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Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract
General and Surgical Pathology
1.250,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book covers all liver tumors and lesions that clinically and radiologically mimic liver tumors. It provides readers with a comprehensive overview of this complex and rapidly evolving field. All aspects of surgical pathology are addressed, supplemented by detailed presentations of the lesions’ cell-biologic and molecular features. In addition, the methods employed for diagnosis and diagnostic algorithms are discussed. It appeals to pathologists and hepatologists and serves as an invaluable aid to diagnosis.The field of liver tumors and tumor-like lesions in adults and children has experienced tremendous advances in recent years. Specifically, the recognition of novel entities, deepened insights into known tumors, and refinement of classifications have necessitated continual updates and reappraisals. In addition, previous understanding of hepatic carcinogenesis and tumor progression has been transformed by the very rapid evolution of our understanding of cell biology, genomics, signaling pathways, cell interactions, and mechanisms of invasion and spread of hepatic tumor cells. These general pathology issues must be combined with surgical pathology if a comprehensive understanding of liver tumor pathology is to be achieved.

  • Liver Cancer: Stem and Progenitor Cells

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 3-26

  • Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Ordinary Hepatocellular Carcinoma)

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 27-64

  • Immunohistochemistry of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 65-90

  • Invasion Patterns and Metastatic Patterns of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 91-119

  • Secondary Alterations of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 121-149

  • Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Prognostic Factors

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 151-165

  • Precursor Lesions of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 167-193

  • Early or Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 195-214

  • Clear Cell Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Related Tumors

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 215-227

  • Steatotic and Steatohepatitic Hepatocellular Carcinomas and Related Neoplasms

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 229-250

  • Hepatocellular Carcinomas with Increased Stromal Reactions

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 251-259

  • Inflammatory Hepatic Carcinomas

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 261-274

  • Variants of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 275-292

  • Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Progenitor Cell Features

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 293-304

  • Ectopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 305-316

  • Pediatric Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 317-328

  • Hepatoid Carcinomas (Adenocarcinomas with Hepatoid Features)

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 329-334

  • Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 335-356

  • Hepatoblastoma and the Hepatoblastoma Family of Tumors

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 357-393

  • Variants of the Hepatoblastoma Tumor Family

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 395-403

  • Hepatoblastomas: Biology of Disease and Prognostic Factors

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 405-410

  • Hepatoblastoma Family of Tumors: Risk Factors and Pathogenic Pathways

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 411-433

  • Nested Stromal-Epithelial Tumor of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 435-441

  • Hepatocellular Adenoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 443-472

  • Variants of Hepatocellular Adenoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 473-480

  • Combined Hepatocellular-Cholangiocarcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 481-497

  • Hilar/Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin Tumor)

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 501-526

  • Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Carcinoma of the Middle and Distal Common Bile Duct (Middle and Lower Bile Duct Carcinomas)

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 527-547

  • Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinomas (ICCs)

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 549-586

  • Biology of Disease and Prognostic Factors of Cholangiocarcinomas

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 587-604

  • Etiology and Pathogenic Pathways of Cholangiocarcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 605-638

  • Pediatric and Adolescent Cholangiocarcinoma and Related Lesions

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 639-643

  • Intraductal Neoplasms of the Biliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 645-667

  • Cholangiocarcinomas Arising in Cystic Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract and in Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 669-685

  • Bile Duct Carcinomas with Marked Extracellular or Intracellular Mucin Accumulation: Mucinous and Signet Ring Cell Carcinomas

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 687-697

  • Special Variants of Cholangiocarcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 699-716

  • Clear Cell Carcinomas of the Bile Ducts

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 717-720

  • Bile Duct Tumors with Oncocytic Features

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 721-725

  • Mucinous Cystic Neoplasms (MCN) and Related Cystic Neoplasms of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 727-748

  • Benign Epithelial Tumors and Hamartomas of the Biliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 749-778

