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Textbook of Otitis Media
The Basics and Beyond
Goycoolea, da Costa, de Souza, Paparella
160,00 €


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This textbook presents a broad approach to otitis media ranging from the basic to the advanced, and comprehensively reviews the diagnosis, treatment, management, and complications of patients with infections of the middle ear (OM). It has been proven that children whose hearing has been affected by otitis media suffer academically. Since their hearing is impaired, their scholastic performance deteriorates, leading to multiple health and social problems. This in turn has a cascading effect on the child's ability to perform and cope. Quite often these problems are silent and go unrecognized and misdiagnosed. The socioeconomic impact of otitis media is profound and can deeply and adversely impact a child's growth and development if not diagnosed correctly and in a timely manner.

The textbook starts by covering the basics, including chapters on classification and terminology, anatomy and embryological development of the inner ear, the immune system and the inner ear, inflammation and infection, genetic predisposition, current treatment strategies including surgical and non-surgical approaches, and hearing devices. Following chapters review the current and future state of the art in OM, including chapters on tympanoplasty, temporal bone cholesteatomas, advanced hearing and balance evaluations, advanced imaging evaluations, and mastoidectomy. 

Textbook of Otitis Media will be a go-to resource for otorhinolaryngology residents and fellows, pediatricians, ENT surgeons, consultants, nurses, and audiologists.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xix


  2. Definitions, Terminology, and Classification

    • Marcos V. Goycoolea, Sady Selaimen da Costa, Chris de Souza, Michael M. Paparella

    Pages 1-4

  3. Otitis Media: Basic Concepts and Fundamentals

    • Sady Selaimen da Costa, Rafael da Costa Monsanto

    Pages 5-19

  4. Otitis Media and Human Efforts to Deal with It Through Time

    • Marcos V. Goycoolea, Mario Castro

    Pages 21-28

  5. Development and Anatomy of the Human Middle Ear

    • Charlotte M. Burford, Hannah L. Cornwall, Matthew R. B. Farr, Claudia M. Santoni, Matthew J. Mason

    Pages 29-48

  6. Normal Histology of the Eustachian Tube, Middle Ear, and Mastoid Complex: The Mucoperiosteum Concept

    • Marcos V. Goycoolea, Raimundo José García-Matte, Catalina Gutiérrez

    Pages 49-58

  7. Understanding the Aeration Avenues of the Middle Ear with the Aid of the Endoscope

    • Alessia Rubini, Margherita Basso, Nicola Bisi, Pierfrancesco Bettini, Daniele Marchioni

    Pages 59-67

  8. Regulated Balance of Pressure Variations in the Temporal Pneumatic Spaces

    • Bernard Ars, Dominique Estève

    Pages 69-74

  9. The Role of Immunity in the Development of Otitis Media

    • Sara Concha, Rodrigo Hoyos-Bachiloglu

    Pages 75-79

  10. When to Suspect and How to Evaluate Immune Deficiencies in Otitis Media

    • Sara Concha, Rodrigo Hoyos-Bachiloglu

    Pages 81-89

  11. Genetics and Otitis Media

    • Nam K. Lee, Regie Lyn P. Santos-Cortez

    Pages 91-107

  12. Predictive Medicine in Otitis Media

    • Raimundo José García-Matte, María José Herrera J, Marcos V. Goycoolea

    Pages 109-117

  13. Importance of Animal Studies in the Understanding of Otitis Media

    • Marcelo Miguel Hueb, Fernanda Rocha Hueb, Marcela Rocha Hueb, Michael M. Paparella

    Pages 119-123

  14. Critical Appraisal of Published Research in Otitis Media or How to Sort the Wheat from the Chaff!

    • Joel Lavinsky, Vagner Antonio Rodrigues da Silva, Luiz Lavinsky

    Pages 125-132

  15. Translational Histopathology in Otitis Media: The Real Evidence-Based Medicine!

    • Suanur M. Kayaalp, Sebahattin Cureoglu, Michael M. Paparella

    Pages 133-141

  16. Patulous Eustachian Tube and the Differential Diagnosis of Autophony

    • Bryan K. Ward, Carrie L. Nieman, Dennis S. Poe

    Pages 143-151

  17. Office Examination in Otitis Media

    • Fábio André Selaimen, Alice Lang Silva, Wiquinylson França de Oliveira, Sady Selaimen da Costa

