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The Funnel: From the Skull Base to the Sacrum
New Trends, Technologies and Strategies
200,00 €


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Skull-base surgery is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure, which involves the surgeon inserting instruments through the natural openings in the skull—the nose or mouth—or by making a small hole just above the eyebrow. This type of surgery requires a team of specialists, which may include ENT (ear, nose, and throat), maxillofacial and neurosurgeons, as well as radiologists. The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) has a unique anatomical bone and neurovascular structure, which not only separates the subaxial cervical spine but also provides a special cranial flexion, extension and axial rotation pattern. As such, a sound knowledge of the basic principles of spine instrumentation and the region’s kinematics are essential when it comes to strategic preoperative planning.

Skull-base, craniovertebral junction, spine demolitive and reconstructive surgery, neuromodulation, bioengineering and transplantation are recent tools used to improve reconstruction, restoration and rehabilitation – three key words central to the core aim of the Neurorehabilitation and Reconstruction Committee of the WFNS, which is to promte mechanical morphological and functional restoration.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xi


  2. Why the Funnel in Neurosurgery?

    • Massimiliano Visocchi

    Pages 1-3

  3. Surgeon’s Eyes on the Relevant Surgical Target

    • Oreste de Divitiis, Elena d’Avella, Gianluca Lorenzo Fabozzi, Luigi Maria Cavallo, Domenico Solari

    Pages 5-11

  4. New Trends in Neurosurgery: Toward a Future of Integration and Equity Among Male and Female Neurosurgeons

    • Debora Garozzo, Rossella Rispoli, Massimiliano Visocchi, Francesca Graziano, Barbara Cappelletto

    Pages 13-14

  5. Tools and Modalities for Postural Ergonomics Research in Surgery and Neurosurgery

    • Georgios Mavrovounis, Torstein R. Meling, Jesus Lafuente, Konstantinos N. Fountas, Andreas K. Demetriades

    Pages 15-20

  6. The Impact of a Robotic Digital Microscope on the Ergonomics in a Neurosurgical Operating Theatre (A Single-Centre Experience)

    • N. Gabrovsky, M. Petrov

    Pages 21-25

  7. Post-mortem Imaging of Brain/Spine Injuries: The Importance of a Comprehensive Forensic Approach

    • Luis Azmitia, Simone Grassi, Francesco Signorelli, Laura Filograna, Vincenzo Pascali, Alessandro Olivi et al.

    Pages 27-31

  8. Technologies in Anaesthesia for the Paediatric Patient

    • F. Tosi, R. Garra, R. Festa, Massimiliano Visocchi

    Pages 33-38

  9. The Funnel: From the Skull Base to the Sacrum. New Trends and Technologies in Anaesthesia for the Adult Patient

    • F. Tosi, R. Festa, Massimiliano Visocchi, R. Garra

    Pages 39-43

  10. Methods and Principles of the Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Neurosurgery

    • Michele Di Domenico, Diana Viola, Alessandro Izzo, Manuela D’Ercole, Francesco Signorelli, Nicola Montano et al.

    Pages 45-49

  11. Brain and Skull Base

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 51-51


    2. Diffusion Tensor Imaging Technique Delineating the Prognosis for Cerebellar Mutism in Posterior Fossa Tumors: A New Tool

      • V. D. Sinha, Patni Ankur, Jain Gaurav

      Pages 53-59

    3. Image-Guided Surgery in Complex Skull Base and Facial Fractures: Initial Experience on the Role of Intra-Operative Computer Tomography

      • Francesco Certo, Roberto Altieri, Salvatore Crimi, Giorgio Gurrera, Giacomo Cammarata, Massimiliano Visocchi et al.

