Fundamental Sciences. Growth of the Specialities

21. The Twentieth Century


Index of Subjects

Index of Persons



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