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Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Clinical Principles and Management
Brunoni, Nitsche, Loo
130,00 €
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The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive review of the use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in different psychiatric conditions. Here we review tDCS clinical studies employing different types of design (from single-session tDCS studies to randomized clinical trials) as well as studies evaluating the impact of tDCS in neurophysiological, behavioral and brain imaging outcomes.

Although the understanding about physiological foundations and effectiveness of clinical therapies of psychiatric diseases has been considerably increased during the last decades, our knowledge is still limited, and consequently psychiatric diseases are still a major burden to the individual patient and society. Recently, interest in pathological alterations of neuroplasticity in psychiatric diseases as a critical condition for development, and amelioration of clinical symptoms increased, caused by the fact that new tools, such as functional imaging, and brain stimulation techniques do allow to monitor, and modulate these phenomena in humans. Especially non-invasive brain stimulation techniques evolved as an attractive potential new therapeutic tool. The interest in non-invasive brain stimulation has grown exponentially in the past 25 years, with the development of non-pharmacological, neuromodulatory techniques such as tDCS and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). TDCS, although even newer than rTMS, has attracted considerable attention in both basic and clinical research scenarios. In the context of clinical research, tDCS is being increasingly investigated as a novel treatment tool for several psychiatric disorders, such as major depression, schizophrenia and neurocognitive and substance abuse disorders.

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders – Clinical Principles and Management intends to serve as a practical guide on the field, attracting the interest of psychiatrists, neurologists and neuroscientists with little or no experience with tDCS, as well as those with a background on tDCS who want to increase their knowledge in any particular psychiatric condition.

  • Historical Aspects of Transcranial Electric Stimulation

    Zago, Stefano (et al.)

    Pages 3-19

  • The New Modalities of Transcranial Electric Stimulation: tACS, tRNS, and Other Approaches

    Antal, Andrea (et al.)

    Pages 21-28

  • Physiology of Transcranial Direct and Alternating Current Stimulation

    Kuo, Min-Fang (et al.)

    Pages 29-46

  • Computer-Based Models of tDCS and tACS

    Truong, Dennis Q. (et al.)

    Pages 47-66

  • Animal Studies in the Field of Transcranial Electric Stimulation

    Ling, Doris (et al.)

    Pages 67-83

  • Cortical Inhibition and Excitation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

    Radhu, Natasha (et al.)

    Pages 85-102

  • Neurocognitive Effects of tDCS in the Healthy Brain

    Harty, Siobhán (et al.)

    Pages 103-141

  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Social and Emotion Research

    Boggio, Paulo Sérgio (et al.)

    Pages 143-152

  • Multimodal Association of tDCS with Electroencephalography

    Bolognini, Nadia (et al.)

    Pages 153-168

  • tDCS and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Johnstone, Ainslie (et al.)

    Pages 169-195

  • Target Engagement with Transcranial Current Stimulation

    Fröhlich, Flavio (et al.)

    Pages 197-222

  • Cerebellar and Spinal tDCS

    Ferrucci, Roberta (et al.)

    Pages 223-229

  • Mood Disorders

    Brunoni, André (et al.)

    Pages 233-244

  • Schizophrenia

    Mondino, Marine (et al.)

    Pages 245-264

  • OCD, Anxiety Disorders, and PTSD

    D’Urso, Giordano (et al.)

    Pages 265-271

  • Neurodegenerative Cognitive Disorders

    Rajji, Tarek K.

    Pages 273-280

  • Impulsivity and Substance-Use Disorders

    Labbe, Sara (et al.)

    Pages 281-291

  • Epilepsy

    Dhamne, Sameer C. (et al.)

    Pages 293-298

  • Pain Syndromes

    DaSilva, Alexandre F. M. (et al.)

    Pages 299-314

  • Stroke

    Paik, Nam-Jong (et al.)

    Pages 315-328

  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Disorders of Consciousness

    Aurore, Thibaut (et al.)

    Pages 329-339

  • Safety and Tolerability

    Brunoni, André (et al.)

    Pages 343-350

  • Home-Based tDCS: Design, Feasibility and Safety Considerations

    Alonzo, Angelo (et al.)

    Pages 351-361

  • Ethical Aspects of tDCS Use in Neuropsychiatry and the Risk of Misuse

    Wurzman, Rachel P. (et al.)

    Pages 363-382

  • Regulatory Aspects

    Vasquez, Alejandra (et al.)

    Pages 383-392

  • Clinical Research and Methodological Aspects for tDCS Research

    Woods, Adam J. (et al.)

    Pages 393-404



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