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The Kidney
A Comprehensive Guide to Pathologic Diagnosis and Management
Hansel, Kane, Paner, Chang
80,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Provides a practical textbook on benign and maligant disease that integrates a multidisciplinary approach Richly illustrated with color images and line drawings Written by experts in their respective fields

This volume provides a practical, comprehensive overview on benign and malignant disease of the adult kidney. The text addresses the topic of assessment and management of patients with surgical renal disease. Within this scope, it includes hereditary and spontaneous renal neoplasms, as well as non-neoplastic disease that manifests as a clinically relevant mass. The book is organized into chapters focusing on discrete disease entities and incorporating pathology, surgical management, oncologic therapy, radiologic findings, and molecular alterations. This text is designed to address relevant areas of clinical management of renal neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease across multiple specialties and levels of training. Written by experts in the field, The Kidney: A Comprehensive Guide to Pathologic Diagnosis and Management is a valuable resource on the diagnosis and management of patients with not only renal cell carcinoma, but also other renal processes that require surgical intervention.

Table of contents (13 chapters)

Embryology, Anatomy, and Histology of the Kidney McBride, Jennifer M. Pages 1-18

Polycystic Kidney Disease Joshi, Shreyas S. (et al.) Pages 19-35

Nonneoplastic Disease Presenting as a Renal Lesion Pearce, Shane M. (et al.) Pages 37-51

Overview and Staging of Renal Neoplasms Paner, Gladell P. Pages 53-65

Conventional Forms of Renal Neoplasia Derweesh, Ithaar H. (et al.) Pages 67-80

Familial Forms of Renal Cell Carcinoma and Associated Syndromes Guo, Charles C. (et al.) Pages 81-95

Translocation-Associated Carcinoma Klaassen, Zachary (et al.) Pages 97-108

Collecting Duct Carcinoma and Renal Medullary Carcinoma Koo, Jamie (et al.) Pages 109-123

Emerging and Recently Described Subtypes of Renal Carcinoma Mirsadraei, Leili (et al.) Pages 125-140

Non-epithelial Renal Neoplasms of the Adult Kidney Ritch, Chad R. (et al.) Pages 141-148

Pediatric Renal Neoplasms Yap, Michael (et al.) Pages 149-173

Glomerular Disease Gould, Edward R. (et al.) Pages 175-197

Nonneoplastic Kidney Diseases in the Setting of a Renal Mass Chang, Anthony (et al.) Pages 199-206


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