      Pages 61-67

    4. Pediatric Meningiomas: Current Insights on Pathogenesis and Management

      • Luis Azmitia, Gerardo Taylor, Luca Massimi, Massimiliano Visocchi

      Pages 69-74

    5. Tuberculum Sellae Meningioma: Report of Two Cases and Literature Review of Limits of the Transcranial and Endonasal Endoscopic Approaches

      • Martina Silvestri, Francesco Signorelli, Alessandro Rapisarda, Ginevra Federica D’Onofrio, Massimiliano Visocchi

      Pages 75-79

    6. VHL: Trends and Insight into a Multi-Modality, Interdisciplinary Approach for Management of Central Nervous System Hemangioblastoma

      • S. A. Matloob, D. Paraskevopoulos, S. M. O’Toole, W. Drake, N. Plowman, N. Foroglou

      Pages 81-88

    7. Petroclival Clinoidal Folds and Relationships with Arachnoidal Membranes and Neural Structures of Anterior and Middle Incisural Spaces: Old Neuroanatomical Terms for a New Neurosurgical Speech in Cadaver Labs with Limited Resources Era. Part I: Osteology and Structural Anatomy of Dura Mater

      • Pescatori Lorenzo, Tropeano Maria Pia, Lorenzo Gitto, Massimiliano Visocchi, Francesco Signorelli, Ciappetta Pasqualino

      Pages 89-93

    8. Petroclival Clinoidal Folds and Relationships with Arachnoidal Membranes of Anterior and Middle Incisural Spaces: Old Neuroanatomical Terms for a New Neurosurgical Speech in Cadaver Labs with Limited Resources Era. Part II: Free Edge of the Tentorium, Petroclinoid Folds, and Incisural Spaces

      • Pescatori Lorenzo, Tropeano Maria Pia, Lorenzo Gitto, Massimiliano Visocchi, Francesco Signorelli, Ciappetta Pasqualino

      Pages 95-99

    9. Petroclival Clinoidal Folds and Relationships with Arachnoidal Membranes of Medial Incisural Space: Old Neuroanatomical Terms for a New Neurosurgical Speech in Cadaver Labs with Limited Resources Era. Part III: Arachnoid Membranes, Cranial Nerves, and Surgical Implications

      • Pescatori Lorenzo, Tropeano Maria Pia, Lorenzo Gitto, Massimiliano Visocchi, Francesco Signorelli, Ciappetta Pasqualino

      Pages 101-107

    10. Avoiding the Blinded Funnel: A Combined Single Piece Fronto-Temporo-Orbito-Zygomatic Craniotomy Endoscopic-Assisted Approach with Multimodal Assistance for an Epidermoid Tumor of Meckel’s Cave-Case Report

      • A. Curcio, F. F. Angileri, R. Zaccaria, Antonino Francesco Germanò

      Pages 109-114

      1. Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization for the Management of Chronic Subdural Hematomas: A New-Old Treatment

        • A. Pedicelli, I. Valente, A. Alexandre, L. Scarcia, R. Gigli, Francesco Signorelli et al.

        Pages 115-118

      2. Supraorbital Keyhole Versus Pterional Approach: A Morphometric Anatomical Study

        • Stefano Signoretti, Lorenzo Pescatori, Barbara Nardacci, Alberto Delitala, Alois Zauner, Massimiliano Visocchi

        Pages 119-123

      3. Far Lateral Approach: “Trans-tumor Approach” on Huge Dumbbell-Shape Neurofibroma of Anterior Foramen Magnum Without Craniectomy—Anatomical Consideration and New Trend

        • Ibrahim Dao, Abdoulaye Sanou, Haoua Alzouma, Frédéric Bako, Yves Hema, Sylvain Delwendé Zabsonré et al.

        Pages 125-130

      4. Use of BoneScalpel Ultrasonic Bone Dissector in Anterior Clinoidectomy and Posterior Fossa Surgery: Technical Note

        • Giuseppe Emmanuele Umana, Gianluca Scalia, Salvatore Cicero, Angelo Spitaleri, Marco Fricia, Santino Ottavio Tomasi et al.

        Pages 131-137

      5. Chiari Malformation Type 1 and Syringomyelia: Why Do Patients Claim for International Guidelines? Commentary on the 2021 Chiari and Syringomyelia Consensus Document

        • Luca Massimi, Ignazio Gaspare Vetrano, Paola Peretta, Luisa Chiapparini, Veronica Saletti, Palma Ciaramitaro et al.

        Pages 139-145

      6. Evaluation of Adult and Pediatric Chiari Type 1 Malformation Patients: Do Consensus Documents Fit Everyday Practice?

        • Laura Grazia Valentini, Tommaso Francesco Galbiati, Veronica Saletti, Mariangela Farinotti, Alessandra Erbetta, Carolina Croci et al.