    Pages 153-162

  18. Non-surgical Strategies to Restore Middle Ear Aeration

    • Bernard Ars, Dominique Estève

    Pages 163-168

  19. Drug Delivery Across the Intact Tympanic Membrane: Methods, Mechanisms and Potential Impact

    • Arwa Kurabi, Molly Cooper, Emily Sereno, Allen F. Ryan

    Pages 169-175

  20. Viral Otitis Media and Acute Otitis Media and Recurrent Acute Otitis Media. An Evidence-Based Approach

    • José Faibes Lubianca Neto, João Pedro Neves Lubianca, Marcelo Neves Lubianca

    Pages 177-190

  21. The Microbiology of Otitis Media, Biofilms and Its Implication in the Clinical Treatment

    • Maria Beatriz Rotta Pereira, Manuel Ruttkay Pereira, Denise Rotta Ruttkay Pereira, Vlademir Cantarelli

    Pages 191-197

  22. Otitis Media with Effusion: Pathophysiology, Clinical Picture and Management

    • María José Herrera J, José Alzerreca

    Pages 199-206

  23. Inflammatory Mediators in the Pathogenesis of Otitis Media: A Brief Review

    • Timothy T. K. Jung

    Pages 207-210

  24. Retraction Pockets and Adhesive Otitis Media

    • María José Herrera J, Javiera Pardo

    Pages 211-218

  25. Ventilation Tubes

    • Ann Hermansson

    Pages 219-221

  26. Post-Tympanostomy Tube Otorrhea and Other Complications

    • Henrique Furlan Pauna, Rafael C. Monsanto, Letícia A. Oyama, Ana Paula Chornobay, Karina Salvi, Livia Tamie T. Sassaki et al.

    Pages 223-231

  27. Vaccination Policies in Otitis Media

    • Ann Hermansson

    Pages 233-235

  28. Managing Risk Factors in Otitis Media

    • Joshua A. Stramielo, Daniela Carvalho

    Pages 237-243

  29. Otitis Media in Special Populations

    • Stephanie J. Wong, Daniela Carvalho

    Pages 245-252

  30. Early in Life Otitis Media and Its Impact in Hearing, Speech Development, and Central Auditory Processing

    • Berenice Dias Ramos

    Pages 253-265

  31. Balance and Otitis Media

    • Rafael da Costa Monsanto, José Carlos Convento Júnior, José Vicente Boleli Scardini Alves, Norma de Oliveira Penido

    Pages 267-274

  32. The Use of Topical Treatment and Middle–Inner Ear Interaction

    • Marcos V. Goycoolea, Leandro Rodríguez, Pilar Epprecht

    Pages 275-278

  33. Silent Otitis Media and Subtle Complications

    • Rafael da Costa Monsanto, Michael M. Paparella

    Pages 279-286

  34. Complications of Otitis Media Limited to Within the Temporal Bone

    • Diane Biju, Aishan Patil, Shaila Sidam, Aditi Govil, Kanchan Gupta, Vishal Tyagi et al.

    Pages 287-292

  35. Intracranial Complications of Otitis Media

    • Diane Biju, Aishan Patil, Shaila Sidam, Aditi Govil, Kanchan Gupta, Vishal Tyagi et al.

    Pages 293-306

  36. Basic Imaging and Normal Temporal Bone Sections

    • Marcos V. Goycoolea, Catalina Gutiérrez, Francisco Chiang

    Pages 307-325

  37. Evaluation and Auditory Rehabilitation in Chronic Otitis Media (COM)

    • Byanka Cagnacci Buzo, S. Catherine Catenacci, G. Raquel Levy

    Pages 327-335

  38. Pathogenesis of Chronic Otitis Media and the Continuum: The Basics, Further and Beyond

    • Sady Selaimen da Costa, Michael M. Paparella

    Pages 337-362

  39. Chronic Otitis Media Without Cholesteatoma

    • Fábio André Selaimen, Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Sady Selaimen da Costa

    Pages 363-371

  40. Tympanic Membrane Perforations and Tympanoplasty: New Profiles, New Strategies

    • Fábio André Selaimen, Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Tiago Isamu Saiguchi Murakami, Sady Selaimen da Costa

    Pages 373-388

  41. Ossicular Pathology in Chronic Otitis Media

    • Cemil Kayaalp, Henrique Furlan Pauna, Rafael C. Monsanto, Hamed Sajjadi, Michael M. Paparella, Sebahattin Cureoglu

    Pages 389-394

  42. Tympanic Membrane Retractions: Pathophysiology, Classification, and Management

    • Inesangela Canali, Letícia Petersen Schmidt Rosito, Caroline Catherine Lacerda Elias

