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The SAGES Manual of Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery
Walsh, Ponsky, Bruns
80,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This manual provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of this field, and will serve as a valuable resource for adult and pediatric surgeons at all stages of experience with interest in the use of minimally invasive surgical techniques in children.  This book will review the pediatric surgical disorders that are currently treatable with these techniques.  After a basic summary of the disorder, the preoperative evaluation and preparation is presented.  Each chapter focuses on a detailed discussion of the surgical procedure, inclusive of anesthesia, positioning, instrumentation, and materials.  Emphasis is placed on technique and tips for particularly challenging aspects of the operation.  A description of the expected postoperative course and common complications of each procedure follows.  The outcomes literature to include any advances since the original outcomes and expected future advances for the diagnosis and procedure is presented.  It provides a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field that will help guide patient management and stimulate investigative efforts.  All chapters are written by experts in their fields and include the most up to date scientific and clinical information.

  • Physiologic Considerations for Minimally Invasive Surgery in Infants and Children

    Craig, Brian T. (et al.)

    Pages 1-10

  • Pediatric Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Instrumentation

    Gilmore, Sarah (et al.)

    Pages 11-23

  • Pediatric Endoscopic Instrumentation

    Kane, Timothy D. (et al.)

    Pages 25-40

  • Minimally Invasive Approaches to the Pediatric Thyroid and Parathyroid

    Lobe, Thom E. (et al.)

    Pages 41-49

  • Bronchoscopy and Tracheobronchial Disorders

    Glenn, Ian C. (et al.)

    Pages 51-69

  • Thoracoscopic Thymectomy

    Leeper, Christine M. (et al.)

    Pages 71-82

  • Thoracoscopic Ligation of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus

    Martin, Laura Y. (et al.)

    Pages 83-96

  • Thoracoscopic Aortopexy

    Mohammed, Azmath (et al.)

    Pages 97-106

  • Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy

    Barnes, Wesley (et al.)

    Pages 107-126

  • Thoracoscopic Treatment of Pectus Excavatum: The Nuss Procedure

    Cromeens, Barrett P. (et al.)

    Pages 127-143

  • Thoracoscopic Approach to Eventration of the Diaphragm

    Yan, Jingliang (et al.)

    Pages 145-152

  • Minimally Invasive Approaches to Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias

    Arps, Kelly (et al.)

    Pages 153-170

  • Thoracoscopic Repair of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula

    el-shafy, Ibrahim Abd (et al.)

    Pages 171-177

  • Thoracoscopic Approaches to Congenital Lung Lesions

    Ricca, Robert L. (et al.)

    Pages 179-195

  • Thoracoscopic Lung Biopsies and Resections in Children

    Muensterer, Oliver J.

    Pages 197-209

  • Thoracoscopic Treatment of Pediatric Chylothorax

    Robins, J. Eli (et al.)

    Pages 211-223

  • Treatment of Empyema in Children

    Poola, Ashwini S. (et al.)

    Pages 225-237

  • Thoracoscopic Approach to Pediatric Mediastinal Masses

    Hanna, Angela M. (et al.)

    Pages 239-259

  • Minimally Invasive Approaches to Esophageal Disorders: Strictures, Webs, and Duplications

    Kane, Timothy D. (et al.)

    Pages 261-276

  • Esophageal Replacement Surgery in Children

    Glenn, Ian C. (et al.)

    Pages 277-299

  • Minimally Invasive Approaches to Achalasia

    Kane, Timothy D. (et al.)

    Pages 301-314

  • Minimally Invasive Approaches to GERD and Hiatal Hernia in Children

    Slater, Bethany J. (et al.)

    Pages 315-326

  • Laparoscopic Pyloromyotomy

    Bayouth, Lilly Ann (et al.)

    Pages 327-337

  • Minimally Invasive Gastrostomy

    Chang, Julietta (et al.)

    Pages 339-350

  • Laparoscopic Duodenoduodenostomy

    Yung, Jeh B. (et al.)

    Pages 351-360

  • Laparoscopic Approach to Intestinal Atresia

    Mamolea, Cristina (et al.)

    Pages 361-371

  • Laparoscopic Resection of Abdominal Cysts and Duplications

    Garrison, Aaron P. (et al.)

    Pages 373-380

  • Anomalies of Intestinal Rotation: Laparoscopic Ladd’s Procedure

    Rellinger, Eric J. (et al.)

    Pages 381-391

  • Laparoscopic Exploration for Pediatric Chronic Abdominal Pain

    Glenn, Ian C. (et al.)

    Pages 393-400

  • Laparoscopic Lysis of Adhesions for Pediatric Bowel Obstruction

    Saeman, Melody R. (et al.)

    Pages 401-412

  • Laparoscopic Meckel’s Diverticulectomy

    Rodeberg, David (et al.)

    Pages 413-427

  • Laparoscopic Management of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Johnson, Kevin N. (et al.)

    Pages 429-441

  • Laparoscopic Management of Intussusception

    Bruns, Nicholas E. (et al.)

    Pages 443-450

  • Laparoscopic Appendectomy

    Lamba, Harveen K. (et al.)

    Pages 451-463

  • Laparoscopic Approach to Enteral Access for Chronic Constipation

    Strong, Andrew T. (et al.)

    Pages 465-479

  • Laparoscopic-Assisted Pull-Through for Hirschsprung’s Disease

    Cheek, Richard (et al.)

    Pages 481-497

  • Laparoscopic-Assisted Anorectal Pull-Through for Anorectal Malformations

    Abbass, Mohammad Ali (et al.)

    Pages 499-513

  • Laparoscopic Pediatric Inguinal Hernia Repair

    Bruns, Nicholas E. (et al.)

    Pages 515-526

  • Laparoscopic Epigastric Hernia Repair

    Holler, Anne-Sophie (et al.)

    Pages 527-535

  • Minimally Invasive Approach to Pediatric Pancreatic Disorders

    Evangelista, Meagan Elizabeth (et al.)

    Pages 537-550

  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Biliary Dyskinesia, Cholelithiasis, and Cholecystitis

    Hagopian, Moriah M. (et al.)

    Pages 551-564

  • Laparoscopic Treatment of Biliary Atresia

    Papandria, Dominic (et al.)

    Pages 565-580

  • Laparoscopic Treatment of Choledochal Cysts

    Slater, Bethany J. (et al.)

    Pages 581-591

  • Laparoscopic Splenectomy

    Landmann, Alessandra (et al.)

    Pages 593-607

  • Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy in Children

    Wengler, Craig A. (et al.)

    Pages 609-620

  • Minimally Invasive Support for Placement of Ventricular Shunts

    Hollands, Celeste

    Pages 621-631

  • Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents

    Dorman, Robert Michael (et al.)

    Pages 633-647

  • Laparoscopic Management of Pediatric Ovarian Disease

    Hanna, Angela M. (et al.)

    Pages 649-665

  • Laparoscopic Management of Testicular Disorders: Cryptorchidism and Varicocele

    Rosales, Armando (et al.)

    Pages 667-684

  • Laparoscopic Resection of Renal Masses

    Parekh, Neel (et al.)

    Pages 685-697

  • Minimally Invasive Management of Urinary Reflux

    Wu, Charlotte (et al.)

    Pages 699-719

  • Laparoscopic Approaches to Peritoneal Dialysis Access

    Amin, Ruchi (et al.)

    Pages 721-732



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