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The AFS Textbook of Foregut Disease
Nguyen, Clarke, Lipham, Chang, Schnoll-Sussman, Bell, Kahrilas
150,00 €


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The AFS Textbook of Foregut Disease serves as a comprehensive guide of information covering the fast-evolving field of foregut disease.  This textbook is designed as a partnership between gastroenterologists & gastrointestinal surgeons with an understanding that an essential component of moving forward in this field is through collaboration. This AFS textbook has been developed by the American Foregut Society, a premier society for foregut disease and all chapters are written by experts in the field. Readership is intended for gastroenterologists, GI and thoracic surgeons, gastroenterology and general surgery residents and fellows, medical students, and integrated health members that manage foregut disease. All chapters follow an organized format that contains many graphs, tables, intraoperative photographs, and illustrations of techniques. This textbook provides the most up-to-date scientific information and will be the definitive resource to guide both the diagnosis and management of foregut disease for years to come.   

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-x


  2. Basic Considerations

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. History of AFS

      • Reginald C. W. Bell, Felice Schnoll-Sussman

      Pages 3-5

  3. GERD and Eosinoplhilic Esophagitis

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 7-7


    2. GERD Pathophysiology: The Role of the Sphincter and Crural Diaphragm

      • Ravinder K. Mittal, John C. Lipham

      Pages 9-18

    3. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorders: Diagnostic Approach

      • Subhash Chandra, Jonathan Gapp, Kenneth Wang

      Pages 19-28

    4. Medical Therapy for GERD

      • Philip O. Katz, Gaurav Ghosh, Katharine Rooney

      Pages 29-38

    5. Phenotypes of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Personalized Management

      • Domenico A. Farina, John E. Pandolfino, Kristle Lynch

      Pages 39-48

    6. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux and Pulmonary Manifestations

      • Shahin Ayazi, Blair Jobe

      Pages 49-55

    7. The Spectrum of Eosinophilic Esophagitis

      • Jennifer L. Horsley-Silva, Blair Jobe, David Katzka

      Pages 57-67

    8. Esophageal Hypersensitivity and Functional Dyspepsia

      • Adriana Lazarescu, Alicia Demers-Leblanc, Afrin Kamal

      Pages 69-75

    9. Endoscopic GERD Therapies

      • Linda Y. Zhang, Kenneth J. Chang, Marcia Irene Canto

      Pages 77-84

    10. Understanding the Optimal Gastroesophageal Flap Valve: The Omega Flap Valve

      • Ninh T. Nguyen, Justine Chinn, Kenneth J. Chang

      Pages 85-93

    11. Laparoscopic Fundoplication

      • Justin R. Henning, Rocio E. Carrera Ceron, Brant K. Oelschlager

      Pages 95-104

    12. Comprehensive Review of the Anti-Reflux Mechanism and Fundoplication

      • Shaun Daly, Michael Tran, Miya Yoshida, David Choi, Daniel Tseng

      Pages 105-112

    13. Laparoscopic Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation

      • Tejal Pandya, Hamza Durrani, Reginald C. W. Bell, Philip Woodworth, Brian E. Louie

      Pages 113-124

    14. Diagnosis and Management of Paraesophageal Hiatal Hernia

      • Hana Ajouz, Michael P. Rogers, Christopher Ducoin, Vic Velanovich, Collin E. M. Brathwaite