  • Tumors and Tumor-like Lesions of Peribiliary Glands

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 779-788

  • Carcinomas with a Squamous Cell Lineage

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 791-811

  • Hepatobiliary Tumors with Acinar Cell and Adenoid Cystic Cell Lineages

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 813-818

  • Rare Malignant and Semimalignant Epithelial Neoplasms of the Biliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 819-830

  • Epithelial Tumors of the Liver of Uncertain Lineage

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 831-839

  • Hepatobiliary Carcinosarcomas and Related Neoplasms

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 843-857

  • Giant Cell Tumors of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 859-864

  • Mixed Tumors of the Liver and Related Neoplasms

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 865-872

  • Cavernous and Small Vessel Hemangiomas of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 875-906

  • Variants of Hepatobiliary Angiomatous Tumors

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 907-925

  • Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 927-936

  • Infantile Hepatic Hemangioma/Hemangioendothelioma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 937-957

  • Variants of Hemangioendotheliomas of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 959-964

  • Angiosarcoma of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 965-988

  • Pediatric Hepatic Angiosarcomas

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 989-995

  • Hepatic Kaposi’s Sarcoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 997-1002

  • Glomus Tumor and Glomangiopericytic Tumors of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1003-1007

  • Tumor-Like Vascular Malformations

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1009-1021

  • Bacillary Angiomatosis and Peliosis Hepatis

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1023-1037

  • Lymph Vessel Tumors of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1041-1053

  • Solitary Fibrous Tumor/Hemangiopericytoma of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1057-1067

  • Fibroblastoid and Myofibroblastoid Tumors of the Liver and Bile Ducts

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1071-1086

  • Leiomyomatous Tumors of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1087-1116

  • Tumors of the Striated Muscle Cell Lineage: Hepatobiliary Rhabdomyosarcoma and Rhabdomyoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1117-1132

  • Lipomatous Tumors, Liposarcoma, Benign Adipocyte-Containing Nonneoplastic Lesions, and Focal Fatty Changes of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1133-1154

  • Tumors of Osseous and Chondroid Cell Lineages

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1155-1160

  • Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs) of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1161-1172

  • Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of the Schwann Cell Lineage and the Nerve Sheath

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1173-1192

  • Tumors of a Granular Cell Lineage

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1193-1204

  • Synovial-Like Neoplasms (Synovial Sarcoma) of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1205-1213

  • Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Liver: A Neoplasm of the Undifferentiated High-Grade Pleomorphic Sarcoma Group

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1215-1223

  • Hepatic Mesotheliomas and Related Neoplasms

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1227-1237

  • Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumors

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1241-1263

  • Paraganglioma of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1267-1277

  • Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1279-1305

  • Undifferentiated Small Cell Tumors of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1309-1328

  • Primary and Secondary Malignant Melanoma, and Other Melanotic Tumors, of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1331-1355

  • Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors and Tumors with Rhabdoid Features

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1359-1383

  • Germ Cell Tumors of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1387-1410

  • Myeloid Neoplasms with an Erythroid Cell Lineage

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1413-1426

  • Myeloproliferative Syndromes and Thrombocythemia

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1427-1453

  • Myeloid Neoplasms with Eosinophil Lineage

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1455-1468

  • Systemic Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Tumors

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1469-1485

  • Acute Leukemias of Granulocytic, Erythroid, and Megakaryocytic Lineages

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1487-1510

  • Myeloid Neoplasms with a Monocytoid Lineage

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1511-1522

  • Malignant and Benign Extramedullary Tumor-Forming Myeloid Proliferations

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1523-1534

  • Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1535-1538

  • Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1541-1576

  • B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas with a Small Cell to Intermediate Cell Phenotype

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1579-1599

  • B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas with a Small Cell to Intermediate Cell Phenotype: Special Phenotypes

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1601-1616

  • B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas with a Blastic/Large Cell Phenotype

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1617-1636

  • B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas with Lymphoplasmacytoid and Plasmacytic Features

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1637-1658

  • Amyloidogenic Immunoglobulin Chain and Non-amyloidogenic Immunoglobulin Chain Diseases

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1659-1670

  • B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas Associated with Viral Infections

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1671-1681

  • T-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1683-1710

  • T-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas: Variant Forms

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1711-1719

  • Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders (PTLDs)

