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Williams' Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 13th Edition
90,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Master the essentials of nutrition science and patient care with this concise text! Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 13th Edition helps you understand and apply nutrition concepts in the treatment of disease, disease prevention, and life enhancement. The text is broken out into three parts: the basics of nutrients and the body, the life cycle and community nutrition, and clinical nutrition. Case studies help you determine nutritional interventions in treating both acute and chronic conditions. Written by nutrition specialists Joyce Gilbert and Eleanor D. Schlenker, this book includes the latest advances in research and evidence-based practice.

New to this edition
  • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)-style case studies apply concepts to realistic scenarios.
  • NEW! Dietary Guidelines have been updated to the 2020-2025 edition with new illustrations.
  • NEW! Coverage of the Healthy People initiative is updated to the 2030 national objectives.
  • NEW! Revised guidelines for potassium and sodium fit the new recommendations for adequate intake of potassium and for sodium chronic disease risk reduction intake.
  • NEW! Content on obesity is incorporated into the Energy Balance chapter.
  • NEW! Updated content on nutrients is added.
  • NEW! Updated references include many new and current works.

PART 1 Introduction to Human Nutrition
1 Nutrition and Health
2 Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism
3 Carbohydrates
4 Lipids
5 Proteins
6 Vitamins
7 Minerals and Water
8 Energy Balance
PART 2 Community Nutrition and the Life Cycle
9 Food Selection and Food Safety
10 Community Nutrition: Promoting Healthy Eating
11 Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation
12 Nutrition for Normal Growth and Development
13 Nutrition for Aging Adults
14 Nutrition and Physical Fitness
PART 3 Introduction to Clinical Nutrition
15 Nutrition Assessment and Nutrition Therapy in Patient Care
16 Metabolic Stress
17 Drug–Nutrient Interactions
18 Nutrition Support: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition
19 Gastrointestinal Diseases
20 Diseases of the Heart, Blood Vessels, and Lungs
21 Diabetes Mellitus
22 Renal Disease
23 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
24 Cancer
Appendix A Body Mass Index (Second of Two Body Mass Index Tables)
Appendix B Food Sources of Oxalates
Appendix C Calculation Aids and Conversion Tables
Appendix D Federal Food Assistance Programs


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