      Pages 125-138

    15. Reoperative Anti-Reflux Surgery

      • Sumeet Mittal, Paul Kim, Adrian Park

      Pages 139-144

  4. Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Neoplasm

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 145-145


    2. Screening for Barrett’s Esophagus

      • Jay Bapaye, George Triadafilopoulos, Prasad G. Iyer

      Pages 147-159

    3. Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Neoplasm

      1. Understanding the Histopathology of GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus

        • Parakrama Chandrasoma, Jason B. Samarasena

        Pages 161-170

      2. Management of Nondysplastic Barrett’s Esophagus

        • Michael S. Smith, F. P. Buckley III, F. Scott Corbett, Reginald C. W. Bell

        Pages 171-177

      3. Management of Dysplastic Barrett’s Esophagus

        • Andrew D. Grubic, Shahin Ayazi, Manish K. Dhawan, Blair A. Jobe

        Pages 179-188

      4. Management of Early Esophageal Cancer

        • Nasim Parsa, Steven R. DeMeester, Daniela Molena, Stavros N. Stavropoulos

        Pages 189-196

      5. Cancer of the Esophagus: Epidemiology and Genetics

        • David H. Wang, Eric M. Lander, Michael K. Gibson

        Pages 197-207

      6. Screening Technologies for Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma

        • Gary W. Falk, Cadman L. Leggett

        Pages 209-216

      7. Staging Endoscopic Ultrasound

        • Eun Ji Shin, Shruti Mony

        Pages 217-231

      8. Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy

        • Navjit Dharampal, Michael N. Tran, Ninh T. Nguyen, Brian E. Louie

        Pages 233-243

      9. Endoscopic Management of Anastomotic Leaks

        • James M. Ackerman, Ryan M. Levy, Inderpal S. Sarkaria

        Pages 245-250

      10. Palliative Therapy in Esophageal Cancer

        • Neil Sood, Sarah Enslin, Zubair Malik

        Pages 251-259

    4. Esophageal Motility Disorders, Esophageal Injury, and Benign Disease of the Esophagus

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 261-261


      2. Pathophysiology of Esophageal Motility Disorders

        • Monica Nandwani, Kirsten Newhams, Blair Jobe

        Pages 263-268

      3. Diagnostic Testing for Esophageal Motility Disorders: Barium Radiography, High-Resolution Manometry, and the Functional Lumen Imaging Probe (FLIP)

        • Amit Patel, Felice Schnoll-Sussman, C. Prakash Gyawali

        Pages 269-278

      4. The Chicago Classification of Esophageal Motor Disorders

        • Rena Yadlapati, Amit Patel, Peter J. Kahrilas

        Pages 279-289

      5. Cricopharyngeal Disorders, Endoscopic, Stapled, and Open Cricomyotomy and Adjuncts for Zenker’s Diverticulum

        • Karuna Dewan, Jeffrey R. Watkins

        Pages 291-299

      6. Minimally Invasive Management of Epiphrenic Diverticulum

        • Bradley Kushner, Elbert Kuo, Michael M. Awad

        Pages 301-309

      7. Disorders of Esophagogastric Junction Outflow and Peristalsis

        • Monika Lammi, Jessica Koller Gorham

        Pages 311-319

      8. Therapies for Spastic Esophageal Motor Disorders

        • Dustin A. Carlson, Reena V. Chokshi, Ellen Stein

        Pages 321-327

      9. Pneumatic Dilation for the Treatment of Achalasia

        • Steven Clayton, Joel E. Richter

        Pages 329-334

      10. Minimally Invasive Heller Myotomy

        • Melissa L. Desouza, Kevin M. Reavis

        Pages 335-344

      11. Esophageal Motility Disorders, Esophageal Injury, and Benign Disease of the Esophagus

        1. Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM)