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1721-1727

  • Hepatobiliary Castleman Disease

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1729-1744

  • Lymphoid Hyperplasia and Pseudolymphomas of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1745-1756

  • Tumors of the Langerhans Cell System

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1757-1783

  • Neoplasms of Histiocyte/Macrophage Lineage: Histiocytic Sarcoma and Similar Neoplasms

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1785-1794

  • Tumors of the Dendritic Cell System

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1795-1806

  • Histiocytic Syndromes

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1807-1833

  • Mesenchymal Hamartoma of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1837-1855

  • Undifferentiated (Embryonal) Sarcoma (UES)

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1857-1875

  • Metastatic Liver Disease: Pathological Aspects

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1879-1905

  • Metastatic Liver Disease: Colorectal Carcinomas

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1907-1925

  • Metastatic Liver Disease: Tumors Other Than Colorectal Carcinoma

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1927-1946

  • Metastatic Liver Disease: Secondary Alterations of Hepatic Metastases

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1947-1964

  • Metastatic Liver Disease: Hepatic Lymph Node Involvement

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1965-1971

  • Metastatic Liver Disease: Associated Liver Lesions

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1973-1987

  • Pathogenic Features of Liver Metastasis: Growth, Regrowth, Stem Cells, and Circulating Tumor Cells

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1989-1995

  • Pathogenic Features of Liver Metastasis: Mechanisms Involving Platelets, Tumor Stroma, Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, and the Premetastatic Niche

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 1997-2017

  • Pathogenic Features of Liver Metastasis: The Complex Cancer Cell–Cancer Cell, and Cancer Cell–Microenvironment Interactomes

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2019-2034

  • Pathogenic Features of Colorectal Liver Metastasis: Prometastatic and Antimetastatic Genes

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2035-2041

  • Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatic Ligaments

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2045-2054

  • Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH) of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2057-2090

  • Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia and Other Noncirrhotic Nodular Hyperplastic Lesions of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2091-2116

  • Pseudotumors and Related Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2119-2142

  • Ectopias and Heterotopies as Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2145-2169

  • Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: Anatomical Variations and Malformations Resulting in Hepatic Mass Effects or Focal Defects

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2171-2182

  • Solitary Necrotic Nodule of the Liver

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2183-2189

  • Hepatic and Perihepatic Involvement in Pneumokonioses and Other Mineral-Induced Diseases

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2191-2217

  • Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract Caused by Gallstones, Foreign Bodies, and Bile

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2219-2226

  • Hepatobiliary Pseudotumors Consisting of Nonneoplastic Hematopoietic Cells and Cells of the Macrophage Lineage

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2227-2253

  • Liver Abscesses as Pseudotumoral Lesions

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2255-2277

  • Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract Caused by Mycobacterial Infections: Tuberculosis and Lepra

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2279-2309

  • Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract Caused by Actinomycosis, Nocardiosis, and Botryomycosis

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2311-2328

  • Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: Granulomatous Masses in Syphilis, Brucellosis, and Cat-Scratch Disease

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2329-2346

  • Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: Specific Abscess-Forming Bacterial Infections

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2347-2362

  • Tumor-Like Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract Caused by Fungal Infections

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2363-2388

  • Tumor-Like Protozoal Infections of the Hepatobiliary Tract

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2389-2397

  • Tumor-Like Parasitic Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: Liver Flukes and Other Trematodes

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2399-2416

  • Tumor-Like Parasitic Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: Echinococcosis and Cysticercosis

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2417-2431

  • Tumor-Like Parasitic Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: Round Worm Infestations

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2433-2438

  • Tumor-Like Parasitic Lesions of the Hepatobiliary Tract: Pentastomiasis

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2439-2443

  • Tumor-Like Necroses of the Liver: Liver Infarct and Hepatic Pseudo-infarct (Zahn’s Infarct)

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2445-2453

  • Cystic Hepatobiliary Lesions Mimicking Cystic Neoplasms

    Zimmermann, Arthur

    Pages 2457-2472

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