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Upper Airway Disorders and Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation
Rationale and Approaches
Esquinas, De Vito, Barbetakis
100,00 €


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This book analyses the basic rationale of noninvasive respiratory management in upper airways medical and perioperative disorders and key interactions and clinical implications. It offers key diagnostic tools to detect early and late failure of upper airway disorders whit a noninvasive approach. Furthermore, all medical and post-operative clinical indications of acute and chronic diseases in upper airway respiratory disorders and outcomes are summarized.

The book can be considered unique from various perspectives: from the physiological and practical point of view as well as from the side of the therapeutic approach. As a matter of fact, from the physiological perspective, noninvasive mechanical ventilation has been shown to have several beneficial effects on the elasticity, musculature, and resistance of the upper and lower airways. Then, in the book the relationships between noninvasive respiratory management options and upper airway disorders in medical and postoperative conditions are also considered. Finally, the book provides information and analysis of the interaction of upper airways in the interaction of noninvasive mechanical ventilation management, which are the determining factors in the response in various clinical settings.

Considering the growing evidence of the role of upper airways disorders in influencing the outcomes of noninvasive mechanical ventilation, in this book is presented a unique multidisciplinary approach to better understand the role of upper airways in noninvasive mechanical ventilation.

The volume – richly illustrated – offers an exhaustive analysis of the role of the upper airways in patients who require treatment with noninvasive mechanical ventilation and can be considered a scientific reference for several specialists such as intensivists and anesthesiologists, pneumologists-sleep medicine professionals as well as otorhinolaryngologists.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxiii


  2. Upper Airways Anatomy and Applied Physiology

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Upper Airway Structure

      • Lazopoulos Achilles, Gogakos Apostolos, Paliouras Dimitrios

      Pages 3-12

    3. Upper Airways the Maxilar-Jaw Effect

      • Apostolos S. Gogakos, Thomas Rallis, Nikolaos Barbetakis

      Pages 13-31

    4. Upper Airway Ethnic Variations

      • Thomas Rallis, Achilleas Lazopoulos, Dimitrios Paliouras

      Pages 33-43

    5. Upper Airway Humidification: Physiology and Clinical Implications

      • Filipa Torres Silva, Bebiana Conde

      Pages 45-47

    6. Upper Airway Thermoregulation and Airway Resistance

      • Thomas Kanteres, Eleni Tzitzili, Nikolaos Barbetakis

      Pages 49-59

    7. Work of Breathing in Upper Airway Respiratory Failure

      • Bruno Matos Gomes

      Pages 61-65

    8. Noninvasive Positive and Negative Pressure Effects in Upper Airway Respiratory Failure

      • Juan Pablo Valencia Quintero, Candela María Rodríguez Mejías, Carlos Fernando Giraldo Ospina

