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Variceal Hemorrhage
De Franchis, Dell’Era
145,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • About this book

  • A comprehensive treatise on diagnosis, assessment and treatment
  • Features critical analysis of the different steps in the management of acute variceal bleeding
  • Written by world experts in their areas of expertise​

Variceal Hemorrhage provides an update of the evidence concerning several aspects of variceal hemorrhage. The book features new information on natural history, diagnosis of esophageal varices, assessment of  the risk of bleeding, and identification of high risk groups and patients who may benefit or be harmed from different treatments. The volume also presents a critical analysis of the different steps in the management of acute variceal bleeding.


Authored by the most prominent world experts in their areas of expertise, Variceal Hemorrhage serves as a very useful reference for gastroenterologists, GI surgeons, residents in internal medicine and physicians dealing with and interested in the different aspects of this severe medical emergency.


Part I Pathophysiology, Natural History, Stages, and Diagnosis
1 Pathophysiology of Portal Hypertension............................................... 3
Yasuko Iwakiri and Roberto J. Groszmann
2 Natural History and Stages of Cirrhosis................................................ 15
Gennaro D’Amico
3 Diagnosis of Esophageal Varices............................................................. 29
Massimo Primignani
Part II Preventing the First Variceal Hemorrhage
4 Assessing the Risk of Bleeding................................................................ 47
Roberto de Franchis
5 Prevention of the Formation and Growth
of Esophageal Varices.............................................................................. 55
Carlo Merkel and Sara Montagnese
6 Beta-Blockers for All … or Not.............................................................. 63
Laure Elkrief and Didier Lebrec
7 Pre-primary and Primary Prophylaxis of Variceal Hemorrhage........ 75
Tilman Sauerbruch and Jonel Trebicka
8 HVPG-Guided Prophylaxis..................................................................... 97
Alessandra Dell’Era and Francesca Iannuzzi
Part III Treatment of Acute Variceal Hemorrhage
9 Transfusion Policy.................................................................................... 107
Càndid Villanueva, Oana Pavel, and Alba Ardèvol Ribalt

10 Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Acute Variceal Hemorrhage........................ 123
Javier Fernández
11 Use of Vasoactive Drugs for Acute Variceal Bleeding........................... 135
Stefania Casu, Annalisa Berzigotti, and Jaime Bosch
12 Endoscopic Treatment of Acute Variceal Bleeding............................... 147
Christos Triantos, Maria Kalafateli,
and Andrew Kenneth Burroughs
13 TIPS: Primary Therapy or Rescue in Treatment
of Acute Variceal Hemorrhage............................................................... 163
Virginia Hernández-Gea, Fanny Turon,
and Juan Carlos García-Pagán
14 How to Manage Gastric and Ectopic Varices?...................................... 171
Ashok Chaudhary and Shiv Kumar Sarin
15 Should We Be Concerned About Coagulation
in the Treatment of Acute Variceal Hemorrhage?................................ 203
Armando Tripodi
Part IV Prevention of Rebleeding
16 Variceal Rebleeding: Drugs, Endoscopy or Both.................................. 213
Flemming Bendtsen, Søren Møller, and Aleksander Krag
17 Role of TIPS and Surgery in Prevention of Rebleeding....................... 229
Christophe Bureau and Jean-Pierre Vinel
Part V Special Situations
18 Variceal Bleeding in Patients with Vascular Liver Disease.................. 245
Dominique-Charles Valla
Index.................................................................................................................. 263


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