    Pages 395-406

  43. Temporal Bone Cholesteatoma: The Full Picture

    • Sady Selaimen da Costa, Leticia Petersen Schimdt Rosito, Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Fábio André Selaimen

    Pages 407-446

  44. Progresses in Cholesteatoma Research

    • H. Sudhoff, M. Schürmann

    Pages 447-464

  45. Advanced Hearing and Balance Evaluation in Otitis Media

    • Rafael da Costa Monsanto, Leandro Guena de Castro, Matheus Saito, José Carlos Convento Junior, Norma de Oliveira Penido

    Pages 465-480

  46. Radiological Evaluation of the Temporal Bone in Chronic Otitis Media

    • Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Marcela Lehmkuhl Damiani, Sady Selaimen da Costa

    Pages 481-503

  47. Surgical Anatomy of the Middle Ear Cleft and Mastoid

    • Sady Selaimen da Costa, Douglas K. Reinhardt, Marcela Lehmkuhl Damiani

    Pages 505-512

  48. The Endoscopic Anatomy of Temporal Bone

    • Muaaz Tarabichi, Aneesa Ansar, Mustafa Kapadia, Daniele Marchioni

    Pages 513-526

  49. Surgical Treatment of Chronic Otitis Media: Menu of Solutions

    • Sady Selaimen da Costa, Fabio Andre Selaimen, Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Douglas K. Reinhardt

    Pages 527-539

  50. Tympanoplasty: Underlay Technique Step by Step and the Complex Tympanoplasty

    • Fábio André Selaimen, Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Sady Selaimen da Costa

    Pages 541-558

  51. Tympanoplasty: The Overlay Technique Step by Step

    • Fábio André Selaimen, Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Sady Selaimen da Costa

    Pages 559-565

  52. Tympanoplasty: The Inlay Technique Step by Step

    • José Faibes Lubianca Neto, João Pedro Neves Lubianca, Marcelo Neves Lubianca, Roland Douglas Eavey

    Pages 567-583

  53. Medio-Lateral Graft Tympanoplasty for Anterior or Subtotal Tympanic Membrane Perforation: An Update

    • Timothy T. K. Jung

    Pages 585-588

  54. Flexible Approach Tympanoplasty/Mastoidectomy: A Pathology-Guided, Pathogenesis—Oriented Surgery for the Middle Ear

    • Sady Selaimen da Costa, Michael M. Paparella, Rochane Figini Maciel

    Pages 589-603

  55. Principles of Surgical Management of Cholesteatoma

    • Adam C. Kaufman, Peter L. Santa Maria

    Pages 605-614

  56. Canal Wall Down v/s Canal Wall Up

    • Jorge Caro, Jai-sen F. Leung, Phoebe H. Ramos

    Pages 615-623

  57. Simple Mastoidectomy: Indications and Techniques

    • Jefferson André Bauer, Felipe da Costa Huve

    Pages 625-629

  58. Canal Wall Up Tympanomastoidectomy

    • Alex Joseph Fejta Tampio, Douglas Backous

    Pages 631-639

  59. Canal Wall-Down Tympanomastoidectomy

    • Sady Selaimen da Costa, Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Jefferson André Bauer, Fábio André Selaimen, Letícia Petersen Schmidt Rosito

    Pages 641-663

  60. Endoscopic Assisted Canal Wall Up Tmpanomastoidectomy: The Combined Approach Redefined

    • Mauricio Noschang Lopes da Silva, Sady Selaimen da Costa, Fábio André Selaimen

    Pages 665-674

  61. Intact-Bridge Mastoidectomy

    • Rafael da Costa Monsanto, Henrique Furlan Pauna, Michael M. Paparella

    Pages 675-682

  62. Radical Mastoidectomy

    • Francisco Tocornal J.

    Pages 683-690

  63. Local Management of the Mastoidectomy Cavity

    • Leandro Rodríguez, Raimundo José García-Matte, Marcos V. Goycoolea

    Pages 691-694

  64. Reconstruction and Obliteration of the Mastoid Cavity

    • Michael B. Gluth, Ryan T. Judd

    Pages 695-705

  65. Subtotal Petrosectomy

    • Gianluca Piras, Wenlong Tang, Antonio Caruso, Lorenzo Lauda, Abdelkader Taibah, Mario Sanna

    Pages 707-715

  66. Back Matter

    Pages 717-730


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