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The Placenta
Basics and Clinical Significance
Huppertz, Schleußner
100,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is a comprehensive work that spans the gap between basic knowledge and clinical significance of the placenta. Starting from normal development, it deals with the histopathology of the placenta, leads the reader on to functional disorders and insufficiencies and explains their effects on mother and child.

Based on this, the authors convey in a practical and user-friendly manner everything worth knowing about diagnostics and therapy and provide valuable information for the optimal care of the pregnant patient.

Front Matter
Pages I-XX
Placental Development with Histological Aspects

    Berthold Huppertz

Pages 1-27
Immunology of the Fetomaternal Border

    Udo R. Markert, Johanna Seitz, Theresa Hofmann, Juliane Götze, Sebastian Schamberger

Pages 29-42
Placental Morphology

    Berthold Huppertz, Thomas Stallmach

Pages 43-75
Placental Function—Nutrient Transport—Gas Exchange

    Michael Gruber, Birgit Hirschmugl, Carolin Schliefsteiner, Christian Wadsack

Pages 77-90
Endocrinology of the Placenta

    Ekkehard Schleußner

Pages 91-104

    Herbert Juch

Pages 105-120
The Effects of Legal and Illegal Drugs on Placental Function

    Justine Fitzgerald, Ekkehard Schleußner

Pages 121-134
Placenta-Related Hemorrhage: Pathophysiology, Diagnostics, Management

    Thorsten Braun, Wolfgang Henrich, Julia Knabl, Franz Kainer, Renaldo Faber, Jan Pauluschke-Fröhlich et al.

Pages 135-186
Placental Imaging

    Anna-Maria Dückelmann, Hans-Joachim Mentzel, Karim D. Kalache, Dietmar Schlembach

Pages 187-218
Disorders of Early Pregnancy and Pregnancy Loss

    Stephanie Pildner von Steinburg, Ekkehard Schleußner, Ruben Kuon, Kilian Vomstein, Bettina Toth

Pages 219-242
Placental Insufficiency/Placenta-Associated Diseases

    Berthold Huppertz, Ulrich Pecks, Holger Stepan

Pages 243-280
The Placenta in Twins

    Isabel Couck, Anke Diemert, Kurt Hecher, Liesbeth Lewi

Pages 281-294
Fetal Programming

    Evelyn Annegret Huhn, Anke Diemert, Ekkehard Schleußner, Kurt Hecher, Petra Clara Arck

Pages 295-315
Fetal Cells and Cell-Free Nucleic Acids in Maternal Blood: Genetic and Immunological Aspects

    Olav Lapaire, Shane Vontelin van Breda, Lenka Vokalova, Peter Celec, Irene Hösli, Simona Rossi et al.

Pages 317-332
Research Aspects and In Vitro Models

    Martin Gauster, Michael Gruber, Birgit Hirschmugl, Carolin Schliefsteiner, Christian Wadsack

Pages 333-348
Maternal Disease Affecting the Placenta: Diabetes Mellitus

    Tanja Groten

Pages 349-362
Back Matter
Pages 363-371



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