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Understanding End of Life Practices: Perspectives on Communication, Religion and Culture
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is an exploration of issues that are essential in end of life care. Understanding end of life practices across cultures and religions is important in the delivery of patient centered end of life care. This book helps clinicians and non-clinicians understand the various end of life practices in their vast patient populations, further contributing to providing empathetic and compassionate end of life care to patients. With the advent of many new options at the end of life, this book also explores the modern day approaches to end of life often sought by patients when faced with disease progression and adversity.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-ix


  2. Communication and Cultural Competency in End of Life Care

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Redefining Cultural Competency: Practicing Cultural Humility

      • Bernie White, Mariela Gallo, Alexsandra Morales

      Pages 3-15

    3. Cultural Competency Models at the End of Life

      • Noah Pujanes-Mantor, Sorin Buga

      Pages 17-23

    4. A Mindset for Communication for End of Life Care

      • Tracy Lynch, Kristina De Corpo

      Pages 25-44

    5. Discussing Difficult News: Reframing Patient and Family Preferences Surrounding the Content and Style of Communication

      • Eric Goodlev

      Pages 45-52

    6. Demystifying Prognosis

      • Shauna Gibbons, Christian T. Sinclair

      Pages 53-71

    7. Advance Care Planning Conversations: Laying the Foundation for Goal-Concordant Care at End of Life

      • Abigail Nathanson, Shirley Otis-Green

      Pages 73-84

    8. Decision-Making Across Cultures

      • Alan Elbaum, Lucia Kinsey, Jeffrey Mariano

      Pages 85-104

    9. Grief, Loss and Bereavement. Understanding Concepts, Clinical Manifestations and Cultural Considerations at End of Life

      • Kimberly Shapiro

      Pages 105-113

    10. Primary Palliative Care in the Emergency Department and Acute Care Setting

      • Satheesh Gunaga, Jonathan Zygowiec

      Pages 115-135

    11. Understanding End of Life Nursing Practices and End of Life Across Cultures

      • Betty Ferrell, William E. Rosa

      Pages 137-149

  3. Religion and End of Life Practices

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 151-151


    2. Buddhism

      • Teresa Khoo

      Pages 153-159

    3. The Message of the Beatitudes in End-of-Life Care for Catholics

      • Calin Tamiian

      Pages 161-179

    4. Christianity

      • Terry L. Irish

      Pages 181-202

    5. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (also Referred to as the Mormon Church)

      • Vicki Pond

      Pages 203-218

    6. Greek Orthodox

      • Heather N. Bitar

      Pages 219-229

    7. Hinduism

      • Purvi Patel

      Pages 231-235

    8. Judaism

      • Joshua Jacobs, Patricia Jacobs

      Pages 237-259


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