          • Kenneth J. Chang, Lee L. Swanström

          Pages 345-355

        2. Scleroderma

          • John O. Clarke, F. P. Tripp Buckley III, Zsuzsanna McMahan, Dinesh Khanna

          Pages 357-366

        3. Benign Lesions of the Esophagus

          • Sanjay M. Salgado, Daniela Jodorkovsky, Nitin K. Ahuja

          Pages 367-374

        4. Management of Caustic Injury and Esophageal Stricture

          • Ryan C. Broderick, Karthik Ravi

          Pages 375-384

        5. Management of Esophageal Perforation

          • Christy M. Dunst, Timothy Mansour

          Pages 385-394

      12. Gastric Disorders

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 395-395


        2. Pathophysiology of Gastric Neuromuscular Disorders

          • Aylin Tansel, Linda Nguyen, Thomas L. Abell

          Pages 397-410

        3. Diagnostic Testing and Pharmacotherapy in Gastroparesis

          • Brian Surjanhata, Braden Kuo

          Pages 411-421

        4. Endoscopic Pyloric Therapies for Gastroparesis

          • Olaya I. Brewer Gutierrez, Mouen A. Khashab, Henry P. Parkman

          Pages 423-430

        5. Surgical Treatment of Gastroparesis

          • Irene Sarosiek, Brian R. Davis, Richard McCallum, Mina Ibrahim, Dmitry Oleynikov

          Pages 431-439

        6. Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, Dumping, and Marijuana-Induced Hyperemesis Syndrome

          • Thangam Venkatesan, William L. Hasler

          Pages 441-448

      13. Gastric Cancer and Other Gastroesophageal Disorders

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 449-449


        2. Gastric Cancer Epidemiology, Genetics, and Screening

          • Brittany G. Sullivan, John D. Karalis, Sam C. Wang, Maheswari Senthil

          Pages 451-459

        3. Diagnosis and Management of Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia

          • Ji Yoon Yoon, Dan Li, Shailja C. Shah

          Pages 461-468

        4. Endoscopic Staging and Resection for Early Gastric Cancer

          • Jason Samarasena, Anastasia Chahine, Joo Ha Hwang

          Pages 469-476

        5. Laparoscopic Total and Subtotal Gastrectomy

          • Stephen Stopenski, Luigi Bonavina, Brian R. Smith

          Pages 477-483

        6. Laparoscopic Resection of Gastric and Esophageal Submucosal Tumors

          • Katie M. Galvin, Shaun Daly, Marcelo Hinojosa

          Pages 485-493

        7. Peptic Ulcer Disease

          • Jordan Shapiro, Dan Lister, David Y. Graham

          Pages 495-506

        8. Primary Gastric Lymphoma

          • Daniel Tseng, Spencer Shao, Tris Arscott

          Pages 507-515

      14. Obesity and Metabolic Disease

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 517-517

          1. Laparoscopic and Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy

            • Collin E. M. Brathwaite, Raelina S. Howell, Jun Levine, Maxime Lapointe-Gagner, Michel Gagner

            Pages 519-525

          2. Laparoscopic and Robot-Assisted Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

            • Kelly Andrew Lara, Esther Wu, Yong Choi

            Pages 527-534

          3. Endoscopic Gastric Remodeling for Weight Loss

            • Jennifer M. Kolb, Babusai Rapaka, Barham K. Abu Dayyeh, Kenneth J. Chang

            Pages 535-543

          4. Strategies in Management of GERD in the Severely Obese Undergoing Bariatric Surgery

            • Ninh T. Nguyen, Ava Runge, Kenneth J. Chang

            Pages 545-551

          5. Endoscopic Management of Bariatric Complications

            • Vitor Ottoboni Brunaldi, Christopher C. Thompson, Manoel Galvao Neto

            Pages 553-561

          6. Bariatric Surgery Complications and Management

            • Christopher Pearcy, Andre Teixeira, Muhammad Ghanem, Natan Zundel

            Pages 563-575

          7. Post-bariatric Surgery GERD

            • Babusai Rapaka, Kevin D. Platt, Allison R. Schulman, Barham K. Abu Dayyeh

            Pages 577-585

          8. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Metabolic Surgery

            • R. Alvarez, J. Silva, Caitlin Houghton, Leena Khaitan

            Pages 587-598

        2. Specific Considerations

          1. Front Matter

            Pages 599-599


          2. Health Advocacy

            • V. Raman Muthusamy, Sushrut Sujan Thiruvengadam

            Pages 601-604

          3. Robotic Foregut Surgery

            • Tanuja Damani, Caitlin Houghton, Ryan C. Broderick

            Pages 605-611

        3. Back Matter

          Pages 613-625


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