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The Achilles Tendon
Pathology, Treatment and Rehabilitation
140,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Pathology of the Achilles tendon is one of the most commonly written about topics in foot and ankle surgery, yet there is no clear consensus on the management of these injuries; in addition, pathologic aspects of the Achilles tendon are not well understood. 
This up-to-date resource addresses all aspects of Achilles tendon pathology, management, rehabilitation and complications, including novel aspects of Achilles tendon treatment as well as more detail on operative techniques for Achilles tendon surgery. Sensibly divided into four thematic sections, part I presents general considerations such as anatomy and pathology, the physical exam and imaging modalities, and patient-reported outcomes. The following sections describe current management strategies for acute and chronic injuries and complications, respectively. Both nonoperative and operative techniques are highlighted, from minimally invasive techniques to tendinoscopy and open debridementand biological augmentation. Generous intraoperative photos and figures enhance the presentation, and operative algorithms are clearly elucidated.
Bringing together the latest in the diagnosis and management of these common injuries, The Achilles Tendon will be a valuable reference for orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons, sports medicine surgeons, podiatrists and fellows and residents in these areas. 


    Front Matter
    Pages i-vii
    General Considerations for the Achilles Tendon
        Front Matter
        Pages 1-1
        Anatomy and Pathology of the Achilles Tendon: Tendonitis, Tendinitis, or Tendinopathy, Which Is It?
            Albert T. Anastasio, Amanda N. Fletcher, Baofu Wei, Annunziato Amendola
        Pages 3-12
        Physical Examination and Imaging of the Achilles Tendon
            Brandon A. Haghverdian, Dan Prat, Daniel C. Farber
        Pages 13-21
        The Effect of the Plantaris Tendon on Achilles Tendinopathy
            Stefan Wever, Jarrod Antflick, James Calder
        Pages 23-31
        Summary of Data Comparing Nonoperative, Open, and Minimally Invasive Treatment of Achilles Tendon Tears
            Andrew E. Hanselman
        Pages 33-42
        Nonoperative Treatment of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture
            Mark Glazebrook
        Pages 43-50
    Acute Injuries of the Achilles Tendon
        Front Matter
        Pages 51-51
        Ruptures of the Medial Gastrocnemius Tendon (“Tennis Leg”)
            Amanda N. Fletcher, Samuel B. Adams
        Pages 53-59
        Percutaneous and Minimally Invasive Surgery for Acute Achilles Tendon Tears
            Raul M. Espinoza, Felipe Chaparro, Cristian Ortiz, Giovanni Carcuro, Manuel J. Pellegrini
        Pages 61-74
        Minimally Invasive Treatment of Achilles Tendon Tears
            Fernando Aran, Karl M. Schweitzer Jr, James K. DeOrio
        Pages 75-80
        Traditional Open Repair of Achilles Tendon Tears
            Claude T. Moorman III, Maria K. A. Kaseta
        Pages 81-89
        Management of Achilles Tendon Tears in Athletes
            Naji S. Madi, Aman Chopra, Selene G. Parekh
        Pages 91-100
        Achilles Tendon Sleeve Avulsion Injuries: Diagnosis and Management
            Eric Z. Lukosius, Karl M. Schweitzer Jr.
        Pages 101-110
        Rehabilitation of Achilles Tendon Tears (Operative and Nonoperative)
            Sachin Allahabadi, Christopher Antonelli, Sarah Lander, Brian C. Lau
        Pages 111-124
    Chronic Tendinopathy of the Achilles Tendon
        Front Matter
        Pages 125-125
        Nonoperative Management of Insertional and Noninsertional Achilles Tendinopathy
            Justin Paoloni, George A. C. Murrell
        Pages 127-134
        Tendoscopy of Noninsertional Achilles Tendinopathy
            Christopher C. Cychosz, Phinit Phisitkul
        Pages 135-140
        Open Debridement of Noninsertional Achilles Tendinopathy
            Mark E. Easley, Ian L. D. Le
        Pages 141-153
        Operative Management of Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
            Amanda N. Fletcher, Albert T. Anastasio, James A. Nunley
        Pages 155-171

Management of Acute and Chronic Achilles Complications

    Front Matter
    Pages 173-173
    Reconstruction of Chronic Achilles Tendon Ruptures
        Karl M. Schweitzer Jr, Rishin J. Kadakia
    Pages 175-194
    Soft Tissue Reconstruction of Achilles-Tendon-Associated Wounds
        Nicholas C. Oleck, Ronnie L. Shammas, Suhail K. Mithani
    Pages 195-202
    Orthobiologic Augmentation of Achilles Tendinitis and Tendon Repairs
        Richard Danilkowicz, Samuel B. Adams
    Pages 203-207

Back Matter
Pages 209-211



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