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The Pathology of Cardiac Transplantation
A clinical and pathological perspective
Leone, Angelini, Bruneval, Potena
180,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This is the first book to focus entirely on the role of pathology in cardiac transplantation, linked to the clinical perspective through clinical–pathological correlation, multidisciplinary team working, and collaborative research. It provides a scientific framework with up-to-date pathological protocols and classification schemes and guides the reader through the chronological phases of the transplant process in a step-by-step approach. Topics include end-stage heart failure with pathologies encountered in the native heart, current issues surrounding donor selection, the multiple faces of rejection pathology correlated with clinical management and immunology, other post-transplant complications, details of pediatric and combined heart/other organ transplantation, and a useful practical appendix. Many high-quality images and illustrative cases are presented, along with learning points and ample references.

Transplantation medicine today is continuously changing as collaborative research into novel diagnostic techniques and immunosuppressive therapies translates into improved recipient management and survival. This book is aimed at practicing transplant pathologists and specialist trainees. It will also appeal to general pathologists and to physicians and surgeons involved in cardiac transplantation who need to understand the role of pathology in the clinical management of transplant recipients.

  • Cardiac Transplantation and the Contribution of Pathology

    Burke, Margaret (et al.)

    Pages 3-10

  • Advanced End-Stage Heart Failure: Epidemiology and Management

    Parissis, John (et al.)

    Pages 13-20

  • Mechanical Circulatory Support in End-Stage Heart Failure: Bridge to Transplantation and Destination Therapy

    Stepanenko, Alexander (et al.)

    Pages 21-32

  • Clinical Indications for Heart Transplantation

    Tona, Francesco (et al.)

    Pages 33-40

  • Pathologies Encountered in Explanted Native Hearts

    Leone, Ornella (et al.)

    Pages 41-99

  • Pretransplant Endomyocardial Biopsy: When and Why

    Veinot, John P.

    Pages 101-112

  • Donor Selection Criteria: Clinical and Pathological Insights

    Leone, Ornella (et al.)

    Pages 115-135

  • Donor Organ Harvesting and Preservation

    Bejko, Jonida (et al.)

    Pages 137-145

  • Perioperative Myocardial Damage to the Graft

    Angelini, Annalisa (et al.)

    Pages 147-152

  • Graft Failure/Dysfunction: Clinical Issues and Role of Endomyocardial Biopsy

    Potena, Luciano (et al.)

    Pages 155-169

  • Clinical Management of Transplant Recipients

    Masetti, Marco (et al.)

    Pages 171-184

  • Practical Immunology for Pathologists

    Smith, John D. (et al.)

    Pages 185-198

  • Pathology of Acute Cellular Rejection

    Neil, Desley A. H. (et al.)

    Pages 199-217

  • Pathology of Antibody-Mediated Rejection

    Rotman, Samuel (et al.)

    Pages 219-242

  • “Mixed” Rejection in Heart Transplantation

    Miller, Dylan V. (et al.)

    Pages 243-250

  • Pathological Non-rejection Findings in the Endomyocardial Biopsy

    Doran, Helen (et al.)

    Pages 251-263

  • Noninvasive Tools for Monitoring Acute Cardiac Allograft Rejection: State of the Art

    Parent, Marie-Claude (et al.)

    Pages 265-277

  • Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy

    Fedrigo, Marny (et al.)

    Pages 279-305

  • Infections

    Lebeaux, David (et al.)

    Pages 309-327

  • Malignancies After Heart Transplantation

    Agostini, Valentina (et al.)

    Pages 329-352

  • Chronic Kidney Disease After Heart Transplantation: Risk Factors, Clinics, and Histopathology

    Magnani, Gaia (et al.)

    Pages 353-364

  • Pathology of Pediatric Heart Transplantation

    Huyen, Jean-Paul Duong (et al.)

    Pages 367-377

  • Combined Heart Transplants

    Goddard, Martin

    Pages 379-391

  • The Autopsy in Heart Transplantation

    Angelini, Annalisa (et al.)

    Pages 393-417

  • Examination of Native Hearts with Implantable Mechanical Circulatory Support Systems

    Aumayr, Klaus (et al.)

    Pages 419-425



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