        Pages 147-155

      7. Percutaneous Balloon Compression for Trigeminal Neuralgia. A Comparative Study Between the Fluoroscope Guided and Neuronavigated Technique

        • Manuela D’Ercole, Tommaso Tufo, Alessandro Izzo, Alessandro Rapisarda, Filippo Maria Polli, Francesco Signorelli et al.

        Pages 157-160

      8. The Key to a Successful PBC in Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia

        • Jun Zhong

        Pages 161-165

      9. The Role of the Anesthesiologist and the Modern Intraoperative Echography in Ventriculoatrial Shunt for Hydrocephalus: From Hakim to Nowadays

        • R. Garra, A. Pusateri, R. Festa, Massimiliano Visocchi, F. Tosi

        Pages 167-169

    11. Spine

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 171-171


      2. Role of Navigation in the Surgery of Spine Tumours

        • Marcel Ivanov, Matthias Radatz

        Pages 173-178

      3. Spinal Cord Stimulation Meets Them All: An Effective Treatment for Different Pain Conditions. Our Experience and Literature Review

        • Giuseppe Roberto Giammalva, Federica Paolini, Lapo Bonosi, Flavia Meccio, Luigi Basile, Francesca Graziano et al.

        Pages 179-195

      4. Rheumatoid Diseases Involving the Cervical Spine I. History, Definition, and Diagnosis: New Trends and Technologies

        • Andrea Zoli, Flavia Leone, Angelo Zoli, Massimiliano Visocchi

        Pages 197-202

      5. Spinal Cord High-Frequency Stimulation. The Current Experience and Future Directions

        • Alessandro Izzo, Manuela D’Ercole, Alessandro Rapisarda, Filippo Maria Polli, Filomena Fuggetta, Alessandro Olivi et al.

        Pages 203-207

      6. Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension: Controversies in Treatment

        • Francesco Signorelli, Massimiliano Visocchi

        Pages 209-211

      7. Pedicle Screw Placement Aided by C-Arm Fluoroscopy: A “Nevermore without” Technology to Pursue Optimal Spine Fixation

        • Silvana Tumbiolo, Rosa Maria Gerardi, Lara Brunasso, Roberta Costanzo, Maria Cristina Lombardo, Simona Porcaro et al.

        Pages 213-217

      8. Comparison Between Ventricular and Spinal Infusion Tests in Suspected Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

        • Francesco Signorelli, Gianluca Trevisi, Massimiliano Visocchi, Carmelo Anile

        Pages 219-222

      9. Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: A Retrospective Analysis of Prognostic Factors and Long-Term Clinical Outcomes in the Light of the Recent Diagnostic and Technical Refinements

        • Carmelo Lucio Sturiale, Anna Maria Auricchio, Iacopo Valente, Rosario Maugeri, Alessandro Pedicelli, Massimiliano Visocchi et al.

        Pages 223-230

      10. Vertebral Candidiasis, the State of the Art: A Systematic Literature Review

        • Dario Candura, Andrea Perna, Sara Calori, Francesco Ciro Tamburrelli, Luca Proietti, Maria Concetta Meluzio et al.

        Pages 231-240

    12. Cervical

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 241-241

      1. Combined Transoral Exoscope and OARM-Assisted Approach for Craniovertebral Junction Surgery. New Trends in an Old-Fashioned Approach

        • Massimiliano Visocchi, Francesco Signorelli

        Pages 243-246

      2. Minimally Invasive Instrumentation of the Cervical Spine: Past, Present, and Future

        • Sara Lener, Anto Abramovic, Anna Lang, Claudius Thomé, Sebastian Hartmann

        Pages 247-251

      3. Hybrid Implants in Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: The State of the Art and New Trends for Multilevel Degenerative Disc Disease

        • Massimiliano Visocchi, Salvatore Marino, Giorgio Ducoli, Giuseppe M. V. Barbagallo, Ciappetta Pasqualino, Francesco Signorelli

        Pages 253-257

      4. The Submandibular Approach: A Descriptive Perspective of the Retropharingeal Corridor to the Craniocervical Junction (Microscopic- vs. Endoscopic-Assisted Dissections)

        • Luis Azmitia, Flavio Dávila, Massimiliano Visocchi

        Pages 259-264

      5. Central Atlantoaxial Dislocation: Presenting Symptoms, Diagnostic Parameters, and Surgical Treatment from Reports on 15 Surgically Treated Patients

        • Atul Goel, Ravikiran Vutha, Abhidha Shah, Apurva Prasad, Achal Gupta, Abhinav Kumar

        Pages 265-272

      6. Atlantoaxial Anterior Transarticular Screw Fixation: Indications and Surgical Technique

        • Filippo Maria Polli, Alessandro Rapisarda, Sokol Trungu, Stefano Forcato, Nicola Montano, Francesco Signorelli et al.

