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Unexplained Infertility
Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Treatment
Schattman, Esteves, Agarwal
140,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.


Written and edited by leading, internationally recognized clinicians and scientists in reproductive medicine and related fields, this unique text is a practical and comprehensive review of the clinical and scientific significance of unexplained male and female infertility and its management. The book is divided into thematic sections to ensure the most useful presentation of topics, opening with definitions and epidemiology of unexplained infertility, including discussion of the WHO’s cutoff values for human semen characteristics and its ramifications. Sections covering male and female reproductive pathophysiology follow respectively, covering biological, genetic and environmental causative factors, with a subsequent section on evaluative techniques for male and female patients. Expectant, medical and surgical treatment strategies comprise the fifth section of the book, where active interventions and outcomes of each treatment modality are carefully considered. The final section discusses assisted reproductive techniques to manage unexplained infertility, such as intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization, as well as future perspectives. Thoughtful and enlightening, Unexplained Infertility: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Treatment will be an invaluable resource for all clinicians and scientists working in the fields of reproductive medicine and infertility.

Table of Contents

Part I Definitions and Epidemiology
1 Definitions and Relevance of Unexplained Infertility in
Reproductive Medicine 3
Sandro C. Esteves, Glenn L. Schattman and Ashok Agarwal
2 Definitions and Epidemiology of Unexplained Male Infertility 7
Ahmet Gudeloglu, Jamin Brahmbhatt and Sijo Parekattil
3 Controversies Surrounding the 2010 World Health Organization
Cutoff Values for Human Semen Characteristics and Its Impact
on Unexplained Infertility 13
Sandro C. Esteves
4 Definitions and Epidemiology of Unexplained Female Infertility 21
Luciano G. Nardo and Spyridon Chouliaras
Part II Pathophysiology: Male
5 Sperm Biology from Production to Ejaculation 29
Damayanthi Durairajanayagam, Anil K. Rengan,
Rakesh K. Sharma and Ashok Agarwal
6 Idiopathic Infertility: Survival and Function of Sperm
in the Female Reproductive Tract 43
Michelle van der Linde and Stefan S. du Plessis
7 Potential Male Etiologies of Unexplained Infertility 53
Brent M. Hardin and Edward D. Kim
8 Genetic Basis of Unexplained Male Infertility 57
Ricardo Miyaoka and Sandro C. Esteves
9 Role of the Immune System in Unexplained Male Infertility 71
Rajesh K. Naz and Walter K. H. Krause
10 Oxidative Stress in Unexplained Male Infertility 81
Sejal B. Doshi, Rakesh K. Sharma and Ashok Agarwal

11 Role and Significance of Sperm Function in Men with
Unexplained Infertility 91
Sandro C. Esteves, Sidney Verza Jr., Rakesh K. Sharma,
Jaime Gosálvez and Ashok Agarwal
12 Role of Environmental Factors and Gonadotoxin Exposure in
Unexplained Male Infertility 121
Pieter Johann Maartens, Yapo Guillaume Aboua and Stefan S. Plessis
Part III Pathophysiology: Female
13 Potential Etiologies of Unexplained Infertility in Females 141
Daniela Galliano and Antonio Pellicer
14 Oxidative Stress in Unexplained Female Infertility 149
Fatma Ferda Verit
15 Role of Environmental Factors and Gonadotoxin Exposure in
Unexplained Female Infertility 161
Victor Y. Fujimoto and Michael S. Bloom
16 Cervical Hostility and Vaginal pH in Females with Unexplained Infertility 175
Fabiana Y. Nakano, Rogério B. F. Leão
and Sandro C. Esteves
17 Role of Endometrial Receptivity in Unexplained Infertility 185
Alfredo Guillén Antón and Juan Antonio García Velasco
18 Fallopian Tube Dysfunction in Unexplained Infertility 193
Thalia R. Segal and Avner Hershlag
19 Subtle Endometriosis and Unexplained Infertility 203
Paula Andrea de Albuquerque de Salles Navarro,
Anderson Sanches de Melo and Rui Alberto Ferriani
Part IV Evaluation
20 Evaluation of Women with Unexplained Infertility 213
Richard P. Dickey
21 Evaluation of Men with Unexplained Infertility 223
Marcello Cocuzza and Bruno Camargo Tiseo
Part V Expectant, Medical and Surgical Treatment
22 The Role of Expectant Management for Couples
with Unexplained Infertility 241
N. M. van den Boogaard, Fulco van der Veen and Ben Willem Mol
23 Treatment and Prognosis of Immunological Factors in
Unexplained Male Infertility 245
Darius Paduch and Ali A. Dabaja

24 Medication Strategies for the Male with Unexplained Infertility 255
Christopher L. Starks and Edmund S. Sabanegh
25 Clomiphene Citrate for Women with Unexplained Infertility 261
Richard P. Dickey
26 Aromatase Inhibitors in the Treatment of Unexplained Female Infertility 273
Lucky H. Sekhon, Patricia Rekawek and Lawrence Grunfeld
27 Gonadotropins for Women with Unexplained Infertility 283
Anupa Nandi and Roy Homburg
Part VI Assisted Reproductive Techniques and Future Perspectives
28 Gonadotropin in Assisted Reproduction: An Evolution Perspective 293
Rogério B. F. Leão and Sandro C. Esteves
29 Intrauterine Insemination in Unexplained Female Infertility 323
Paolo Emanuele Levi Setti, Irene Zerbetto, Alberto Vaiarelli,
Marcello Desgro and Pasquale Patrizio
30 Role of In Vitro Fertilization in Unexplained Female Infertility 329
Hassan Sallam, Fathy Ezzeldin and Nooman Sallam
31 Role of Assisted Reproduction Techniques in the Management
of Unexplained Male Infertility 335
Bhushan K. Gangrade, Zamip Patel and Sejal Dharia Patel
32 Future Perspectives in the Diagnosis and Management
of Unexplained Male Infertility 347
Avinash Maganty, Ranjith Ramasamy and Peter N. Schlegel
Index 355



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