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Tutorials in Endovascular Neurosurgery and Interventional Neuroradiology
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The new edition of this book updates an established text written for trainees and practicing endovascular therapists.The content is based on the curriculum of the Endovascular Neurosurgery MSc degree course at Oxford University and its tutorial system of teaching. The tutorial is a learning episode focused on a particular topic. The book is presented as a series 

of tutorials, which introduces and guides students through background literature, highlights relevant research data, and provides insights on treatments from an experienced practitioner. Each tutorial covers a different topic to provide a complete review of the subspecialty and its theoretical basis. It is intended to equip the reader with a foundation of knowledge on which to build their clinical practice and a reference base for further study. Its practical approach to endovascular therapy will help the reader to understand recent developments in this rapidly expanding field of medicine.

  • Embryology of the Cranial Circulation

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 1-26

  • Cranial Arterial Anatomy

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 27-55

  • Cranial Venous Anatomy

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 57-75

  • Spinal Vascular Anatomy

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 77-89

  • Control of Cerebral Blood Flow

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 91-108

  • Control of Intravascular Thrombosis

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 109-120

  • Cranial Anastomoses and Dangerous Vascular Connections

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 121-139

  • Arterial Aneurysms

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 141-194

  • Vascular Malformations of the Brain

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 195-223

  • Cranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 225-241

  • Endovascular Management of Carotid Cavernous Fistulas

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 243-254

  • Vein of Galen and Non-Galenic Cerebral Arteriovenous Fistulas

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 255-268

  • Spinal Vascular Malformations

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 269-283

  • Head and Neck Vascular Lesions

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 285-300

  • Embolisation of Tumours

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 301-326

  • Embolisation for Epistaxis

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 327-335

  • Re-establishing Blood Flow After Intravascular Thrombosis

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 337-352

  • Embolic Agents

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 353-365

  • Angioplasty and Stenting for Cranial Vessel Stenosis

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 367-380

  • Complications

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 381-395

  • Obtaining the Patient’s Consent

    Byrne, James Vincent

    Pages 397-403



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