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Pages 1-3
This comprehensive book pulls together the essential elements needed to assess sleep apnea patients for the transoral robotic surgical approach and how to optimize the surgery. Detailed information on patient selection, pre-operative work up, anesthesiological pre and post-operative management, surgery, complication prevention and management is provided along with background on sleep medicine and sleep surgery. Authored for ENT surgeons, head and neck specialists and neurologists, pneumonologists, sleep doctors as well for anesthesiologists, chapters offer solutions pulled from experts in the field of sleep surgery and information relevant to geographic areas worldwide.
Pages 1-3
Tongue Pathophysiology in OSAS Patients: A Surgically Oriented Perspective
Pages 7-11
History-Taking and Clinical Examination
Pages 13-20
Sleep Studies
Pages 21-31
Pages 33-40
Drug-Induced Sedation Endoscopy (DISE)
Pages 41-50
Patient Selection
Pages 51-59
Transoral Robotic Surgery as Single Level Surgery for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Pages 63-69
TORS in a Multilevel Procedure
Pages 71-75
Alternative Procedures
Pages 77-82
Robotic Setting
Pages 83-89
Surgical Anatomy in Transoral Robotic Procedure: Basic Fundamentals
Pages 91-107
Transoral Robotic Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: An Anesthetist’s Point of View
Pages 109-119
Technique: How We Do It
Pages 121-135
Postoperative Management of Transoral Robotic Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Pages 139-142
Expected Outcomes
Pages 143-149
Complication Management
Pages 151-157
Short- and Long-Term Dysphagia
Pages 159-166
Failures Management
Pages 167-172
The North American Experience
Pages 175-182
The South American Experience
Pages 183-185
The European Experience
Pages 187-196
The Middle East Experience
Pages 197-201
The Far Eastern Asian Experience
Pages 203-208
The Australian Experience
Pages 209-211
Research and Future Perspectives
Pages 215-224
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