      Pages 67-71

  3. Upper Airways Noninvasive Ventilator Management

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 73-73


    2. Nasal High Flow: Rationale and Indications

      • Zuhal Karakurt, Erdem Yalçınkaya

      Pages 75-80

    3. Noninvasive Ventilation: Rationale and Indications

      • Ana Rita Catarino Ferro

      Pages 81-82

    4. The Mask Interface Designs

      • Bshayer Ramadan Alhamad

      Pages 83-95

    5. Relationship Between Mask Interface and Upper Airway Anatomy and Physiology

      • Giuseppe Fiorentino, Maurizia Lanza, Anna Annunziata

      Pages 97-109

    6. Noninvasive Ventilation in Upper Airways: Pressure, Airflow, and Volume Waveform Monitoring

      • Ana Sofia Alves Correia, Sara Daniela Soeima

      Pages 111-116

    7. Noninvasive Ventilation Success and Failure Risk Factors: The Role of Upper Airways

      • Domenica Di Costanzo, Mariano Mazza

      Pages 117-129

    8. Humidification in Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation and High-Flow Oxygen

      • Elvia Giovanna Battaglia, Elisabetta Roma

      Pages 131-142

  4. Clinical Indications in Upper Airways Disorders

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 143-143


    2. Noninvasive Approaches to Supraglottic and Vocal Cord Dysfunction

      • Yunus Emre Tunçdemir, Kamil Cintan

      Pages 145-154

    3. Noninvasive Ventilation in Dynamic Airway Collapse

      • Pragadeshwaran Rajendran, Habib Md Reazaul Karim

      Pages 155-159

    4. Clinical Indications in Upper Airways Disorders

      1. Noninvasive Approaches in Tracheobronchomalacia

        • Margarida Inês Delgado de Melo Cruz

        Pages 161-165

      2. Upper Airway Noninvasive Ventilation in Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

        • Thomas Rallis, Thomas Kanteres, Nikolaos Barbetakis

        Pages 167-180

      3. Noninvasive Approaches in Difficult Endotracheal Intubation

        • Jaritzy Lagunez Caramon, Ricardo Guzman Rojas

        Pages 181-186

      4. Noninvasive Approach in Extubation Respiratory Failure

        • Elena Rosalía Díaz Rivera

        Pages 187-189

      5. Upper Airway Disorders and Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation: Rationale and Approaches

        • Bruno Matos Gomes

        Pages 191-194

      6. Upper Airway in Anesthesiology: Basic Relationships

        • İlim Irmak

        Pages 195-199

      7. Pharmacology in Upper Airway Physiology

        • Savino Spadaro, Gaye Sensoz Celik

        Pages 201-223

      8. Upper Airway Disorders and Postoperative Respiratory Failure

        • Ferhat Çetinkaya, Dilek Özcengiz

        Pages 225-228

      9. Tracheostomy in Upper Airway Disorders

        • Alessandra Carneiro Dorça, José Vergara, Lívia Andreza Macêdo Bezerra Alcântara

        Pages 229-242

      10. Videofluoroscopy and Swallowing Evaluation and Pattern of Inhalation Injury. Implications for Noninvasive Ventilatory Approach

        • Tullio Valente

        Pages 243-256

      11. Hypercapnic Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder

        • Fotis Yerosimou, Pagona Kamparoudi, Nikolaos Barbetakis

        Pages 257-264

      12. Upper Airway Neuromuscular Disorders and Noninvasive Ventilation

        • Bebiana Conde, Filipa Torres Silva

        Pages 265-268

      13. Sleep Obstructive Apnea Syndrome

        • Mariana Argel

        Pages 269-276

      14. Sleep Breathing in Heart Failure

        • Hugo Miranda, Sofia Miranda, Miriam Cimbron, Nélson Barros

        Pages 277-289

      15. Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome

        • Mariana Argel

        Pages 291-294

      16. Noninvasive Ventilatory Approaches in Neonatology

        • Ana Freitas

        Pages 295-304

      17. Upper Airway Disorders in Pediatric. Noninvasive Ventilatory Approaches

        • Zehra Hatipoglu, Mediha Turktan

        Pages 305-311

      18. Noninvasive Ventilation and Upper Airway Obstruction in Neuromuscular Disease

        • Alessandra Carneiro Dorça, Lívia Andreza de Macêdo Bezerra Alcântara

        Pages 313-322

      19. Transesophageal Echocardiography from Upper Respiratory Endoscopic Processes

        • Arzu Esen Tekeli, Mehmet Kılıç

        Pages 323-334

    5. Diagnosis and Monitoring

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 335-335

      2. Diagnosis and Monitoring

        1. Functional Procedures in Upper Airway Disorders

          • Nikolaos Christoglou, Thomas Kanteres, Mavroudi Eleni, Nikolaos Barbetakis

          Pages 337-346

        2. Sleep Breathing Disorders in Upper Airway Disorders Implications for Noninvasive Ventilation

          • Júlia Silva, João Portela

          Pages 347-356

        3. Swallowing Disorder and Upper Airway Relationships During Noninvasive Ventilation

          • Mehmet Yasir Pektezel, Leyla Das Pektezel

          Pages 357-361

        4. Monitoring Upper Airway Disorders and Noninvasive Ventilation Approach Pulse Oximetry and Capnography

          • Jaritzy Lagunez Caramon

          Pages 363-369

        5. Diagnosis and Evaluation of Upper Airway Disorders in Noninvasive Ventilator Support: Endoscopy Evaluation

          • Eleni Tzitzili, Thomas Kanteres, Achilleas Lazopoulos, Nikolaos Barbetakis

          Pages 371-378


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