        Pages 273-277

      7. Neuronavigated Retropharyngeal Anterior Screw Fixation of the Odontoid for the Treatment of C2 Type II Fractures: Case Report

        • S. Ferri, F. Cacciola, R. Zaccaria, I. Ghetti, A. Curcio, Antonino Francesco Germanò

        Pages 279-282

      8. New Trend in Craniovertebral Junction Surgical Strategy: Technical Note for the Treatment of Hangman’s Fractures Through a Minimally Invasive Approach

        • Silvana Tumbiolo, Maria Cristina Lombardo, Simona Porcaro, Alessandro Adorno, Giuseppe La Fata, Costanzo Tiziana et al.

        Pages 283-289

      9. Direct Transpedicular C2 Fixation for the Surgical Management of Hangman’s Fractures: A “Second Youth” for the Judet Approach

        • Francesco Certo, Roberto Altieri, Marco Garozzo, Massimiliano Visocchi, Giuseppe M. V. Barbagallo

        Pages 291-299

      10. Computerized Three-Dimensional Analysis: A Novel Method to Assess the Effect of Open-Door Laminoplasty

        • Barbara Cappelletto, Rossella Rispoli, Massimo Robiony, Alessandro Tel

        Pages 301-306

      11. Nuance in Craniovertebral Junction Surgical Approach for Posterior C1-C2 Harms Stabilization: “Window Transposition” of the External Vertebral Venous Plexus for Bloodless C1 Lateral Mass Screw Insertion: Anatomical Aspects and Technical Notes

        • Vito Fiorenza, Francesco Ascanio, Lara Brunasso, Benedetto Lo Duca, Anna Maria Fimognari, Luisa Grippi et al.

        Pages 307-313

      12. Emergency Treatment of Cervical Vertebromedullary Trauma: 10 Years of Experience and Outcome Evaluation

        • M. C. Meluzio, M. I. Borruto, A. Perna, M. Visocchi, G. Noia, M. Genitiempo et al.

        Pages 315-319

      13. Long-Term Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes After Bryan Cervical Disk Arthroplasty: A Systematic Literature Review

        • Andrea Perna, Calogero Velluto, Amarildo Smakaj, Matteo Caredda, Luca Proietti, Domenico Alessandro Santagada et al.

        Pages 321-329

      14. Multilevel Corpectomy for Subaxial Cervical Spondylodiscitis: Literature Review and Role of Navigation, Intraoperative Imaging and Augmented Reality

        • Giuseppe Emmanuele Umana, Gianluca Scalia, Angelo Spitaleri, Maurizio Passanisi, Antonio Crea, Ottavio S. Tomasi et al.

        Pages 331-338

      15. Lateral Approach to the Cervical Spine to Manage Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy and Radiculopathy

        • S. Chibbaro, J. F. Cornelius, C. H. Mallereau, M. Bruneau, I. Zaed, M. Visocchi et al.

        Pages 339-343

      16. Comparison Between Sagittal Balance Outcomes After Corpectomy, Laminectomy, and Fusion for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Matched Cohort Study

        • R. Reinas, D. Kitumba, L. Pereira, V. Pinto, O. L. Alves

        Pages 345-349

      17. Minimally Invasive Posterior Cervical Fusion: A Handsome Option

        • V. Pinto, L. Pereira, R. Reinas, D. Kitumba, O. L. Alves

        Pages 351-356

      18. Spinal Intradural Extramedullary Tumors: A Retrospective Analysis on Ten-Years’ Experience of Minimally Invasive Surgery and a Comparison with the Open Approach

        • D. Kitumba, R. Reinas, L. Pereira, V. Pinto, O. L. Alves

        Pages 357-360

      19. Correlation Between Cervical Spine Sagittal Alignment and Clinical Outcome After Standalone Intersomatic Titanium Cage CeSPACE for Cervical Anterior Discectomy and Fusion in Cervical Degenerative Disk Diseases

        • R. Zaccaria, F. Cacciola, G. Caruso, S. Ferri, M. Caffo, A. Curcio et al.

