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Viral Infections of Humans
Epidemiology and Control
Kaslow, Stranberry, LeDuc
399,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Striking changes have occurred in the world since the publication of the last edition of Viral Infections of Humans. The global population is rapidly approaching 8 billion; climate change is leading to the introduction of new hosts, vectors and virus diseases heretofore never seen in many parts of the world; technological advances have revolutionized the ability to recognize and characterize viruses new and old; vaccines are altering the epidemiological landscape of the diseases they target, in some cases raising the hope of their eradication and remarkably powerful computational tools are enabling not only detection of outbreaks of disease much sooner than in the past but also, through complex mathematical modeling, more accurate prediction of their potential impact.

The new Fifth Edition of Viral Infections of Humans captures the both the excitement and frustration of the dynamic struggle between humankind and the viruses that continue to cause immense suffering.  It presents the latest concepts, methods and technologies in epidemiology, detection, investigation, modeling and intervention. Updated and entirely new chapters by dozens of experts across the field provide analytic summaries of current knowledge of viruses and prions causing acute syndromes, chronic illnesses and/or malignancies. In sum, this ambitiously expanded volume offers a uniquely comprehensive perspective on viruses in humans, from agents of classic diseases (e.g., hepatitis, measles, polio, rabies and yellow fever), to those with greatest pandemic impact (e.g., influenza and human immunodeficiency virus), to those discovered relatively recently (e.g., henipavirus, metapneumovirus and norovirus).

The new Fifth Edition of Viral Infections of Humans is an invaluable reference for students, fellows and established professionals in the fields of microbiology, public health and infectious disease epidemiology, medicine and health policy.

  • Epidemiology and Control: Principles, Practice and Programs

    Kaslow, Richard A.

    Pages 3-38

  • Diagnosis, Discovery and Dissection of Viral Diseases

    Lipkin, W. Ian (et al.)

    Pages 39-45

  • Immunological Detection and Characterization

    Atmar, Robert L.

    Pages 47-62

  • Surveillance and Seroepidemiology

    Jiles, Ruth (et al.)

    Pages 63-79

  • Viral Dynamics and Mathematical Models

    Arinaminpathy, Nimalan (et al.)

    Pages 81-96

  • Adenoviruses

    Lu, Xiaoyan (et al.)

    Pages 99-121

  • Alphaviruses: Equine Encephalitis and Others

    Weaver, Scott C. (et al.)

    Pages 123-145

  • Arenaviruses: Lassa Fever, Lujo Hemorrhagic Fever, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, and the South American Hemorrhagic Fevers

    Bausch, Daniel G. (et al.)

    Pages 147-171

  • Bunyaviruses: Hantavirus and Others

    Freiberg, Alexander N. (et al.)

    Pages 173-197

  • Coronaviruses

    Monto, Arnold S. (et al.)

    Pages 199-223

  • Enteroviruses and Parechoviruses: Echoviruses, Coxsackieviruses, and Others

    Oberste, M. Steven (et al.)

    Pages 225-252

  • Enteroviruses: Enterovirus 71

    Ooi, Mong How (et al.)

    Pages 253-275

  • Enteroviruses: Polio

    Kew, Olen M.

    Pages 277-336

  • Filoviruses: Marburg and Ebola

    Ksiazek, Thomas G.

    Pages 337-350

  • Flaviviruses: Dengue

    Thomas, Stephen J. (et al.)

    Pages 351-381

  • Flaviviruses: Yellow Fever, Japanese B, West Nile, and Others

    Thomas, Stephen J. (et al.)

    Pages 383-415

  • Hepatitis A Virus

    Shouval, Daniel

    Pages 417-438

  • Hepatitis E Virus

    Meng, Xiang-Jin

    Pages 439-454

  • Influenza Viruses

    Treanor, John J.

    Pages 455-478

  • Noroviruses, Sapoviruses, and Astroviruses

    Lopman, Ben A. (et al.)

    Pages 479-499

  • Orthopoxviruses: Variola, Vaccinia, Cowpox, and Monkeypox

    Petersen, Brett W. (et al.)

    Pages 501-517

  • Paramyxoviruses: Henipaviruses

    Luby, Stephen P. (et al.)

    Pages 519-536

  • Paramyxoviruses: Measles

    Moss, William J. (et al.)

    Pages 537-552

  • Paramyxoviruses: Mumps

    Rubin, Steven A.

    Pages 553-577

  • Paramyxoviruses: Parainfluenza Viruses

    Englund, Janet A. (et al.)

    Pages 579-600

  • Paramyxoviruses: Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Human Metapneumovirus

    Crowe, James E. (et al.)

    Pages 601-627

  • Parvoviruses

    Brown, Kevin E.

    Pages 629-649

  • Rhabdovirus: Rabies

    Christian, Kira A. (et al.)

    Pages 651-674

  • Rhinoviruses

    Mackay, Ian M. (et al.)

    Pages 675-712

  • Rotaviruses

    McNeal, Monica Malone (et al.)

    Pages 713-732

  • Rubella Virus

    Orenstein, Walter (et al.)

    Pages 733-744

  • Hepatitis Viruses: Hepatitis B and Hepatitis D

    Evans, Alison A. (et al.)

    Pages 747-764

  • Hepatitis Viruses: Hepatitis C

    Perumalswami, Ponni V. (et al.)

    Pages 765-783

  • Hepatitis Viruses: Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Yang, Ju Dong (et al.)

    Pages 785-804

  • Human Herpesviruses: Cytomegalovirus

    Pass, Robert F.

    Pages 805-828

  • Human Herpesviruses: Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2

    Johnston, Christine (et al.)

    Pages 829-853

  • Human Herpesviruses: Human Herpesvirus 6

    Caserta, Mary T. (et al.)

    Pages 855-866

  • Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV): Infectious Mononucleosis and Other Non-malignant EBV-Associated Diseases

    Macsween, Karen F. (et al.)

    Pages 867-896

  • Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus: Epidemiology, Biological Characteristics and Pathogenesis

    Sarid, Ronit (et al.)

    Pages 897-931

  • Human Herpesviruses: Malignant Lymphoma

    Kanakry, Jennifer A. (et al.)

    Pages 933-951

  • Epstein-Barr Virus: Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Other Epithelial Tumors

    Young, Lawrence S. (et al.)

    Pages 953-970

  • Human Herpesviruses: Varicella and Herpes Zoster

    Gnann, John W.

    Pages 971-999

  • Human Immunodeficiency Viruses Types 1 and 2

    Kaslow, Richard A. (et al.)

    Pages 1001-1062

  • Human Papillomaviruses: Cervical Cancer and Warts

    Deftereos, Georgios (et al.)

    Pages 1063-1104

  • Human T-Cell Leukemia Viruses Types 1 and 2

    Murphy, Edward L. (et al.)

    Pages 1105-1134

  • Polyomaviruses: Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy and Other Diseases

    Viscidi, Raphael P. (et al.)

    Pages 1135-1161

  • Prion Diseases

    Belay, Ermias D. (et al.)

    Pages 1165-1186



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