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Esophageal and gastric pathology are challenging, and the underlying physiology is complex. Advanced diagnostic testing is extensive, and the results can often be difficult to interpret. The impact of these findings on tailored treatment modalities has evolved as a result. This manual is therefore designed to present a comprehensive review of the various esophageal and gastric functional pathologies, diagnostic modalities and treatment options.
Chapters included here focus on challenging functional pathologies encountered by both gastroenterologists and surgeons. Diagnostic modalities that are currently available are discussed, with accompanying deep analysis of the potential results. Within each chapter, clinical scenarios, testing/treatment options and a review of the literature for each option are included. Chapters will also focus on how to collaborate between specialties and develop a complex GI motility center, as well as the effect of common prior procedures on subsequent physiologic findings.
No comprehensive resource currently exists that discusses the physiologic evaluation of foregut diseases, and none present an algorithmic approach to the management of these scenarios. This unique manual addresses and provides guidance to the approach, geared towards both gastroenterologists and surgeons.
Pages i-xviii
Front Matter
Pages 1-1
Anatomy and Physiology of the Esophagus
Pages 3-12
Anatomy and Physiology of the Stomach
Pages 13-23
Effect of Obesity on Foregut Physiology
Pages 25-36
Front Matter
Pages 37-37
Pages 39-59
Pages 61-69
Timed Barium Swallow in Foregut Disease
Pages 71-80
Role of CT Imaging in Foregut Physiology and Benign Pathology
Pages 81-90
Pages 91-105
Role of the Gastric Emptying Study
Pages 107-114
Pages 115-126
Front Matter
Pages 127-127
Pages 129-171
Impedance Planimetry: EndoFLIP
Pages 173-182
Pages 183-193
Pages 195-206
Proximal pH Testing for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
Pages 207-214
Endoscopic Evaluation of the Bariatric Surgery Patient
Pages 215-233
Front Matter
Pages 235-235
Pages 237-251
Minor Disorders of Esophageal Motility
Pages 253-266
Pages 267-274
Pages 275-290
Secondary Esophageal Motility Disorders: Diagnosis and Management
Pages 291-307
Esophagogastric Junction Outflow Obstruction
Pages 309-317
Pages 319-334
Pages 335-345
Pages 347-357
Normal Physiology Findings After Hiatal Hernia Repair and Fundoplication
Pages 359-373
K. Normal Foregut Function After Bariatric Surgery
Pages 375-386
Normal Physiologic Findings After Esophageal Myotomy
Pages 387-394
Front Matter
Pages 395-395
Barrett’s Esophagus: A Review of Current Literature
Pages 397-419
Diagnostic Tests for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Pages 421-428
Pages 429-441
Pages 443-451
Pages 453-462
Pages 463-482
Primary Dysphagia: A Case-Based Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
Pages 483-493
Persistent Dysphagia After Prior Anti-Reflux Procedure
Pages 495-514
Persistent Dysphagia After Esophageal Myotomy
Pages 515-527
Recurrent Reflux After Prior Fundoplication
Pages 529-539
Pages 541-556
Pages 557-563
Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Pages 565-572
Reflux After Gastric Bypass: Roux en-Y and One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass
Pages 573-590
Pediatric and Adolescent Foregut Motility
Pages 591-624
Pages 625-635
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