        Pages 361-366

    13. Dorsal

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 367-367

      1. Spinal Epidural Atypical Meningioma: Case Report and Review of the Literature

        • Rina di Bonaventura, Valerio Mario Caccavella, Kristy Latour, Alessandro Rapisarda, Marco Gessi, Nicola Montano et al.

        Pages 369-373

      2. Costotransversectomy in the Surgical Treatment of Mediolateral Thoracic Disk Herniations: Long-Term Results and Recent Minimally Invasive Technical Adjuncts

        • Aldo Spallone, Massimiliano Visocchi, Fabio Greco, Francesco Signorelli, Maurizio Gladi, Rossella Fasinella et al.

        Pages 375-383

      3. The Thoracoscopic Approach in Spinal Cord Disease

        • Massimiliano Visocchi, Giorgio Ducoli, Francesco Signorelli

        Pages 385-388

      4. Cirq Robotic Assistance for Thoracolumbar Pedicle Screw Placement: Overcoming the Disadvantages of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

        • Nikolay Gabrovsky, Petar Ilkov, Maria Laleva

        Pages 389-392

    14. Lumbar

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 393-393


      2. Toward the End of the Funnel: The Ventriculus Terminalis—The State of Art of an Ancient Entity with a Recent History

        • Ginevra Federica D’Onofrio, Alessandro Rapisarda, Francesco Signorelli, Mario Ganau, Salvatore Chibbaro, Nicola Montano et al.

        Pages 395-397

      3. Cystic Dilatation of the Ventriculus Terminalis: Examining the Relevance of the Revised Operative Classification Through a Systematic Review of the Literature, 2011–2021

        • Davor Dasic, Francesco Signorelli, Gianfranco K. I. Ligarotti, Ginevra Federica D’Onofrio, Alessandro Rapisarda, Nikolaos Syrmos et al.

        Pages 399-404

      4. Does Laminectomy Affect Spino-Pelvic Balance in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? A Study Based on the EOS X-Ray Imaging System

        • Manuela D’Ercole, Gualtiero Innocenzi, Paola Lattuada, Francesco Ricciardi, Nicola Montano, Massimiliano Visocchi et al.

        Pages 405-412

      5. Transtubular Endoscopic Neuronavigation–Assisted Approach for Extraforaminal Lumbar Disk Herniations: A New Trend for a Common Neurosurgical Disease

        • Nunzio Platania, Federica Paolini, Giuseppina Orlando, Dario Romano, Rosario Maugeri, Domenico Gerardo Iacopino

        Pages 413-416

      6. Long-Term Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Low-Grade Lumbar Spondylolisthesis Stabilization with Rigid Percutaneous Pedicle Screws

        • L. Pereira, V. Pinto, R. Reinas, D. Kitumba, O. L. Alves

        Pages 417-423

      7. Fluoroscopy-Assisted Freehand Versus 3D-Navigated Imaging-Assisted Pedicle Screw Insertion: A Multicenter Study

        • Giacomo Cammarata, Gianluca Scalia, Roberta Costanzo, Giuseppe Emmanuele Umana, Massimo Furnari, Giancarlo Ponzo et al.

        Pages 425-430

      8. Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF) with Lateral Modular Plate Fixation: Preliminary Report on Clinical and Radiological Outcomes

        • Daniele Armocida, Andrea Perna, Fabio Cofano, Marco Cimatti, Umberto Aldo Arcidiacono, Nicola Marengo et al.

        Pages 431-437

      9. A New Interlaminar/Interspinous and Facet-Joint Stabilization System in Lumbar Degenerative Disk Disease: 2 Years of Results

        • Giulia Guizzardi, Carlo Antonio Todaro, Gualtiero Innocenzi

        Pages 439-445

      10. Posterior Surgical Ligation and Cyst Decompression -via Needle Puncture- of a Large Anterior Sacral Pelvic Meningocele Through Posterior Sacral Laminectomy

        • Luis Azmitia, Giampiero Tamburrini, Massimiliano Visocchi

        Pages 447-451


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