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Treatment of Spine Disease in the Elderly
Cutting Edge Techniques and Technologies
Fu, Wang, Virk, Dimar II, Mummaneni
140,00 €


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As the population continues to age worldwide, spinal disease will become more prevalent in the elderly population.  The treatment of spinal disease requires an individual approach encorporating  best practices.  Optimal management in the elderly may differ from younger patients due to increased comorbidities, decreased bone health, and a higher risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality.  


While more and more elderly patients will require evaluation and management of their spinal disease, most modern books discuss operative and nonoperative management based upon disease process.  Techniques and approaches are described for a specific pathology, and are usually tailored for a young or middle aged patient.  


Treatment of Spine Disease in the Elderly: Cutting Edge Techniques and Technologies is designed to address this gap in today’s literature by expressly addressing spinal conditions in the elderly and current advanced techniques and technologies for treating their spinal disease.  It will be intended as a resource for the beginning to the advanced surgeon and practitioner whom undertakes treatment of patients in this age group.  

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xv


  2. Special Perioperative Considerations in the Elderly

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Bone Health, Advances in Assessment and Treatment

      • Panagiota Andreopoulou

      Pages 3-17

    3. Antithrombotic Management in Spine Surgery in the Elderly

      • Nallammai Muthiah, Nitin Agarwal, David Kojo Hamilton

      Pages 19-49

    4. Managing Multiple Medical Comorbidities

      • Sujatha Sankaran

      Pages 51-57

    5. Anesthetic Concerns for Spinal Surgery in the Elderly

      • Priscilla Nelson, Philip C. Kuo

      Pages 59-71

    6. Spinal Prehab/Rehab in the Elderly

      • Leroy R. Lindsay, Heidi Chen, Jaspal R. Singh

      Pages 73-80

    7. ERAS and Spine Surgery

      • Michael D. Staudt, Xiaofei Zhou, Olindi Wijesekera, Jonathan P. Miller, Jennifer A. Sweet

      Pages 81-117

  3. Spine Disease in the Elderly

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 119-119


    2. Surgical Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy

      • Ilyas Eli, Zoher Ghogawala

      Pages 121-134

    3. Atlantoaxial Fracture Management

      • Ellina Hattar, Thiago S. Montenegro, Tyler D. Alexander, Glenn A. Gonzalez, James S. Harrop

      Pages 135-149

    4. MIS Cervical Approaches in the Elderly

      • Jacob L. Goldberg, Alexandra Giantini Larsen, Fabian Sommer, Joseph A. Carnevale, Sertac Kirnaz, Branden Medary et al.

      Pages 151-161

    5. Subaxial Spinal Trauma

      • Asdrubal Falavigna, Charles André Carazzo

      Pages 163-175

    6. Anterior vs. Posterior Cervical Approaches for the Elderly

      • Nathan J. Lee, Andrei F. Joaquim, K. Daniel Riew

      Pages 177-206

    7. Cervical Spine Disease in Elderly Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis

      • Johnson Ku, Jason Ku, Chieh-Yi Chen, Hsuan-Kan Chang, Jau-Ching Wu

      Pages 207-218

    8. Cervical Spine Deformity in the Elderly

      • Young Min Lee, Dean Chou

      Pages 219-231

    9. Spinal Cord Injury in the Elderly Population

      • Jacob L. Goldberg, Sertac Kirnaz, Michael S. Virk

      Pages 233-246

    10. Cervical Spinal Oncology

      • Zach Pennington, Andrew Schilling, Andrew Hersh, Daniel M. Sciubba

      Pages 247-267

  4. Thoracolumbar Disease in the Elderly

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 269-269


    2. Management of Spondylolisthesis in the Elderly Population

      • Mohamad Bydon, Abdul Karim Ghaith, Yagiz Ugur Yolcu, Kingsley Abode-Iyamah

      Pages 271-282

    3. Thoracolumbar Disease in the Elderly

      1. Sagittal Plane Deformity Considerations in the Elderly

        • Michael J. Strong, Timothy J. Yee, Robert Y. North, Paul Park

        Pages 283-296

      2. Revision Surgery in the Elderly

        • Barry Cheaney II, Khoi D. Than

        Pages 297-309

      3. Thoracolumbar Trauma in the Elderly

        • Nathan B. Han, Charles A. Sansur, Kenneth M. Crandall

        Pages 311-320

      4. Osteomyelitis

        • Jacob S. Blitstein, Ashraf E. El Naga, Sanjay S. Dhall, Anthony M. DiGiorgio

        Pages 321-337

      5. Thoracolumbar Spinal Oncology in the Geriatric Population

        • Jacob L. Goldberg, Ori Barzilai, Dennis Timothy Lockney, Anubhav G. Amin, Mark H. Bilsky

        Pages 339-349

    4. Surgical Technical Advances

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 351-351


      2. Surgical Technical Advances: Interbody Arthrodesis

        • Andrew K. Chan, Alexander Haddad, Praveen V. Mummaneni

        Pages 353-367

      3. Pedicle Screw Fixation

        • Connor D. Berlin, Parantap Patel, Avery Buchholz

        Pages 369-386

      4. Treatment of Spine Disease in the Elderly: Cutting-Edge Techniques and Technologies

        • Daniel B. C. Reid, Robert K. Eastlack

        Pages 387-399

      5. Robotics and Navigation

        • Robert M. Koffie, S. Harrison Farber, Jakub Godzik, Juan S. Uribe

        Pages 401-410

      6. Awake Spine Surgery in the Elderly

        • Clayton L. Haldeman, Michael Y. Wang

        Pages 411-422

      7. Endoscopic Spine Surgery in the Geriatric Population

        • Jacob L. Goldberg, Eric Elowitz

        Pages 423-433

    5. Advances in Pain Management Treatments for Elderly Patients

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 435-435


      2. CT-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation

        • Michelle Roytman, J. Levi Chazen

        Pages 437-454

      3. Dorsal Root Ganglion and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation in the Treatment of Low Back and Leg Pain

        • Neel D. Mehta, Rohit Aiyer

        Pages 455-459

      4. SI Joint in the Elderly

        • Kenneth J. Holton, David W. Polly Jr

        Pages 461-471

    6. Back Matter

      Pages 473-483


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